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GENE THERAPY《基因治疗》 (官网投稿)

  • 期刊简称GENE THER
  • 参考译名《基因治疗》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率



GENE THERAPY《基因治疗》(月刊). Gene Therapy covers both the research and clinical applications of novel therapeutic techniques based on a ...[显示全部]














Guide to Authors


Aims and Scope Gene Therapy covers both the research and clinical applications of novel therapeutic techniques based on a genetic component. Over the last few decades, significant advances in technologies ranging from identifying novel genetic targets that cause disease through to clinical studies, which show therapeutic benefit, have elevated this multidisciplinary field to the forefront of modern medicine.

Gene Therapy covers all aspects of gene therapy as applied to human disease, including:

preliminary studies which reveal novel genetic targets or strategies that improve a disease phenotype (Note: studies showing the mechanistic role of genetic elements alone, will be considered if significant therapeutic benefit or novelty is shown)

the development of novel techniques for gene therapy research and improvements on established tools

preclinical animal model systems and validation studies

gene-based vaccine development and applications

genetically engineered cellular models that can advance the validation of novel therapeutic targets, and drug discovery especially those using high-throughput applications and 3D modelling

cell-based therapies including all aspects of stem cells and genetically modified cellular approaches (especially CRISPR and other gene editing strategies), including biobanking studies

clinical trial reports which have significant impact for the field

novel genetic biomarkers of disease susceptibility or disease progression with extensive scientific validation

Industry sector pipeline profiles or commercial implications of gene therapies

Regulatory landscapes and legislative issues pertaining to different global regions

Journal Details Editor-in-Chief: Janine Scholefield, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, South Africa, editorinchiefgt@gmail.com

Editorial office: Springer Nature, The Campus, 4 Crinan Street, London, UK, genetherapy@nature.com

Frequency: 12 issues a year

Abstracted in: BIOSIS Google Scholar Medline OCLC Science Citation Index Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch) Current Contents/Life Sciences SCOPUS Summon by ProQuest EBSCO Academic Search EBSCO Advanced Placement Source EBSCO Biomedical Reference Collection EBSCO STM Source ProQuest Biological Science Database ProQuest Central ProQuest Health & Medial Collection ProQuest Health Research Premium Collection ProQuest Medical Database ProQuest Natural Science Collection ProQuest Pharma Collection ProQuest Public Health Database ProQuest Research Library ProQuest SciTech Premium Collection EMBACE CNKI

Please note: for initial submissions we are happy to assess manuscripts in any format, as long as all the relevant sections are included and the manuscript can be easily assessed by our Editors and Reviewers. However, all revised submissions must adhere to the individual article formats and journal rules as clearly described below.

Peer Review Taxonomy: Gene Therapy is participating in a pilot of STM's Working Group on Peer Review Taxonomy. Please see How to Submit for more information.




Article (including Enabling Technologies) An Article is a substantial, in-depth, novel research study of interest to the readership of the journal. The structure an Article should follow is detailed below.

Unstructured abstract max 200 words;

Main body of text (excluding abstract, references, figures/tables) not to exceed 8,000 words;

Review Article Reviews in Gene Therapy aim to provide accessible, authoritative overviews of a field or topic. Review articles should communicate a sense of enthusiasm, weaving background information with the latest advances, and placing both of these elements in the context of the rest of the field. The abstract describes what the article is about in a succinct, easily digestible way. It should not contain specialist details, abbreviations, references or figure citations. References should concentrate on significant original research papers.

Unstructured abstract max 200 words;

Main body of text (excluding abstract, references, figures/tables) not to exceed 4,000 words;

Liberal use of tables or figures is encouraged

Max 100 references

News These should be shorter and more personal than reviews and comment on an individual paper or a specific area of research.

No abstract required;

Main body of text (excluding references, figures/tables) not to exceed 1,000 words;

Max 3 tables or figures

Max 20 references

Brief Communication

A Brief Communication reports a concise study of high quality and broad interest. These should be arranged under the headings: Abstract, Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results and Discussion where possible.

Unstructured abstract max 200 words;

Main body of text (excluding abstract, references, figures/tables) not to exceed 3,000 words;

Max 6 tables or figures

Max 50 references

Editorial These will be solicited by the editors but suggestions for such material are very welcome.

No abstract required;

Main body of text (excluding abstract, references, figures/tables) not to exceed 1,500 words;

Max 2 tables or figures

Max 5 references


These can discuss a recent paper or portray your view on a topical or controversial subject in the field.

No abstract required;

Main body of text (excluding abstract, references, figures/tables) not to exceed 1,500 words;

Max 2 tables or figures

Max 20 references


Perspectives are a hybrid between a commentary and a review, providing an opinion-driven perspective on a particular research topic or field of interest to the Gene Therapy readership. Authors should present a (provocative) view that can be supported by data and literature with the goal of sparking debate and stimulating future research avenues.

No abstract required

Main body of text (excluding abstract, references, figures/tables) not to exceed 2,000 words;

Max 4 tables or figures

Max 25 references


We would like to invite authors to submit images for potential use on the journal’s front cover or to be featured on the journal’s website and on the journal’s social media platforms. These should be either sent to the Editorial Office at genetherapy@nature.com or supplied as part of a manuscript submission, uploaded as a separate file and mention made in the Cover Letter.

Each image must be supplied with a title and ownership details (name and institution) and conform to the following formatting requirements:

Colour mode = CMYK (not RGB)

File format = .tif, .eps or .jpg

Minimum resolution = 300dpi at 525px wide by 300px high


House Style: Authors should adhere to the following formatting guidelines

Text should be double spaced with a wide margin.

All pages and lines are to be numbered.

Do not make rules thinner than 1px (0.36mm).

Use a coarse hatching pattern rather than shading for tints in graphs.

Colour should be distinct when being used as an identifying tool.

Commas, not spaces should be used to separate thousands.

At first mention of a manufacturer, the town (and state if USA) and country should be provided.

Statistical methods: For normally distributed data, mean (SD) is the preferred summary statistic. Relative risks should be expressed as odds ratios with 95% confidence interval. To compare two methods for measuring a variable the method of Bland & Altman (1986, Lancet 1, 307–310) should be used; for this, calculation of P only is not appropriate.

Units: Use metric units (SI units) as fully as possible. Preferably give measurements of energy in kiloJoules or MegaJoules with kilocalories in parentheses (1 kcal = 4.186kJ). Use % throughout.

Abbreviations: On first using an abbreviation place it in parentheses after the full item. Very common abbreviations such as FFA, RNA, need not be defined. Note these abbreviations: gram g; litre l; milligram mg; kilogram kg; kilojoule kJ; megajoule MJ; weight wt; seconds s; minutes min; hours h. Do not add ‘s’ for plural units. Terms used less than four times should not be abbreviated.

Please note that articles must contain the following components. Please see below for further details:

Cover letter

Title page (excluding acknowledgements)



Materials (or Patients) and Methods




Conflict of Interest


Figure legends



Reports of clinical trials must adhere to the registration and reporting requirements listed in the Editorial Policies.

Cover Letter

The uploaded covering letter must state the material is original research, has not been previously published and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere while under consideration. If the manuscript has been previously considered for publication in another journal, please include the previous reviewer comments, to help expedite the decision by the Editorial team.




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