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  • 参考译名《生理学前沿》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率4.90%
  • 主要研究方向医学-PHYSIOLOGY生理学



FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY《生理学前沿》(不定期). Frontiers in Physiology is a leading journal in its field, publishing rigorously peer-reviewed research...[显示全部]










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Scope & Mission

Frontiers in Physiologyis a leading journal in its field, publishing rigorously peer-reviewed research on the physiology of living systems, from the subcellular and molecular domains to the intact organism, and its interaction with the environment. Field Chief Editor John D. Imig at the Medical College of Wisconsin is supported by an outstanding Editorial Board of international researchers. This multidisciplinary open-access journal is at the forefront of disseminating and communicating scientific knowledge and impactful discoveries to researchers, academics, clinicians and the public worldwide.

The central tenet of physiology, that unites its various sub-disciplines, is the quest to understand how the various components of the organism work together to maintain a healthy state. It is only by understanding normal bodily function that the disruptions that lead to disease can be determined and ultimately corrected to restore the healthy state.

Please consider the content and article type specifications as stated below:

Articles that address purely pathological processes or treatment/management of disease and Clinical Trials and Case Reports do not fall within the areas covered byFrontiers in Physiology. The WHO defines a clinical trial as "any research study that prospectively assigns human participants or groups of humans to one or more health-related interventions to evaluate the effects on health outcomes". Articles of this type must be submitted to a more appropriate Frontiers clinical or medically related journal. Pathological studies like cancer related articles should be submitted to an appropriate section such as Frontiers in Oncology.

Please note that not all Article Types are available in all Sections. Some article types, such as those that mention medicine, are section specific. Authors are encouraged to refer to the section specific 'About' pages for available article types. Special circumstances related to sections cross-listed between two or more journals also apply, read more below. Only article types that appear in the drop-down menu during the submission process are available for submission to the selected section..

Due to the nature of our publishing program, sections cross-listed between two or more journals (for e.g. Aquatic Physiology, Autonomic Neuroscience, Biophysics, Exercise Physiology, Fractal Physiology, Medical Physics and Imaging, Reproduction) may continue to welcome these article types, and others, by submission through the other relevant field journal. However, authors should not proceed with submission of a clinical trial, case report or pilot study through Frontiers in Physiology. As stated, articles of this nature submitted to Frontiers in Physiology will be returned to authors without review, and/or with a suggestion to submit to a more appropriate Frontiers journal.

In the case of General Commentaries, the journal will only consider those which comment on a paper already published with Frontiers. Special exception may be given if a commentary addresses a body of knowledge, pending approval from section Chief Editors.

It is the mission of Frontiers in Physiology to provide a single platform to publish the most outstanding research across all the subspecialties embraced by physiology and to create a worldwide community of like-minded individuals, in order to facilitate the exchange of ideas and to promote interactions between investigators across specialties. Frontiers' Research Topics are particularly suited to this mission - more information can be found here.

Frontiers in Physiology is member of the Committee on Publication Ethics.


Frontiers in Physiology is composed of the following Specialty Sections:

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The specialty sections of Frontiers in Physiology welcome submission of the following article types: Clinical Trial, Correction, Editorial, General Commentary, Hypothesis and Theory, Methods, Mini Review, Opinion, Original Research, Perspective, Policy and Practice Reviews, Review, Study Protocol, Systematic Review, Technology and Code, Brief Research Report, Case Report, Community Case Study, Data Report, Retraction, Specialty Grand Challenge, Conceptual Analysis and Policy Brief.

When submitting a manuscript to Frontiers in Physiology, authors must submit the material directly to one of the specialty sections. Manuscripts are peer-reviewed by the Associate and Review Editors of the respective specialty section.




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