5、期刊刊期:自2021年起,期刊以continuous publication形式出版。
International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care
Instructions for authors
Editorial Aims and Scope
The Journal welcomes submission of manuscripts that evaluate health technologies to support health policy or practice decisions: Health Technology Assessments (HTAs), discussion of methods used in HTA, or related policy pieces. Health technologies encompass medicines, devices, diagnostic tools, or interventional procedures including mobile health technologies and telemedicine. We publish secondary research, for example systematic literature reviews, modeling studies, or economic evaluations, while primary research (such as diagnostic or treatment studies) is more suitable for relevant specialty journals. See the Manuscript Types table below. We do not publish papers on healthcare education, management or IT systems.
The evidence for secondary studies commonly originates from published comparative or non-comparative studies but may also include real world data or evidence. HTAs also incorporates areas relating to ethics, organizational issues, and patient and citizen involvement. Where relevant, manuscripts could include a paragraph on the policy implications of the findings.
Manuscripts are screened by the Editor-in-Chief and Deputy Editors and those that are deemed appropriate for the journal proceed to an international review process, which usually is completed within 10 weeks. Manuscripts may undergo more than one round of review. On occasion, the original reviewers may not be available, in which case, a new reviewer may be invited. Accepted manuscripts will be copy edited and published first on FirstView and later as part of an issue. The timeframe from acceptance to FirstView is usually within 6 weeks. Manuscripts must be in English using American spelling. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation should conform to the 17th Edition of The Chicago Manual of Style (University of Chicago Press). Refer to Preparation of Manuscript below for more details.
Manuscript Submission and Review
All manuscript submissions to the International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care must be made electronically via ScholarOne Manuscripts at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/thc. Authors should follow the style and formatting outlined in the Manuscript Types table and Preparation of Manuscript section below.
Please follow the detailed instructions on the website to avoid delays. The authors are asked to provide contact information and they may suggest reviewers. The website automatically acknowledges receipt of the manuscript and provides a manuscript reference number. Every effort will be made to provide the review promptly. Correspondence must quote the manuscript reference number and should be sent by email to the Editorial Office at IJTAHC@cambridge.org.
Manuscript Types
The Journal accepts the following types of manuscripts: