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  • 参考译名《感染与免疫》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率5.80%



INFECTION AND IMMUNITY《感染与免疫》(月刊). Infection and Immunity publishes research related to infections caused by pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and...[显示全部]













Infection and Immunity

IAI Article Types

The table below provides summary information about the various article types considered for publication in Infection and Immunity.

Article Type Description Word Count Guidance

Research Articles    Research Articles should provide new insights into the interactions between bacteria, fungi, and parasites and their hosts. Specific areas of interest include host cellular and immune response to microbes, molecular mechanisms of action of beneficial microbes or host-associated microbial communities, microbial pathogenesis, virulence factors, experimental models of infection, host resistance or susceptibility, and the generation of innate and adaptive immune responses. Abstract limited to 250 words

Minireviews   Minireviews are biographical profiles, historical perspectives, or summaries of developments in fast-moving areas. They must be based on published articles; they may address any subject within the scope of IAI.   6,000 words, exclusive of references; abstract limited to 250 words; author bios limited to 150 words per author

Commentaries  Commentaries are invited communications that provide perspectives on research articles in IAI.  4,000 words, exclusive of references; abstract limited to 75 words

Letters to the Editor   Letters to the Editor are intended only for comments on articles published in the journal and must cite published references to support the writer's argument.             500 words, exclusive of references; no abstract

Research Articles

Title, running title, byline, affiliation lines, and corresponding author. Each manuscript should present the results of an independent, cohesive study; thus, numbered series titles are not permitted. Exercise care in composing a title. Avoid the main title/subtitle arrangement, complete sentences, and unnecessary articles. On the title page, include the title, the running title (not to exceed 54 characters and spaces), the name of each author, all authors' affiliations at the time the work was performed, the name(s) and e-mail address(es) of the corresponding author(s), and a footnote indicating the present address(es) of any author(s) no longer at the institution where the work was performed. Place a number sign (#) in the byline after the affiliation letter(s) of the author to whom inquiries regarding the paper should be directed (see "Correspondent footnote" below). Indicate each author's affiliation with a superscript lowercase letter placed after the author's surname in the byline (separate multiple affiliation letters with commas but no space). Each affiliation should have its own line and its own superscript affiliation letter preceding it. Do not consolidate different departments at one institution into one address with a single affiliation letter, even if all affected authors belong to all of those departments. If more than one co-first author is designated, authors are required to state how the order of names was decided as an additional footnote on the title page.

Please review this sample title page for guidance.

Study group in byline. A study group, surveillance team, working group, consortium, or the like (e.g., the Active Bacterial Core Surveillance Team) may be listed as a coauthor in the byline if its contributing members satisfy the requirements for authorship and accountability. The names (and institutional affiliations, if desired) of the contributing members may be given as a separate paragraph in Acknowledgments.

If the contributing members of the group associated with the work do not fulfill the criteria of substantial contribution to and responsibility for the paper, the group may not be listed in the author byline. Instead, it and the names of its contributing members may be listed in the Acknowledgments section.

Correspondent footnote. The e-mail address for the corresponding author should be included on the title page of the manuscript. This information will be published in the article as a footnote to facilitate communication and will be used to notify the corresponding author of the availability of proofs and, later, of the PDF file of the published article. No more than two authors may be designated corresponding authors.

Abstract. Limit the abstract to 250 words or fewer and concisely summarize the basic content of the paper without presenting extensive experimental details. Avoid abbreviations and references, and do not include diagrams. Include a succinct description of the microbe and its associated disease. When it is essential to include a reference, use the format shown under “References” below (see the “Citations in abstracts” section). Because the abstract will be published separately by abstracting services, it must be complete and understandable without reference to the text.

Introduction. The introduction should supply sufficient background information to allow the reader to understand and evaluate the results of the present study without referring to previous publications on the topic. The introduction should also provide the hypothesis that was addressed or the rationale for the present study and include a succinct description of the microbe and its associated disease. Choose references carefully to provide the most salient background rather than an exhaustive review of the topic.




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