The IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems is a bimonthly journal that publishes papers on
The organization, design, development, integration, and operation of complex systems for space, air, ocean, or ground environment. These systems include, but not limited to, navigation, avionics, spacecraft, aerospace power, radar, sonar, telemetry, defense, transportation, automated testing, and command and control.
The boundaries of acceptable subject matter has been intentionally left flexible so that the Transactions can follow the research activities to better meet the needs of the members of the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society. The topics of current interest are best summarized in the titles of the editorial areas published on our website http://ieee-aess.org/publications/transactions-aes.
Types of Contributions
Contributions may be in the form of regular papers, correspondence items or letters. The Aerospace and Electronics Systems Society publishes selected survey papers in a separate tutorials volume. Submission and review of survey papers are managed by the Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine editors. To submit a survey paper, visit https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/aesm and select “Tutorials” as the manuscript type.
Regular Papers: Regular papers are to be a well-rounded treatment of a problem area. The title, abstract, and introduction should be sufficiently informative to illuminate the essence of the manuscript to the broadest possible audience and to place the contributions in context with related work. The body of the manuscript should be understandable without undue effort by its intended audience.
Authors must submit Regular Paper manuscripts electronically via https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/taes. The "Regular Paper" type must be selected. If there is reference material that is both essential for the reviewing process and unavailable to the reviewers, the authors should provide an electronic copy for the sake of expediting the review process. There is no limit on the number of manuscript pages. But authors should be aware that
Unnecessarily long manuscripts may receive unfavorable reviews.
Publication of an accepted regular paper manuscript must be accompanied by $200 for each printed page beyond 10.
Correspondence: The distinction between regular papers and correspondence is not one of quality, but of nature. Whereas a regular paper is a well-rounded treatment of a problem area, a correspondence item makes one or two points concisely. Consequently, correspondence items should be less discursive, but as lucid, as a regular paper.
Authors must submit Correspondence manuscripts electronically via https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/taes. The "Correspondence Item" manuscript type must be selected. If there is reference material that is both essential for the reviewing process and unavailable to the reviewers, the authors should provide an electronic copy for the sake of expediting their review process. There is no limit on the number of manuscript pages. But authors should be aware that
Unnecessarily long manuscripts may receive unfavorable reviews.
Publication of an accepted correspondence manuscript must be accompanied by $200 for each printed page beyond 6.
Letters: A Letter contains something that needs to appear very quickly: a contribution to a competitive and fast-moving subfield perhaps, or else a result that would be of immediate benefit to others if widely known. Our intention is that a Letter submission be reviewed expeditiously, and that an accepted Letter will be sent to the head of the publication queue for quick appearance. We anticipate that it will appear in the second-to-next Transactions issue: in fewer than six months.
Authors must submit Letter manuscripts electronically via https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/taes. The "Letter" manuscript type must be selected at the time of submission. In format, a Letter must be short, no more than 4 pages long as published, and hence it must be submitted in two-column/single-spaced format so this can be verified. It must fit the requirements for a Letter, specifically that its expeditious publication be demonstrably important. The author must understand that there is no revision stage: the manuscript will be either accepted as is, or else rejected. This means that the development must be clear and the language without flaw. The author must also signal his or her willingness to pay mandatory charges of $250 per printed page.
Information for all IEEE Authors: General information for IEEE authors (in some cases superseded by specific TAES instructions) is available at the IEEE Author Center.