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  • 参考译名《牙颌面放射学》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率



DENTOMAXILLOFACIAL RADIOLOGY《牙颌面放射学》(一年8期). Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (DMFR) is the journal of the International Association of Dentomaxillofacial ...[显示全部]













Dentomaxillofacial Radiology

Instructions for Authors

Why submit?

Articles undergo rigorous, double-blind peer-review

Rapid handling times - receive a first decision on your paper in only 21 days!

Rapid publication - accepted articles immediately available online and final version in just 3 weeks!

International readership

Submitting and publishing a manuscript in DMFR incurs no fees

Great customer care for authors and readers

New content alerts available

Article usage statistics available


DMFR has an international and multidisciplinary readership. DMFR's expert international Editorial Board oversees the rigorous, double-blind peer review process and determines which articles are accepted for publication.

DMFR is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and adheres to COPE guidelines and recommendations in order to ensure best ethical practice. DMFR's instructions for authors are written in accordance with the guidelines provided by the International Committee for Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), ‘Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly work in Medical Journals’ and authors are encouraged to read our instructions before submitting a manuscript.

If you have any questions about the submission or peer review process, please contact the DMFR office at michael.bornstein@unibas.ch


It is free to submit and publish your work in DMFR – there are no compulsory fees for authors. The only charges that authors could incur are optional and summarised below.

Submit a manuscript: FREE

Rigorous, double-blind peer review: FREE

For accepted manuscripts, the standard licence to publish: FREE

Articles where the authors choose to publish open access:

CC BY 4.0 or CC BY NC 4.0 = £2100

Colour charges for figures

Online version: FREE

Print version, black and white: FREE

Print version, one colour image: £300

Print version, two colour images: £500

Print version, each additional colour image: £100

If you do not wish to have your figures in colour for the printed issue, our production department will convert your files to monochrome for the print version of your article. You do not need to submit a separate black and white version of your images. Make sure the figure legends and main text contains no reference to colour in the images.

All prices are exclusive of any taxes which may be applicable.

Submission guide




Research Articles

Research articles should describe your novel original research in a clear, reproducible way. Research articles should be no more than 7000 words, with generally no more than 50 references.


The abstract for research articles should be constructed under the following subheadings:





More information on preparing your submission can be found here.

You should give sufficient background to your work and the reference list should be representative of the field.

The method should be described clearly.

Any limitations of the work should be addressed and discussed.

The conclusions drawn should be consistent with the results obtained.

The images included should be clear enough such that the work can be understood.

Any ethical approval statements should be included where relevant.

Appropriate statistical analysis of results should be carried out where relevant.

Review Articles and Systematic Reviews

Review articles should provide a broad overview and update on a particular topic, specifically discussing recent research in that area (ca the past 1-3 years). The authors are invited to comment on the state of the field to date and speculate on possible future directions, supported by references.

Review articles should be no larger than 8000 words, typically around 3000 – 6000 words, with 60 – 100 references.

Short Communications

Short communications are brief articles describing original research that is in it’s early stages and not ready to be written up as a full paper. This category encompasses work-in-progress etc and typically follows the structure of a research article.

The abstract for short communications papers should be constructed under the following subheadings:





More information on preparing your submission can be found here.

Short communications are typically 1000 – 2000 words with 5 – 15 references.

Technical Reports

A technical report is not a hypothesis-driven research report but describes a technique or piece of software of interest to a clinician or researcher in a relevant field of interest.

Technical reports are typically ca. 4000 words with 15 references.

Case Reports

DMFR no longer considers Case Reports for publication.

If you have a case that is unusual and of significant clinical interest, you might want to consider submitting it to a dedicated case reports journal, such as BJR|Case reports. You can read more about BJR|Case reports here.

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor should comment on an article that has appeared in a previous issue of DMFR. These will be forwarded to the authors of that article to allow them to reply. If accepted, the letters will be published together.

Correspondence should not, unless absolutely necessary, contain tables or figures.

All authors to a letter must sign it.

No more than six key references should be included.


For guidelines regarding word count, figure/table count and references for all DMFR article types see here.

Authors' names and affiliations should not appear anywhere on the manuscript pages or the images (to ensure blind peer-review).

Teeth should be designated in the text using the full English terminology. In tables and figures individual teeth can be identified using the FDI two-digit system, i.e. tooth 13 is the first permanent canine in the right maxilla region.

Author contribution statement

Title page


Main text





Supplementary material

Units, symbols and statistics


Author contribution statement

DMFR requires that an author contribution statement accompany each submission, outlining the contributions of each author towards the work. A template statement can be downloaded here.

DMFR requires that for all submitted papers:

All the authors have made substantive contributions to the article and assume full responsibility for its content; and

All those who have made substantive contributions to the article have been named as authors.

The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors recommends the following definition for an author of a work, which we ask our authors to adhere to:

Authorship be based on the following 4 criteria [1]:

Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND

Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND

Final approval of the version to be published; AND

Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

1 The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, Roles and Responsibilities of Authors, Contributors, Reviewers, Editors, Publishers, and Owners: Defining the Role of Authors and Contributors, http://www.icmje.org/roles_a.html

Title page

The title page is a separate submission item to the main manuscript and should provide the following information:

Title of the paper. Abbreviations other than CT or MRI should not be used in the title.

A shortened version of the title (no more than 70 characters in length, including spaces) should be provided for use as the running head. Abbreviations are permissible.

Type of Manuscript (see all types of manuscript)

Author names should appear in full (in the format: "first name, initial(s), last name), qualifications and affiliations.

Statement indicating any source of funding or financial interest where relevant should be included.

A cover letter or statement can be included into the title page, but please note this is not a compulsory item.

Blind title page

A blind title page should be included with the full manuscript, giving only the title (i.e. without the authors’ names and affiliations), for use in the peer-review process.


The abstract should be an accurate and succinct summary of the paper, not exceeding 250 words. For papers containing research: the abstract should be constructed under the following subheadings:





These subheadings should appear in the text of the abstract and the abstract should not contain references. The abstract should: indicate the specific objective or purpose of the article; describe the methods used to achieve the objective, stating what was done and how it was done; present the findings of the methods described – key statistics should be included; present the conclusion of the study based solely on the data provided, and highlight the novelty of the work.

Beneath the abstract please select up to 5 keywords from the current Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).

Main text

Please organise your paper in a logical structure with clear subheadings to indicate relevant sections. It is up to the authors to decide the specific nature of any subheadings as they see fit. Research papers typically follow the structure:

Introductory section;

Methods and materials/patients;




Acknowledgments (if relevant).

Present results in a clear logical sequence. The conclusions drawn should be supported by the results obtained and the discussion section should comment critically on the findings and conclusions as well as any limitations of the work.

Acknowledgments should be brief and should indicate any potential conflicts of interest and sources of financial support.

An appendix may be used for mathematical formulae or method details of interest to readers with specialist knowledge of the area.




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