Guide for Authors
Aims and scope
Aquatic Toxicology publishes significant contributions that increase the understanding of the impact of harmful substances (including natural and synthetic chemicals) on aquatic organisms and ecosystems.
Aquatic Toxicology considers both laboratory and field studies with a focus on marine/ freshwater environments. We strive to attract high quality original scientific papers, critical reviews and expert opinion papers in the following areas:
•Effects of harmful substances on molecular, cellular, sub-organismal, organismal, population, community, and ecosystem level;
•Toxic Mechanisms;
•Genetic disturbances, transgenerational effects, behavioral and adaptive responses;
•Impacts of harmful substances on structure, function of and services provided by aquatic ecosystems;
•Mixture toxicity assessment;
•Statistical approaches to predict exposure to and hazards of contaminants
The journal also considers manuscripts in other areas, such as the development of innovative concepts, approaches, and methodologies, which promote the wider application of toxicological datasets to the protection of aquatic environments and inform ecological risk assessments and decision making by relevant authorities.
Aquatic Toxicology does not publish articles that focus on the health of aquaculture organisms associated with aquaculture practices, unless these studies enhance our understanding of the potential effects of chemical stressors associated with aquaculture (e.g. pesticides use, water quality degradation) on aquatic organisms and/or ecosystems. Aquatic Toxicology does not consider articles that focus on monitoring the presence of chemicals in the environment unless these studies further investigate the impacts of the chemicals on aquatic organisms and/or ecological systems. Furthermore, studies that characterize the potential risks of contaminated fish or other aquatic food products on humans or livestock are outside of the scope of the journal.
Types of paper
1. Original Research Papers (Regular Papers)
2. Review Articles
3. Short Communications
4. Letters to the Editor
Original Research Papers should report the results of original research. These papers should be limited to 7,000 words (excluding references) and should not have more than 40 references and the combined count of figures and tables should not be more than 12. In special cases, a request can be made for longer papers. The Editors encourage brevity for the introduction. The material should not have been previously published elsewhere, except in a preliminary form.
Review Articles can be divided into three types:
• Regular reviews covering subjects falling within the scope of the journal which are of active current interest. Review papers should preferably not exceed 10,000 words (excluding references). In special cases, a request can be made for longer papers. The Editors encourage brevity for the introduction.
• Mini-reviews. These will be short reviews or overviews (not exceeding 2-3 printed pages, approx. 1000-1500 words) on topics of above-average emerging interest.
• Commentaries. This label will be given to mini-reviews which clearly contain the personal opinions of the author concerned. All types of review articles will be solicited by the Reviews Editor, M. Celander, Dept. of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Goteborgs Universitet, BOX 463, SE 405 30, Goteborg, Sweden, Email: malin.celander@gu.se.
Short Communications will be restricted to papers describing short, complete studies with exceptional news value. A further requirement is that the study cannot easily be expanded to a full-length article. They should not exceed 3 printed pages, including figures and tables (approx. 1500 words), and should be written in a continuous style, without subdivisions of introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion and acknowledgements; they should always begin with a summary. A short communication, although brief, should be a complete and final publication, and figures and tables from the communication should not occur in a later paper.
Letters to the Editor should either offer comment on a paper published in the journal, or comment on any general matter providing that this is relevant to the scope of the journal. In the case of letters commenting on published papers, the author(s) of the latter will be given the opportunity to react to the letter and the two items will subsequently be published together in the journal.
To be considered for publication, studies will have conform with the following expectations:
Studies assessing the effects of contaminants or other stressors need to confirm actual exposure concentrations. We acknowledge that in some cases analytically confirmation is not possible (e.g. in vitro or embryo assays using microplates that do not produce sufficient volumes or the lack of existing analytical methodologies). In these cases, the authors are asked to make a clear case for why confirmation was not possible and they should provide alternative affirmation of exposure (e.g. through exposure modeling or confirmation of concentrations in working stocks).
Studies have to follow a robust study and statistical design with appropriate replications (e.g. use of replicate tanks/experiments to avoid issues with pseudo-replication) that need to be clearly described in the methods section.
Text copied from copyrighted works (including published documents by your own group) should never be used without clearly identifying the text as a quote (either by quotations or indentations). Every article should present a unique paper written in an author's own current words. This also applies to repetitions of text (e.g. methods descriptions) written previously by the same authors, which is to be avoided as it is considered inappropriate from a publication ethics perspectives.
Submission checklist
You can use this list to carry out a final check of your submission before you send it to the journal for review. Please check the relevant section in this Guide for Authors for more details.
Ensure that the following items are present:
One author has been designated as the corresponding author with contact details:
• E-mail address
• Full postal address
All necessary files have been uploaded:
• Include keywords
• All figures (include relevant captions)
• All tables (including titles, description, footnotes)
• Ensure all figure and table citations in the text match the files provided
• Indicate clearly if color should be used for any figures in print
Graphical Abstracts / Highlights files (where applicable)
Supplemental files (where applicable)
Further considerations
• Manuscript has been 'spell checked' and 'grammar checked'
• All references mentioned in the Reference List are cited in the text, and vice versa
• Permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Internet)
• A competing interests statement is provided, even if the authors have no competing interests to declare
• Journal policies detailed in this guide have been reviewed
• Referee suggestions and contact details provided, based on journal requirements