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Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine《海底与高气压医学》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《海底与高气压医学》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 知网外文库,外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率



Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine《海底与高气压医学》(季刊). The Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine is the UHMS quarterly, peer-reviewed journal.  Undersea ...[显示全部]















The Journal of the Undersea & Hyperbaric Medical Society, Inc.


Original manuscripts and subsequent revisions must be submitted electronically in MS WORD through Manuscript Manager® at: https://www.manuscriptmanager.net/uhm

UHM will not consider simultaneous submissions nor papers that have not been released from consideration by other journals. In the case of papers that have been reviewed and released by another journal, UHM reserves the right to request reviews and editor comments from the other journal(s) during its consideration of the paper.

Only manuscripts written in the English language will be considered.

Submissions that are not consistent with these guidelines will be returned to the corresponding author for revision before being reviewed.


The language of the journal is standard American English. Papers must be written in a clear, concise style for the best chance of acceptance. UHM does not provide translation or writing services; authors who are not fluent in the language should have the manuscript edited before submission by a native English speaker or professional language editor.

The journal will decline to review manuscripts that are not written clearly enough for an informed reader to follow the line of arguments.


Membership in the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society is not a prerequisite for publication in UHM. Manuscripts are accepted for publication on the condition that they are contributed solely to UHM. Authors submitting a manuscript do so with the understanding that if it is accepted for publication, copyright is assigned exclusively to the UHMS.

Acceptance of a manuscript is based on originality and quality of the work as well as clarity of presentation. An editor will review the manuscript and one or more external, impartial reviewers will be asked to evaluate each manuscript for significance and scientific soundness.


Proofs are sent to corresponding authors via email in a PDF format and are to be checked carefully. The corresponding author is the responsible party for signing off on proofs. During this process UHM makes the reasonable assumption that the corresponding author will consult with all co-authors or be designated by the co-authors to act on their behalf.

Necessary changes must be clearly indicated on the galley or an accompanying Word document, with corrections set in color text or highlighting. Proofs must be sent back within the time specified. A paper may be rescheduled if delay warrants. Authors whose original papers are accepted for publication in UHM can publish for no fee.


The UHMS endorses the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki on the treatment of human subjects and the guiding principles in the care and use of animals approved by the Council of the American Physiological Society. For more on these topics see the sections entitled “Scope of the Journal” and “Recommendations from the Declaration of Helsinki.” Studies using human subjects or animals must clearly indicate in that the study was reviewed and approved by the appropriate group or agency.


The Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine Journal strives to provide unbiased scientific information and fair analyses through its publication of the following types of papers.

Research articles/reports should not exceed 6,000 words and have approximately 25 references, four tables and four figures. Papers in this category should cover results of experimental, theoretical and clinical investigations on topics important to the understanding of undersea, submarine and hyperbaric medicine. Short reports that make a substantial scientific contribution as well as extensive studies will be considered.

Review articles should not exceed 6,000 words and have up to 150 references. Longer reviews of exceptional quality and relevance should be considered. These texts may cover scientific and practical subjects and may express personal opinions of the author, backed by documentation.

Short communications should not exceed 3,000 words, with approximately 12 references and a combined total of four tables/figures. This category includes:

Clinical communications and clinical case reports should not exceed 3,000 words, with approximately 12 references and a combined total of four tables/figures. These papers should comprise observations of an exceptionally revealing nature and include a short introduction to provide perspective, details of the case, and discussion that includes references to pertinent literature.

Letters to the editor should not exceed 400 words and contain no more than five references. Letters include discussion of scientific papers that have appeared in the journal or scientific issues of interest to the journal’s readers. Letters should include an informative title and be as short as possible. A letter can be signed by no more than three authors.


The overriding principles for papers considered for UHM are that the text is correct and unambiguous, clear and concise. When writing, the active voice is generally preferable to the passive voice. Parallel construction of groups of like items and/or concepts aids in comprehension. Figures should be uncomplicated and legible. Abbreviations and acronyms should not be overused, be clearly defined at first appearance in the abstract as well as in the text and avoided in the title

Specific items of information should appear only once in the manuscript. There should be no verbatim repetition of Copyright© [date] Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, Inc. in the text of material that appears in a table or figure. Avoid duplication of data in graphs and tables. There should be no repetition of information in the Discussion section that has already appeared in Results.

Authors are encouraged to use papers that have appeared in recent issues of UHM as models for their manuscript preparation. All accepted manuscripts are subject to final editing by the editors to improve readability and to conserve space.


Submission. Manuscripts must be submitted electronically through the online submission and review system Manuscript Manager at: https://www.manuscriptmanager.net/uhm. Individuals submitting papers will be guided in the submission process, including full and short titles, keywords, conflict of interest statements, plus author names, affiliations and email addresses. Direct submission enquiries to the Managing Editor.

Text requirements: Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine participates in the agreement established by the international Committee of Medical Journal Editors as set forth in Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals:

Ann Intern Med. 1988; 108:258-265 and Br Med J 1988; 296:401-405.

Title page: A title page that is separate from the manuscript should include the following.

title of no more than 85 characters, including spaces;

each author’s full names highest academic degree, laboratory or institution of origin, with city, state and country

a running head, not to exceed 50 characters, including spaces; plus

full contact info for the corresponding author including telephone, fax numbers, mailing address, and email

Titles should be informative. The implication that a manuscript is one of a series of related papers is discouraged (e.g., Decompression sickness studies I”). Avoid titles that are posed as questions.




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