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  • 参考译名《有机与无机化学杂志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率13.20%
  • 主要研究方向化学-CHEMISTRY, INORGANIC & NUCLEAR 无机化学与核化学



ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANORGANISCHE UND ALLGEMEINE CHEMIE《有机与无机化学杂志》(半月刊). ZAAC is an international scientific journal which publishes original papers&n...[显示全部]















Prof. Dr. Thomas F. Fässler holds the Chair of Inorganic Chemistry with Focus on Novel Materials at the Technische Universität München (TUM), Germany. He received his PhD from the University of Heidelberg, Germany, and started his academic career at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ), Switzerland. His research focusses on intermetallic compounds and main group element / intermetalloid clusters.

Technical University

Lichtenbergstrasse 4

85747 Garching (Germany)

Phone: +49-(0)89-289-13131

Fax: +49-(0)89-289-13186

E-mail: zaac@lrz.tum.de


Prof. Dr. Thomas M. Klapötke is Full Professor and Chair of Inorganic Chemistry at LMU, Munich, Germany. He received his PhD from the TUB, Berlin, Germany, and started his academic career at the Univ. of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland. His research focuses on explosives, propellants and pyrotechnics with applications to the defense industry.

Ludwig-Maximilians University

Butenandtstrasse 5-13

81377 Munich (Germany)

Phone: +49-(0)89-2180-77491

Fax: +49-(0)89-2180-77492

E-mail: zaac@cup.uni-muenchen.de


Prof. Dr. Christian Limberg is Full Professor at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. He earned doctorates at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany, and at Oxford University, England, and he then started his independent career in Heidelberg. His research interests focus on surface-inspired and biomimetic molecular metal/oxygen systems as well as on small molecule activation.

Humboldt University

Brook-Taylor-Strasse 2

12489 Berlin (Germany)

Phone: +49-(0)30-2093-7382

Fax: +49-(0)30-2093-6966

E-mail: christian.limberg@chemie.hu-berlin.de


Prof. Dr. Guodong Qian is Yangtze river scholars Distinguished Professor at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. He studied and received his PhD degree in materials science from Zhejiang University. He was a Visiting Scholar and Visiting Professor at Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, China, and at Kyoto University, Japan. His research interests include hybrid organicinorganic photonic materials, materials of lithiumion batteries, photonic glasses, optical spectroscopy as well as metalorganic frameworks.

Zhejiang University

Zheda Road 38

310027 Hangzhou (PR China)

Phone: +86-571-87952229

Phone: +86-18268821066

E-mail: zaac@zju.edu.cn


Publisher(Editorial Office)

Dr. Eva-Stina Müller (Publisher) obtained her MSc degree in chemical engineering at the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, and her PhD degree in inorganic chemistry in a collaboration with the Royal Institute of Technology and the University of Seville, Spain. She joined the book department at Wiley-VCH in 2007. Currently she is responsible for a group of journals with external editorial offices.


Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA

Boschstrasse 12

69469 Weinheim (Germany)

Phone: +49-(0)6201-606-149

E-Mail: zaac-office@wiley-vch.de



Wiley-VCH GmbH

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69451 Weinheim (Germany)

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Monika Silz joined Wiley-VCH in 1995. She is Senior Marketing Manager for about 30 chemistry journals. The portfolio ranges from A like Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis and Angewandte over C for Chemistry – A European Journal, E like EurJIC or EurJOC,  to Z like ZAAC. It also includes all titles from leading societies like GDCh, ChemPubSoc Europe and ACES.

Fax: +49-(0)6201-606-100

E-Mail: msilz@wiley-vch.de


Marketing Executive

Gabriela Kraft joined Wiley-VCH in 1989. After working for some years in the book sales department, Gabriela moved to journals marketing. Today she is working as Associate Marketing Manager in the Chemistry Journals team from Monika Silz. She is responsible for marketing activities in print and online for General, Organic, Inorganic, Physical Chemistry, and Catalysis. This includes also society journals (ChemPubSoc Europe, ACES) as well as many other chemistry journals from Weinheim.

Fax: +49-(0)6201-606-100

E-Mail: gkraft@wiley-vch.de



Denis Ott joined Wiley-VCH as a trainee in 2004. Since the summer of 2006, he has worked as a production manager for Chemistry—A European Journal. He is also responsible for the production of the European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry and the European Journal of Organic Chemistry.

Fax: +49-(0)6201-606-283

E-Mail: dott@wiley-vch.de




Guidelines for Authors

1 General Information

ZAAC is an international and rigorously peer-reviewed journal which publishes Reviews, Articles and Short Communications. The scope of ZAAC includes new research results, both experimental and theoretical, in all fields of inorganic chemistry. Emphasis is placed on the synthesis, structure investigation, spectroscopy, and bonding properties of significant new and known compounds. ZAAC is published 24 times a year.

Authors are solely responsible for the contents of their contribution. It is assumed that they have the necessary authority for publication. The contents of manuscripts submitted to ZAAC must not have been submitted to any other journal in parallel or published previously. The authors must inform the Editors of manuscripts submitted to, soon to be submitted to, or in print at other journals that have a bearing on the manuscript being submitted. All submissions and publication issues must be in keeping with the Ethical Guidelines for Publication in Journals and Reviews of the European Association of Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS). In particular, authors should reveal all sources of funding for the work presented in the manuscript and should declare any conflict of interest.

ZAAC offers web-based manuscript submission and peer-review via Editorial Manager (EM). This service guarantees fast and safe submission of manuscripts and rapid assessment processes. Online submission is mandatory. Please prepare your manuscript in keeping with the guidelines given below (§3 and §4).

For the submission of new manuscripts, a single Word DOC file needs to be uploaded as "Main Document" on the File Upload screen (for use of the ZAAC manuscript templates, please refer to §3). Tables and all graphics should be embedded in the DOC file in the text where they belong (not collected at the end). Do not choose the file designation "Image" when uploading new manuscripts. Supporting Information can be uploaded, e.g., as a single, separate Word DOC or PDF file with all graphics embedded by choosing the file designation "Supporting Information".

For the submission of revised manuscripts, text, tables and graphics prepared with ChemDraw, ISIS Draw and Excel need to be uploaded as a single Word DOC file; the graphics need to be linked to those programs within the Word file. Upload this file as "Main Document". All other graphics need to be uploaded as separate files in a graphic format such as TIFF or JPG with a resolution of 300 dpi or higher; for these graphic files choose the designation "Image" on the File Upload screen. Figure and Scheme captions should not be embedded into the graphic files, but rather included at the end of the text file of the manuscript.

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Steps for using the ZAAC online submission system:

Go to http://www.editorialmanager.com/zaac. By submitting a manuscript to or reviewing for this publication, your name, email address, and affiliation, and other contact details the publication might require, will be used for the regular operations of the publication, including, when necessary, sharing with the publisher (Wiley) and partners for production and publication. The publication and the publisher recognize the importance of protecting the personal information collected from users in the operation of these services, and have practices in place to ensure that steps are taken to maintain the security, integrity, and privacy of the personal data collected and processed. You can learn more at https://authorservices.wiley.com/statements/data-protection-policy.html.

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Authors can follow the progress of their manuscripts on their personal Author homepage: All manuscripts of the authors submitted to and all review reports written for ZAAC are archived here. This homepage should also be used to upload the revised and final versions of all manuscripts submitted to ZAAC.

Each contribution submitted to ZAAC will be peer-reviewed. Authors are encouraged to suggest suitable referees (full names and affiliations). However, not necessarily those referees nominated by the authors will be contacted. Manuscripts which are clearly inappropriate for the journal can be rejected without consulting referees. All accepted manuscripts will be edited before printing to ensure scientific consistency, clarity of presentation, and uniformity of style.

The main correspondence author will receive a PDF file of the article (allowance of 25 printouts). Reprints and high-resolution PDFs (unlimited number of article printouts) can be ordered for a reasonable price when the corrected proofs are returned.

We encourage authors to submit pictures for the cover page. A template, 2260_covertemplate.pdf, is available under the link "Author Guidelines" on our journal homepage (http://www.zaac.wiley-vch.de).

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2 Types of Contributions

Reviews are critical review-type articles that present a particular current topic in inorganic chemistry, providing the reader with an appreciation of the importance of the work, a summary of recent developments, a balanced discussion of problems and progress, and well selected literature coverage. Reviews cover a selected topic that has either been developed by the authors themselves or in which they have played a major role: from the seeds of the first ideas or the first observation of a new phenomenon to the reality and the vision for the future. As a rule, Reviews are written on invitation, although unsolicited articles are also welcome. It is recommended that authors contact one of the Editors before submitting an unsolicited Review. Reviews should not exceed 20 pages or 10–12 typeset pages. A biographical sketch (700–1500 characters) and a portrait-quality black & white photograph (TIFF file) of the correspondence author(s) should also be submitted. Reviews will undergo peer review.

Articles (Full Papers) must be either of current general interest or of great significance to a more specialized readership and should report comprehensive details of completed studies and have well developed discussions, background information, and literature coverage. All contributions will be judged on the criteria of originality, quality and novelty. Papers that are suitable for consideration will be sent to independent referees. Manuscripts must not have been published previously, except in the form of a preliminary Communication (reprint requested). Details that could be of importance to the referees, but that are unlikely to be of interest to the reader, can be submitted as an enclosure for the referees. Copies of cited publications not yet available for the referees should be submitted along with the manuscript. Articles include an Experimental Section. They are not restricted in length, but authors are asked for conciseness.

Short Communications are unsolicited, short reports. Preliminary results might be presented, which will usually be followed up by an Article. The results must be of great significance and unusual urgency; they must contribute to the development or further development of an important area of research. A justification for urgent publication should accompany submission. An Experimental Section is desirable; if it is not included in the manuscript, the experimental data should be submitted as Supporting Information for refereeing purposes and marked as such. Short Communications will undergo peer review if in general suitable for publication in ZAAC. They are limited to 6 pages or 2–3 typeset pages, including graphical items.

Manuscripts that critically comment on Communications in ZAAC that ideally have been published not more than three months ago can be published as Comments if they make an important contribution to the scientific discussion. The author of the Communication to which the Comment pertains will have the opportunity to reply.

Scientifically incorrect or incomplete information in published articles should be corrected in a Corrigendum—which is as short as possible. Corrigenda are printed directly after the Table of Contents. We request that authors submit the Corrigendum electronically like any other article through the Editorial Manager and that they cite the publication to be corrected as well as its DOI.

3 Manuscript Preparation

General: Authors are encouraged to consult recent issues of ZAAC for examples of format. We recommend the use of the ZAAC manuscript templates (MS Word for Win/Mac), which are available on the journal homepage at www.zaac.wiley-vch.de under "For Authors". Each template can be downloaded and saved as a DOC file, in which the positions for inserting the parts of the text and graphics of the manuscript have been clearly indicated. Important: Papers must be written in English. The spelling must be British or American but consistency should be maintained throughout a manuscript. Authors are asked to make their manuscripts suitable for a heterogeneous readership—please use a simple, clear style, and avoid jargon. For all types of contribution described above, a suitable color graphic (formula or part of a figure) for the Table of Contents should be included. Pictures should be kept small with minimum detail, as the maximum final width is 5 cm.

Article Preparation: Wiley Editing Services offers expert help with English Language Editing, as well as translation, manuscript formatting, figure illustration, figure formatting, and graphical abstract design. Also, check out our resources for Preparing Your Article for general guidance about writing and preparing your manuscript.

ZAAC is published fully online. No issues will be printed. All color figures in ZAAC are reproduced free of charge to authors.. All author benefits and services remain in place, e.g., authors will continue to be able to order reprints of their articles or print-on-demand issue copies.

Title page: Series title and number, if applicable; title; authors names (asterisk to denote the correspondence author combined with a footnote at the end of the first page, containing the full address details, i.e. postal and e-mail address, fax of the correspondence author) and alphabetical references (lower-case letters, e.g., a,b,c) referring to affiliations (City/Country, Institute or Institution).

Abstract should be brief (600–2000 characters) and not too technical.

Keywords: A maximum of five keywords to appear in the printed and online indexes should be given at least two keywords from the Keyword Catalogue available on the ZAAC homepage at www.zaac.wiley-vch.de under "For Authors" should be included to aid online searching.

Introduction should clearly and briefly present both the nature of the subject matter under discussion and its background. It should include relevant references.

Results and Discussion: may be combined or kept separate and may be further divided by subheadings. This section should not be cluttered with technical details. The discussion should not only summarize the scope and limitations of the work, but also make a comparative evaluation of its practical significance and the potential for further development. The discussion of scope and limitations should include an indication if further work is necessary to determine the general applicability.

Conclusion summarizes the results obtained and addresses questions such as: To what extent do the results satisfy the initial expectations? What further improvements are necessary?

Experimental Section should be given in sufficient detail to enable others to repeat your work. In so far as practical, authors should use a systematic name for each title compound in the experimental section. Equipment and conditions used for the measurement of physical data should be described at the beginning of the Experimental Section. In the individual experimental procedures, quantities of reactants, solvents etc. should be included in parentheses rather than in the running text, e.g., "A solution of triphenylphosphane (500 mg, 1.91 mmol) in dichloromethane (15 mL) was added to...". The purity of all new compounds should be verified by elemental analysis, to an accuracy of within ±0.4%. In special cases, for instance when the compound is unstable or not available in sufficient quantities for complete analysis, the exact relative molecular mass obtained from a high-resolution mass spectrum and a clean NMR spectrum with sufficiently sensitive nuclei or a comparison of the experimental and calculated powder diffractogram (as additional material for inspection by the referees) should be supplied. Optimized experimental procedures reported in Reviews should be incorporated into the text where appropriate. Spectroscopic data should be presented as follows: 1H NMR (300 MHz, C6D6, 25°C): δ = 1.3 (s, 18 H, Si(CH3)3), 0.9 (d, 3JH,H = 5.7 Hz, 2 H, 2-H). For each chemical shift, additional information should be given in the order: multiplicity, coupling constant, number of protons, assignment. Please note that NMR data should be given in either δ or ppm. 13C NMR ([D6]acetone) = 78.41 ppm (s, C-1), etc. IR (KBr/Nujol): νasCH3 2920 vs, ν(OH) 3610 cm-1, etc. UV/VIS: λmax (lg ε): 495 nm (4.700) or 20 202 cm1 (4.700). MS (79 eV, 150°C): m/z = 632 (M+, 26%), 596 (M+-Cl, 10%), etc. Analytical data should be presented as follows: Formula of the compound (molecular mass); C 12.37 (calc. 12.52); H 3.81 (3.90); Zn 25.43 (25.51)%.

Crystal Structural Analysis: Authors must check the correctness of the X-ray data and the reported structure by using the Checkcif utility on the WWW at http://checkcif.iucr.org prior to submission. Submitting a copy of the output as Supporting Information for Review is mandatory. Authors with appropriate software may alternatively use IUCRVAL or the CHECK validation tool in PLATON. Prior to manuscript submission, the author(s) must deposit their data or update data already available, so that referees can retrieve the information electronically directly from the database. Guidelines for depositing data can be found on the ZAAC homepage at www.zaac.wiley-vch.de under "Author Guidelines". Crystal Structure Data for publication must contain: empirical formula, unit cell dimensions (a, b, c, in pm or Å, α, β, γ in degrees) all with estimated standard deviations, number (Z) of formula units in unit cell, calculated and/or measured density d, crystal system, space group symbol. Data collection must contain: type of diffractometer, radiation used, monochromator, size for single crystal, temperature, data collection mode, theta range and reciprocal lattice segments (octants), number of reflections measured, number of symmetry-independent reflections, and σ (I) criterion, linear absorption coefficient, and method of absorption correction if applied. Structure analysis and refinement: method of solution, method of refinement, final R and Rw values in decimal numbers, and programs used. Authors are encouraged to have the positional and thermal displacement parameters printed for all atoms, even if they are deposited (hydrogen atoms in self-evident positions excepted). It is possible to include these tables as Supporting Information. If displacement ellipsoids are plotted in one figure, the equivalent parameters of isotropic displacement are sufficient.

Acknowledgement (optional) should be as brief as possible and placed before the References.

References: The Author is responsible for correct citations. ZAAC is a member of CrossRef (www.crossref.org), a service which links reference citations to the online content that those references cite. This can only function if the citations are accurate. In the text the numbers should be typed in square brackets as superscripts (e.g., Wittig[3]) and, if applicable, after punctuation. Journal titles should be abbreviated according to the Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index (CASSI). Unpublished results and lectures should only be cited for exceptional reasons. If a paper has been published online but has not appeared in print yet, it is cited by listing the author names and then the abbreviated title of the journal followed by the DOI number.

Journals: [1] a) T. M. Klapötke, M. Stein, J. Stierstorfer, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2008, 634, 1711; b) Y. Segawa, M. Yamashita, K. Nozaki, Angew. Chem. 2007, 119, 6830; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 6710.

[2] J. J. Schneider, J. Engstler, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2005, published online, DOI: 10.1002/ejic.200501145.

Books: [3] G. Brauer, Handbuch der Präparativen Anorganischen Chemie, 2nd ed., Vol. 2, F. Enke, Stuttgart 1962, p. 78.

[4] J. D. Corbett, in: Synthesis of Lanthanide and Actinide Compounds (Eds.: G. Meyer, L. R. Morss), Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht - Boston - London 1991, p. 159.

Theses, Dissertations: [5] W. Schulz, Dissertation, Univ. Rostock 1965.

[6] F. Lindsey, Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. London 1970.

Patents: [7] Hoechst A.G. (F. Walther, C. Runke), DE-BP.3842100 (July 28, 1983) [C.A. 1985, 91, P 45321c].

Legends: Each figure and scheme should have a legend. "Charts" are designated as figures. In the final accepted manuscript, the legends should be listed together after the reference section of the text file and not be included with the drawings in the separate graphic files. The position of each equation, figure, scheme, structure or table in the text should be indicated as in the following example:

((Insert Scheme 1 here))

Tables must have a brief title and should only be subdivided by three horizontal lines (head rule, neck rule, foot rule). Footnotes in the tables are denoted by a), b), etc., and presented at the bottom of the table. Tables should be constructed using the table function in Word; do not make tables using the tabulator. Tables should be prepared to fit the page format of the journal (width of the columns is 8.5 cm; width of the pages is 17.7 cm). Drawings within a table prepared with ChemDraw or ISIS Draw need to be linked to those programs within the Word file. All other graphics in tables need to be supplied as separate graphic files and their position in the table indicated. When a table consists mainly of graphic elements, the entire table should be prepared with a drawing program such as ChemDraw.

Graphics (structural formulae, figures, schemes) must be readable after reduction to a one-column (8.5 cm wide) or two-column format (17.7 cm wide) with a minimum letter size of 1.8 mm. We recommend use of the ChemDraw document style sheet, which can be downloaded from the ZAAC homepage at www.zaac.wiley-vch.de under "Author Guidelines". For further information, please refer to the Guidelines for Generating Graphics, which is also available on the ZAAC homepage. Schemes should be self-explanatory: reaction conditions should therefore be given above the arrows rather than in the caption. In figures of structures derived from crystal structure analysis, the atomic labelling should be depicted in at least one figure. If the table of the parameters of anisotropic displacements is not printed, at least one figure should show the displacement ellipsoids. Figures showing the crystal packing should not be overcrowded and should not show sections larger than necessary. Usually, one unit cell and a few adjacent atoms are sufficient. Include and label the outlines of the unit cell. Avoid the depiction of several translation-equivalent atoms in the viewing direction. If lines intersect, it should be clear which one is in front of the other.

Please take also into account the following points:

Images cannot be modified to change the overall appearance or appearance of any specific feature.

Adjustments of brightness and contrast or color balance are acceptable but must be applied to the entire image.

Features cannot be obscured and any rearrangements must be explicitly indicated by the insertion of divided lines.

All images will be examined for any indication of improper modifications. The final acceptance of all manuscripts is contingent on any concerns raised in our review of the figures being resolved.

Cover Picture: Authors are encouraged to submit pictures for the ZAAC cover page, together with an explanatory text of up to 800 characters. A template of the cover page (2260_Covertemplate.pdf) to help you visualize the final effect of your design can be downloaded from the ZAAC homepage at www.zaac.wiley-vch.de under "Author Guidelines". Space available: 15 cm (h) × 16 cm (w). Part of the additional costs for color printing must be paid by the author. The complimentary PDF of the author of a Cover Picture contribution includes his/her Cover Page (PDF: high resolution, unlimited number of article printouts). The Cover Page may be used, e.g., for presentations, on homepages or other promotional activities.

Symbols: Use only characters from the Symbol and Normal Text fonts, especially when inserting Greek letters and characters with umlauts, accents, tildes, etc.: α, ä, à, ã, Å. Italicize symbols of physical quantities, but not their units (e.g., T for temperature, in contrast to T for the unit Tesla, but K as unit; J, but Hz; a, but nm), stereochemical information (cis, Z, R, etc.), locants (N-methyl, α-amino), symmetry designations (C2v), as well as authors' names quoted in the text. Latin phrases, such as "in situ" and names of common equipment or methods (i.e., Schlenk tube, Raman spectra, Fourier diagram, etc.) should not be italicized. Chemical formulae should be numbered with boldface Arabic numerals (e.g., 1). If physical quantities are listed as numerical values without their units, e.g., in tables or for labels of axes in figures, the units must be specified after a slash or with a power of 1, e.g. "T /K" or "TK1" or "c /molL1" or "Uequiv /Å2". Instead of the slash "(in Å)", "(in degree)", etc. can be used. At-% and Mol-% must be given in this way. Stereochemical descriptors, such as d- and l-, and molar (m) or normal (n) should be in small capitals. Abbreviations such as Me, Et, n-Bu, i-Pr, s-Bu, t-Bu and Ph (not φ) may be used in formulae. General substituents should be indicated by R1, R2 (not R2, which means 2R) or R, R'. The spatial arrangement of the substituents should be indicated by hatched lines and a wedge.

Abbreviations and acronyms should be used sparingly and consistently, following the system of abbreviations and symbols recommended by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). Where they first appear in the text, they should—apart from the most common ones such as NMR, HPLC, and THF—be defined; you may prefer to explain large numbers of abbreviations and acronyms in a footnote on the first page or in a glossary.

Nomenclature: Follow the recommendations of the IUPAC (www.iupac.org) or the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS; www.cas.org). According to a recent recommendation [N. G. Connelly, T. Damhus, R. M. Hartshorn, A. T. Hutton (Eds.), Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry IUPAC Recommendations 2005, RSC Publishing, Cambridge, UK, 2005]:

"Names of anionic ligands, whether inorganic or organic, are modified to end in 'o'. In general, if the anion name ends in 'ide', 'ite' or 'ate', the final 'e' is replaced by 'o', giving 'ido', 'ito' and 'ato', respectively. It follows that halide ligands are named fluorido, chlorido, bromido and iodido, and coordinated cyanide is named cyanido. In its complexes, except for those of molecular hydrogen, hydrogen is always treated as anionic, and therefore 'hydrido' is used for hydrogen coordinating to all elements including boron."

"In the formulae for coordination entities, ligands are now ordered alphabetically according to first symbol of the abbreviation or formula used for the ligand, as written, irrespective of the charge."

No numerical subscript should follow the square bracket used to enclose a whole coordination entity of a neutral (formal) coordination compound."

If Stock nomenclature is used for indicating the oxidation numbers (states), e.g. copper(II) chloride or CuIICl2, this terminology should be used consistently throughout the paper. Please do not use computer programs to generate elaborate systematic names, nor use long multi-line compound names; for the sake of clarity general descriptors such as compound 2, ketone 3, or alcohol 4 should be used in the experimental procedures and in the general text.

Electronic Supporting Information may be included for deposition on the WWW; the author must keep a copy to make available to readers who do not have access to the WWW. Supporting Information may consist of original data that relate to the paper, e.g. additional or color illustrations, tables, supplemental experimental details, and characterization data; include information that is more convenient in electronic form, such as coordinates, spectral data, etc., or that cannot be printed: animations, audio recordings, and videos. For preferred and possible file formats, please see Table 1. Color is welcome in the Supporting Information and published online at no cost to the author or reader. Experimental procedures for crystallographic studies can be included, but do not include the complete crystallographic data, which needs to be deposited in an appropriate database prior to submission of the manuscript (cf. Crystal Structural Analysis). Supporting Information should be submitted online as described in §1.

Table 1. Preferred and possible formats for electronic Supporting Information.

Supporting Information Preferred formats Also possible

text, tables          WORD RTF

images (color; b/w)   JPEG, GIF  TIFF, EPS, PNG

molecular structure; coordinates  xyz, CIF, pdb MOL

Multimedia            Flash   Shockwave

Audio                 MP3 WAV, AAC

Video                 MPEG4, MPEG2   MPEG1, AVI

Executable files      uuencoded, bin/exec    

Article Promotion Support: Wiley Editing Services offers professional video, design, and writing services to create shareable video abstracts, infographics, conference posters, lay summaries, and research news stories for your research.

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