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  • 期刊简称J UROLOGY
  • 参考译名《泌尿学杂志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率8.70%
  • 主要研究方向医学-UROLOGY & NEPHROLOGY 泌尿学与肾脏学



THE JOURNAL OF UROLOGY《泌尿学杂志》(月刊). The Official Journal of the American Urological Association (AUA), and the most widely read and...[显示全部]







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Information for Authors

The Journal of Urology contains 3 sections: Adult Urology, Pediatric Urology and Urological Survey. Original clinical and translational research studies will be considered for publication in the Adult and Pediatric Urology Sections. Translational research manuscripts must have a clear and proximate translation to patient care, and only preclinical scientific studies that have the direct potential to translate into new and improved standards of care will be reviewed.

All communications concerning editorial matters should be sent to:

The Journal of Urology

Publications Department

American Urological Association

1000 Corporate Boulevard

Linthicum, MD 21090

Telephone (410) 689-3922, FAX (410) 689-3906

e-mail: publications@auanet.org


Authors must submit their manuscripts through the Web-based tracking system at https://www.editorialmanager.com/ju. The site contains instructions and advice on how to use the system, guidance on the creation/scanning and saving of electronic art, and supporting documentation. In addition to allowing authors to submit manuscripts on the Web, the site allows authors to follow the progression of their manuscript through the peer review process. Authors are asked NOT to mail hard copies of the manuscript to the editorial office. They may, however, mail to the editorial office any material that cannot be submitted electronically.

For potentially acceptable manuscripts, the period between receipt of all reviews and when an editorial decision is made is usually longer.

RapidReviewManuscripts that contain importantandtimely information will be reviewed by 2 consultants and the editors within 72 hours of receipt, and authors will be notified of the disposition immediately thereafter. The authors must indicate in their submittal letterwhythey believe theirmanuscript warrants rapid review. A $250 processing fee should be forwarded with the manuscript at the time of submission. Checks should be made payable to the American Urological Association. If the editors decide that the paper does not warrant rapid review, the fee will be returned to the authors, and theymay elect to have the manuscript continue through the standard review process. Payment for rapid review guarantees only an expedited review and not acceptance.

Original Clinical and Translational Research Articles: Authors must adhere to the CONSORT guidelines for clinical and randomized trials (http://www.consort-statement.org/downloads). Manuscripts should be arranged as follows: Title Page, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, References, Tables, Legends. The title page should contain a concise, descriptive title, the names, email addresses and affiliations of all authors, and a brief descriptive runninghead not to exceed 50 characters. One to five key words should be typed at the bottom of the title page. These words should be identical to the medical subject headings (MeSH) that appear in the Index Medicus of the National Library of Medicine. The abstract should not exceed 250 words (abbreviations are not to be substituted for whole words) and must conform to the following style: Purpose, Materials and Methods, Results and Conclusions.

References should not exceed 30 readily available citations for all articles (except Review Articles). Self-citations should be kept to a minimum. References should be cited by superscript numbers as they appear in the text, and they should not be alphabetized. References should include the names and initials of the first 3 authors, the complete title, the abbreviated journal name according to the Index Medicus of the National Library of Medicine, the volume, the beginning page number and the year. References to book chapters should include names and initials of the first 3 chapter authors, chapter title, book title and edition, names and initials of the first 3 book editors, city of publisher, publisher, volume number, chapter number, page range and year. In addition to the above, references to electronic publications should include type of medium, availability statement and date of accession. The statistical methods should be indicated and referenced. Enough information should be presented to allow an independent critical assessment of the data.

Digital illustrations and tables should be kept to a necessary minimum and their information should not be duplicated in the text. No more than 10 illustrations should accompany the manuscript for clinical articles.Magnifications for photomicrographs should be supplied and graphs should be labeled clearly. Reference to illustrations, numbered with Arabic numerals, must be provided in the text. Blurry or unrecognizable illustrations are not acceptable. Visit http://links.lww.com/ES/A42 for detailed instructions for digital art. The use of color is encouraged at no charge to the authors.

Tables should be numbered and referred to in the text. In general, they should present summarized rather than individual raw data. Due to page constraints caused by the large number of high quality manuscripts being submitted to The Journal of Urology, the editors find it necessary to offer publishing alternatives. Therefore, authors may be requested to post tables and illustrations as supplementary material on The Journal website at no charge or print tables and illustrations in the article at a per page rate of $270.

Review Articles are to be prepared in the same format as that of an Original Clinical Article. For comprehensive or critical reviews, authors must adhere to the AMSTAR criteria (https://amstar.ca/Amstar_Checklist.php). For systematic reviews authors must adhere to the PRISMA guidelines (http://www.prisma-statement.org/documents/PRISMA%202009%20checklist.pdf).

Special Articles are scientific reports of original clinical research and state-of-the-art topics, and are designated as such by the Editors. The format is the same as that of an Original Clinical Article.

New Technology and Techniques feature high quality manuscripts that describe the innovative clinical application of new technology or techniques in all disciplines of urology, and are designated as such by the Editors. Addressing diagnosis or management of urological conditions, this feature covers the categories of 1) cutting-edge technology, 2) novel/modified techniques and 3) outcomes data derived from use of 1 and/or 2. The format is the same as that of an Original Clinical Article, although fewer words are preferred to allow more space for illustrations.

JU Forum. The JU Forum is a feature for presentations of pertinent new ideas, perspective on advances in the field, recommendations for novel strategies, topics related to training and education, and discussion of relevant socioeconomic considerations that impact patient care. These concise commentaries should be no more than 1,500 words without graphics or 1,200 words with a single table or illustration and 10 references. The preferred number of authors is three or fewer from no more than two separate institutions, although exceptions can be made in special circumstances.




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