EFFECTIVE December 2020
Manuscript Preparation
This information applies to all manuscripts submitted for consideration.
Manuscripts not conforming to the required format will be returned to authors for correction.
Submissions must be made electronically via www.editorialmanager.com/tpa
LANGUAGE: Manuscripts must be written in proper, clear English.
Authors needing assistance may consult with outside services providing English Language Assistance.
GENERAL FORMATTING: All manuscripts should be prepared as follows:
□ Manuscript text should be double spaced; text files must be supplied in Word .doc or .docxformat.
□ Figure files can be uploaded in .tiff, .eps, or high-resolution PDF format.
□ 1-inch page margins
□ Manuscript pages may be numbered but do NOT include individual
line numbers.
□ Arial or similar san serif typeface, 12-point font sizepreferred.
□ Cover Letter(optional)
□ Main Body Document:
1. Title Page
2. Authorship Page
3. Abbreviations Page
4. Abstract (ifapplicable)
5. Main Body Text
6. Acknowledgments (ifapplicable)
7. References
8. Tables
9. Figure legend (ifapplicable)
□ Figures must be uploaded as separate in .tiff, .eps, or
high- resolution PDF files.
□ Supplemental Digital Content and/or Additional Files for
Information Only (if applicable) must be uploaded separately as a PDF file.
TITLE PAGE (required)
1. Title: This should be descriptive of the work; the title should not be a sentence.
2. Author listing: Include the full first name, middle initial(s), and family name of each author, each author’s highest degree earned, and their affiliations. This should include the academic department(s) and institution(s) to which the work should be attributed.
3. Correspondence information: Full name, physical mailing address, and current email address for the corresponding author.
4. Clinical Trial Notation (if applicable): Provide the name of the trial registry and the registration number/identifier of the trial.
5. Discussion: Interpretation, contextualization, and commentary on the results. Authors should use this section to argue the significance of their work with minimal restating of findings.
Do not include footnotes except in Authorship statements.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (if applicable)
This is intended for the public mention of individuals or groups who provided some type of support but do not merit co-authorship recognition under ICMJE guidelines. List funding sources on the Authorship page.
Transplantation uses AMA (American Medical Association) style.
Djamali A, Wilson NA, Sadowski EA, et al. Nox2 and CyclosporineInduced Renal Hypoxia. Transplantation. 2016;100:1198-1210.
Additional examples are found here:
ENDNOTE output style may be downloaded from:
AMA Style General Guidelines:
□ References in the main body are designated by superscripts.
□ References must be numbered and listed in the order in which they are cited in the text.
□ No more than 6 authors should be listed for a citation. If there are 7 or more authors, only the first 3 should be listed followed by ‘‘etal.’’
□ The title of the journal article must be included, followed by the National Library of Medicine accepted abbreviation of the journal name, the year of publication, the issue number, and page range.
You can search for NLM abbreviations here:
□ Only published works and manuscripts that have been acceptedfor publication should be listed in theReferences.
□ Manuscripts in preparation, unpublished observations, and personal communications should be referred to in parentheses in the text as “(name of organization or individual, year, form of communication)”. Form of communication can be either written or oral. See AMA Style, Section 3.13.19 for examples. Please do not include personal communications, in-house data, or unpublished manuscripts in the referencelist.