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中国财政与经济研究(英文版)(China Finance and Economic Review)(不收版面费审稿费) (官网投稿)

《中国财政与经济研究(英文版)》(China Finance and Economic Review,简称CFER)(季刊)创刊于2012年,是由中国社会科学院主管、中国社会科学院财经战略研究院、社会科学文献出版社主办的英文经济学学术季刊,国内外公开发行。本刊一直以中国宏观经济运行与政策分析为主要研究对象,覆盖宏观经济、财政、金融、国际贸易、产业经济、服务经济、劳动经济、区域经济等应用经济学学科领...[显示全部]
本刊为:AMI核心(2022版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),社科院刊物不收版面费,外文期刊,
















 (China Finance and Economic Review) 征稿启事



财贸经济 2021-08-16

China Finance and Economic Review(《中国财政与经济研究》) 征稿启事

China Finance and Economic Review(中文刊名:《中国财政与经济研究》)是由中国社会科学院主管、中国社会科学院财经战略研究院、社会科学出版社主办的英文学术性季刊。本刊在国内由社会科学文献出版社出版发行纸质版本。自201212月正式创刊以来,本刊一直以中国宏观经济运行与政策分析为主要研究对象,覆盖宏观经济、财政、金融、国际贸易、产业经济、服务经济、劳动经济、区域经济等应用经济学学科领域,同时还包括政治经济学、国民经济学等主要的理论经济学学科领域。刊发文章方面,一方面注重向国外推介国内学者的最新研究成果,讲好中国故事,传递中国声音,让国外学者了解中国经济发展现状和国内经济学研究现状,另一方面注重与国际接轨,按照国际通行惯例办刊,促进国外有关研究机构和学者了解中国发展现状,了解中国最新的学术进展,从而推动中外学术交流。

目前China Finance and Economic Review已被Emerging Sources Citation IndexESCI)数据库正式收录,可以被认为是朝着申请加入Science Citation Index ExpandedSCIE)和The Social Sciences Citation Index SSCI)以及The Arts & Humanities Citation IndexAHCI)三大主流、权威数据库迈出的重要一步。20213月被评估进入全球顶级学术数据库Scopus索引。

目前China Finance and Economic Review已与国际知名学术出版社德古意特(De Gruyter) 达成合作,所有接收文章均会网络首发于期刊网站https://www.degruyter.com/journal/key/CFER/html,并通过Open Access(开放获取)向任何网络读者开放,扩大接收文章在国内外的影响力。

2021年,China Finance and Economic Review继续欢迎宏观经济运行和政策分析领域的投稿,同时欢迎广大读者、作者向编辑部推荐具有国际前沿学术水平和展现中国经济问题的已刊发或原创文章,经专家评审后符合我刊刊发要求文章,经作者同意并按照编辑部要求进行调整后,由我刊翻译成英文后在China Finance and Economic Review发表,推动国内学术成果与国际的交流与传播。


1. 自投稿件


2. 推荐稿件

请推荐人通过本刊邮箱(cfer@cass.org.cn)推荐稿件,稿件语言可以为中文,推荐邮件请标注推荐文章,请推荐人在邮件中注明稿件是已刊发文章或原创文章,如是已刊发文章,烦请标注原载刊物、期数及页码。经专家评审后符合刊发要求的文章,我刊会向作者发送约稿函征求作者发表意愿,并由我刊翻译成英文后在China Finance and Economic Review发表。



China Finance and Economic Review Call for Paper

Founded in 2012, China Finance and Economic Review is an English language periodical that publishes original academic papers and research reports on the Chinese economy. Our aim is to strengthen academic exchange at home and abroad and promoting international influence of China’s study of finance and economics. Led by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and published by Social Science Academic Press editorial department, China Finance and Economic Review informs readers about the latest academic progress in China’s macro-economics and policy analysis, with topics covering Macro-economics, Finance, International trade, Industrial economics, Service economics, Labor economics, Region economics etc.  Listed in: Emerging Sources Citation IndexESCI, Scopus.

By now, China Finance and Economic Review is cooperating with the international renowned academic publisher De Gruyter. All the accepted articles will be published online ahead of print approx. weeks after acceptance on the website https://www.degruyter.com/journal/key/CFER/html, and be available to all readers through Open Access.

In 2021, China Finance and Economic Review continues welcoming manuscript in the fields of macro economy and policy analysis, and welcoming recommendations of cutting-edge research articles on Chinese economy. With the consent of authors, the accepted recommendations (after peer review) will be translated into English and published on China Finance and Economic Review.


1. Manuscript submission

You can easily submit your manuscript online. Simply go to https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/cfer and you will be guided through the whole submission and publishing process.

We have implemented new submission guidelines. A brief overview is given in Instructions for Authors. Template for Author’s Statements needs to be customized/filled out by the submitting author on behalf of all others and uploaded as separate files at the time of the original submission. For more information on the submission process please check our website https://www.degruyter.com/journal/key/CFER/html.

2. Article recommendation

You can write emails to cfer@cass.org.cn to recommend research articles, naming the email as “article recommendation”. With the consent of authors, the accepted recommendations (after peer review) will be translated into English and published on China Finance and Economic Review.

China Finance and Economic Review will not charge any fees from authors and referees.

All scholars are welcome to submit and recommend research article to China Finance and Economic Review.

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