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2018/1/29 9:15:12 来源:官网信息 阅读:722 发布者:




Journal: Reference number, surname, initial(s), Title. journal, year of publication, volume number: page number

1 Feng, X. R.; Ding, J. X.; Gref, R.; Chen, X. Poly(b-cyclodextrin)-mediated polylactide-cholesterol stereocomplex micelles for controlled drug delivery. Chinese J. Polym. Sci. 2017, 35(6), 693-699.

2 Liu, X.; Zhong, M.; Shi, F.; Xu, H.; Xie, X. Multi-bond network hydrogels with robust mechanical and self-healable properties. Chinese J. Polym. Sci. 2017, DOI: 10.1007/s10118-017-1971-0

Books: Reference number, surname, initial(s), "title", edition, publisher, place of publication, year, page number

3 Zhou, Q.F. and Wang, X.J., "Liquid crystalline polymers" (in Chinese), Science Press, Beijing, 1994, p. 88

4 Schmidt, H., in “Hanbook of environmental chemistry, Vol. 2E”, ed. by Hutzinger, O., Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 2003, p. 111

Patents: Reference number, inventor's surname, initial(s), or patentee (firm), year, patent number

5 Furukawa, J., Kobayashi, E. and Takahire, K., 1974, U.S. Pat., 3,817,968

Theses (PhD): Reference number, surname, initial(s), “title”, thesis, university, (place of university), year

6 Trent, J.W., “Experimental acute renal failure”, Thesis, University of California, 1975


1 Mochel, K.D., J. Polym. Sci., A-1, 1972, 10: 1009

2 Wang, H.L., Chen, J.M., Huang, Y. and Shen, J.R., Chinese J. Polym. Sci., 1997, 15(10): 57



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