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2022/1/10 16:26:55 来源:官网信息 阅读:317 发布者:


Journal Information

Manuscript Submission Site: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jcap

Editorial Office Contact: Ron.Steingard@childmind.org

Support Contact: prosupport@liebertpub.com

Journal Model: Hybrid (Open access option)

Blinding: Single Blind

File formatting requirement stage: Upon submission

Instant Online Option (immediate publication of accepted version): No

Submission Fee: None

Average time to initial decison: 40 days

About the Journal

The Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology focuses on Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology and those aspects of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Neurology, Pediatrics, and the neurosciences that are clearly related to this. The Journal publishes papers encompassing investigative research, treatment techniques, basic sciences, health policy and education, focused reviews and clinical case reports or conferences.


Authors maintain responsibility for the accuracy of their citations. Text citations will appear preferably at the end of sentences, and will indicate first (A 1990), first and second (A and B 1990), or first plus (A plus all coauthors 1990) authors, with year of publication and without a comma.

Citations in the reference section should list all coauthors (et al. is not permitted in the reference list), be alphabetized rather than numbered, and multiple citations to one author should be placed in chronological sequence; the list should be double-spaced, with each reference separated by a single line of space. Any references published in a foreign language should be followed by an English translation in brackets. Do not indicate issue numbers unless issues are not sequentially paginated. Credit for figures and illustrations should be given in captions. Personal communications, unpublished data, and manuscripts "in preparation" or "submitted for publication" may be incorporated into the text but not in the reference list. Abbreviations will follow the style of Medline. Please follow the style of these examples:

Riddle MA, Hardin MT, King R, Scahill L, Woolston JL: Fluoxetine treatment of children and adolescents with Tourette's and obsessive compulsive disorders: Preliminary clinical experience. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 29:45-48, 1990.

Courchesne E, Yeung-Courchesne R: Event-related brain potentials. In: Assessment and Diagnosis in Child Psychopathology. Edited by Rutter M, Tuma AH, Lann IS. New York, Guilford Press, 1988, pp 264-299.

Adams GR, Montemayor R, Gullotta TP (eds): Biology of Adolescent Behavior and Development. Newbury Park (California), Sage Publications, 1989.

Geller B: A double-blind placebo-controlled study of nortriptyline in adolescents with major depression. Washington (DC), National Institute of Mental Health, New Clinical Drug Evaluation Unit (NCDEU) Annual Meeting, 1989 (abstract).



In research involving statistical analysis, please include the following: (a) the hypotheses in clearly stated form, (b) the statistical tests used, cited by name, for each data set, (c) the use of either one-tailed or two-tailed tests, and (d) the test value, degree(s) of freedom, and probability for every significant and important nonsignificant result. Use standard deviations rather than standard errors of the mean. For novel or not well-known tests, provide a citation.

Clinical Significance

Each original research article, review, or brief report should include a "Clinical Significance," just before the Author Disclosure statement.  This section requires one brief paragraph that will communicate the clinical importance of the work, and its relevancy to the scientific community, in a few short sentences.

Abbreviations and Medication Names

Weights, heights, and other measurements should be in the metric system. When an abbreviation or acronym is first used in the abstract and in the text, it must be spelled out in full and followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. When an abbreviation or acronym is used in each table and figure, it should be spelled out in full in the table footnote or figure citation. For standard abbreviations, consult the Style Manual for Biologic Journals, 4th edition (American Institute of Biological Sciences, 1401 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, VA 22209).

Identify medications by generic name. A brand name may also be placed in parentheses; but since brand names are generally used only in a single country, specify the locale in which the proprietary name is used. Proprietary names, but not generic or chemical names, should have initial capital letters. For materials and devices, describe by nonproprietary name, and then indicate (in parentheses) brand name, manufacturer's name, city, state, and country. Be certain to use the brand names of medications or products that are experimental or that are crucial to the replication or interpretation of the study.






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