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BMB REPORTS《生物化学与分子生物学报告》投稿须知(官网信息)

2022/1/5 8:52:00 来源:官网信息 阅读:435 发布者:

BMB Reports

Instructions to Authors

Manuscripts should not contain the work that has been reported in large part in a published paper or is contained in another manuscript that has been submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere, in print or in electronic media. Preliminary reports such as abstracts or posters at professional meetings are not considered as redundant or duplicate publications. The submission for publication should be approved by all the authors.

Manuscripts may take the form of an Article or Minireview. Contributors will find information on the preparation and submission of manuscripts in these Instructions to Authors. These Instructions are arranged as follows:

A. General Information

B. Preparation of Manuscript

C. Preparation of Tables and Illustrations

D. Preparation of Supplementary Material

E. Chemical and Mathematical Usage, Abbreviations, and Symbols

F. Ethics

Manuscripts that fail to conform to these guidelines may be returned to authors for revision before review.

A. General Information

1. All manuscripts should be submitted to the BMB Reports Web site at http://bmbreports.org. For submissions, you will need to upload Word file of the text of the manuscript (including title, key words, abbreviations, main text, and references) as a single word file. Upload your figures separately as .png, .gif, or .jpeg files. Tables should be uploaded as .doc or .xls files.

2. The manuscript should be accompanied by a cover letter indicating the postal and e-mail address, telephone number, and facsimile number of the corresponding author. In addition, written proof that permission to cite personal communications and preprints has been granted should be included if required.

3. Manuscripts can be submitted as articles and minireviews. Articles may be submitted on a broad range of subjects of general interest to scientists in the field of biochemistry, molecular biology, and biomedical science. The length of the manuscripts should not exceed 4300 (Article) or 6000 (Mini Review) words including an abstract, a figure legend and references. The total number of figures and tables should not exceed four. Any figure larger than half a page will be counted as two figures.

4. Minireviews should cover an aspect of biochemistry, molecular biology, and biomedical science that are topical and novel at the time of submission. The majority of minireviews are commissioned; however, noncommissioned articles may be considered at the editors' discretion. All minireviews, whether commissioned or not, undergo regular peer review. Reviews are intended to be succinct discussions dealing with a particular question of current interest. Minireviews should not exceed 6,000 words in length and 3 figures and/or tables in display must include abstracts (text is not limited), and must have no more than 100 references.

5. If a contributors does not return the revised manuscript to the editor within six weeks after the request for revision, the contribution will be considered withdrawn.

6. Editors may send a manuscript to an English editor associated with the Society for language improvement prior to final acceptance.

7. If a manuscript is declined, the author has the right of appeal, if it is believed that the editors have made an erroneous judgment. A letter should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief presenting the reasons why the editorial decision should be reconsidered.

8. Accepted manuscripts will be published with the implicit understanding that the authors will pay the costs of publication including page charges. Illustrations, photographs, electron micrographs, color plates and other special illustrations will be reproduced at the author's expense at cost prices. Alteration in page proofs, other than correction of printer's errors, are not granted, except when the Editor allows addition of a brief note added in proofs at the author's expense. page proofs corrected by authors should be returned to the Editor by a designated date. Otherwise, the Editor reserves the right of proofreading.

9. As a condition of publication, authors must transfer copyright, which shall be assigned to editorial office to BMB Reports. All authors must sign a copyright transfer form, or the signing author must obtain permission from any co-authors.

10. Fast Track Publication

BMB Reports will consider outstanding research manuscripts for accelerated publication. If you choose "Fast Track" for your manuscript in submission web page, the manuscript will be published online within 2 months since month of acceptance.

(ex. Acceptance date: June 10, Publication date: July or August 31)

11. Page charges:

Authors will be requested to pay an article charge US$ 550(KRW 550,000) for regular publication or US 1,100(KRW 1,100,000) for Fast Track publicatioin

12. English editing charge:

Articles submitted from non-English speaking countries will be subjected to English language editing after it is accepted for publication. The authors will be requested to pay an editing fee US $200. English editing charge becomes effective from July 1, 2014. If authors submit a certificate with proof of English-language editing, English editing process will be waived.






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