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2022/1/5 8:37:57 来源:官网信息 阅读:341 发布者:


Blumea is an open access journal, applying a CC BY-NC-ND license. All issues published after November 2003 are publicly available through Ingenta. For floristic studies, the focus is on tropical Africa south of the Sahara, tropical Southeast Asia with a strong emphasis on Malesia, and South America with an emphasis on the Guyanas. Publication of new taxa is only considered if these are embedded in a larger framework like a revision or a phylogeny. Papers in Blumea are subjected to single-blind peer review and are in English. Starting with Volume 62 (2017), Blumea is exclusively electronic, and printed issues will no longer be distributed. All content will be freely available via the website of Ingenta, and is also archived and available in the Naturalis Repository. Both readers and authors are encouraged to deposit articles in any other archive or repository that they have access to.

Manuscript submission

Submission of a manuscript to Blumea is under the assumption that the manuscript, or parts of it, are not at the same time being submitted or under consideration with other journals, or published in any other way. Failure to comply with this may lead to immediate rejection. Authors submitting a manuscript do so on the understanding that on acceptance of the manuscript, they agree with the copyrights policy currently adopted by the Publishers of Blumea (see above).  Authors retain all rights to exchange prints or electronic copies with colleagues and to use the work for educational purposes. Submit manuscripts as e-mail attachments or through WeTransfer.

Current instructions for authors

Instructions for authors


Biodiversity, evolution and biogeography of plants An international electronic-only journal on the biodiversity, evolution and biogeography of plants (systematics, floristics, phylogeny, morphology, anatomy). For floristic studies, the focus is on tropical Africa south of the Sahara; tropical Southeast Asia with a strong emphasis on Malesia; South America with emphasis on the Guianas. The language is English.

Instructions for the preparation of manuscripts

Version: March 2018.

A quick checklist is provided at the end of these instructions.

Structure of the manuscript


Use British English throughout, with spelling following the Cobuild English Dictionary (HarperCollins Publishers, London). Summaries in other languages using the Latin alphabet may be included.


Start with a concise and informative English title, followed by the name(s) and address(es) of the author(s). In taxonomic papers the family name should be included in the title. Avoid citing authors of plant names in headings.


Each paper should be provided with a summary not exceeding 250 words. Do not include references, author citations or descriptions.


Provide, on a separate line, up to 7 key words.


For keys the bracketed type is compulsory. The choice between alternatives should be set out as clearly as possible, and information that does not contribute to a choice should be omitted as much as possible.

Couplets are separated by a blank line, and leads within a couplet are numbered without a or b.

Do not space items by typing blanks or dots, but use a single tab-character.


[empty line]

7.[tab]Rhizome creeping with internodes 10-15 cm long[tab]Species a

7.[tab]Rhizome erect or creeping with internodes up to 3 cm long[tab]8

[empty line]

Other formatting will be applied in the preparation of the manuscript for printing.

Citations in text

Citations in the text should be as follows (please note the absence of commas between author and year!):

One author: Lam (1932) or (Lam 1932) or Lam (1932: 288).

Two authors: Smith & Gomez (1990) or (Smith & Gomez 1990).

Three or more authors: Smith et al. (1990) or (Smith et al. 1990). But give all author names in the References.

Multiple references when within parentheses (Liu 1977, Smith 1989, 1990).

Do not use “l.c.” to refer to a full citation given earlier, but repeat the full citation.

Citations in synonymy blocks should include author and year only, not full citations, as follows:

Hemarthria longiflora (Hook.f.) A.Camus (1922) 380

Rottboelia longiflora Hook.f. (1869) 154

The full citation, including titles of papers, book titles, journal names, etc., must be added to ‘References’ in the format that is used in that section.

Please note that to comply with (ICN art. 41.5), the reference to a basionym for a new combination should include a “full and direct reference” as follows:

Friesodielsia ovalifolia (Ridl.) I.M.Turner, comb. nov. -- Melodorum ovalifolium Ridl., Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1912: 387.







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