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2022/1/5 8:20:42 来源:官网信息 阅读:509 发布者:

Blood Transfusion



The aims and scope of Blood Transfusion are available on the Journal’s website (http://www.bloodtransfusion.it/Finalita.aspx).

All manuscripts must be submitted online (http://www.bloodtransfusion.it/bt_subm1.aspx). Manuscripts submitted by e-mail will not be considered. Blood Transfusion’s website is optimised for Google Chrome. For technical problems related to submissions, you may contact the Editorial Office (luisa.stea@bloodtransfusion.it).

To speed up the review process, please submit manuscripts with the required editing style.

Blood Transfusion follows the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Recommendations (www.icmje.org/recommendations/).  ICMJE provides useful guidelines on manuscript preparation (http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/manuscript-preparation/preparing-for-submission.html.

Blood Transfusion gives priority to reports of original research that are likely to change clinical practice or thinking about a disease.

1.1.   Copyright

Authors will grant copyright of their manuscript to SIMTIPRO Srl. No formal permission will be required to reproduce parts (tables or illustrations) of published papers, provided the source is cited appropriately and reproduction has no commercial intent. Reproductions with commercial intent will require written permission and payment of royalties. Please contact the Publisher for requests: francesca.termine@simtipro.it.

1.2.   Language

All manuscripts must be written in English.

1.3.   Peer review

All submissions are subject to peer-review by experts selected by the Editor-in-Chief and the Associate Editors.

Once an article has been submitted, the corresponding Author will receive an e-mail indicating the submission number. Please make sure that this submission number is cited in all correspondence with the Editor or Editorial Office.

The review process takes about 6 weeks, and most manuscripts require revision before final acceptance.

Each paper is first evaluated by one or more Editors, who will assess the overall quality and novelty of the work and the article's appropriateness for the scope of Blood Transfusion. Articles that are not found relevant or do not fulfil the primary goals of  Blood Transfusion will not be sent out for external review. Articles considered of interest to the Journal are reviewed by external Reviewers (second step of the classical peer-review).

The Reviewers’ comments are returned to the Editor who, taking into account the Reviewers’ comments, may approve (with minor or major modifications) or reject the article. In either case the Editor informs the Author of the editorial decision.

Authors who submit a revised version according to the Reviewers’ comments, must log-into Blood Transfusion’s website again and replace the files, together with the responses to the Reviewers’ observations. Authors who do not agree with the Reviewers’ observations must clearly state their reasons. It is up to the Editors to accept such reasons.

A copy of the manuscript with highlighted changes in the text is required to help speed the review process. Revised papers are reviewed by the original Reviewers, unless the Editor-in-Chief or the Associate Editor opt for an immediate decision. Acceptance of a revised paper is not assured, but is dependent on the suitability of the responses to and compliance with the Reviewers’ comments. The final decision on a paper's acceptability for publication is made by the Editor-in-Chief on the basis of the comments of the Associate Editor and the Reviewers. A summary of the peer review process is illustrated in the flow chart.






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