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2022/1/4 10:37:29 来源:官网信息 阅读:454 发布者:


Guide for authors

Content: Topics covered by submitted papers should be consistent with the aim and scope of the journal. Topics include:

1.   Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics

2.   Symplectic and Poisson geometry and their applications to mechanics

3.   Geometric and optimal control theory

4.   Geometric and variational integration

5.   Geometry of stochastic systems

6.   Geometric methods in dynamical systems

7.   Continuum mechanics

8.   Classical field theory

9.   Fluid mechanics

10.   Infinite-dimensional dynamical systems

11.   Quantum mechanics and quantum information theory

12.   Applications in physics, technology, engineering, and the biological sciences

More detailed information on the topics covered by the journal is provided by the fields of research of the members of the editorial board.

Style: All papers should contain complete proofs of principal results. There are no restrictions on the size of any individual paper. Papers with a comprehensive treatment of an important area, including a detailed and illuminating treatment of necessary background, will be given favorable consideration. Expository papers are welcome.

Each paper requires an abstract not exceeding 200 words summarizing the techniques, methods, and main conclusions. To facilitate keywords searching and indexing, all manuscripts shall contain AMS subject classification information and keywords.

Submission and review protocol:

Click EditFlow to submit an article. Contact editflow@msp.org with technical problems.

Citations  (1) Each citation and reference in your manuscript must play an essential role.  (2) An explanation for each reference must be clearly integrated into the narrative of your manuscript.  (3) Do not cite any reference if your paper is not affected without it.

1.   All submissions to the Journal of Geometric Mechanics are electronic.

2.   Manuscripts sent to editors can be either:

   (a)   handled by the editor, i.e., reviewers are chosen by the editor (in this case, the Editor-in-Chief will be informed of the choice of reviewers and will receive a copy of all correspondence regarding the paper);

   (b)   sent to the Editor-in-Chief in case the editor is overloaded or does not feel comfortable about managing the reviews of the paper.

3.   Manuscripts sent to the Editor-in-Chief, either directly or from an editor, will be sent to one of the editors who will manage the selection of reviewers.

4.   All papers eventually published will be reviewed and reports will be procured from at least two reviewers. Usually a decision will be communicated to the author(s) within 2 months of submission, and the editorial board is committed to rendering a decision within 6 months in all cases.

5.   The final decisions about papers will be taken by the Editor-in-Chief and the two Managing Editors based on the recommendation of the corresponding Editorial Board member and the referees' reports. In case of drastically differing evaluations of the referees, one or more adjudicators are consulted.

Final manuscript preparation: Authors of accepted manuscripts should prepare their final LaTeX file using the AIMS template, which can be downloaded from the web page Tex file preparation.


At AIMS, we do everything we can to have your article reach as many interested readers as possible, and we encourage authors to do the same. Please consider sharing a link to your article on relevant social media such as ResearchGate and LinkedIn.






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