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JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY《地质学杂志》投稿须知(官网信息)

2022/1/4 10:23:46 来源:官网信息 阅读:575 发布者:


Manuscript Submission

Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts online via the Journal of Geology Editorial Manager system. Detailed instructions are available below. It is no longer necessary to submit a hard copy in addition to an electronic submission.

Statement of Policy

The Journal of Geology publishes original contributions dealing with any aspect of geology. Contributions should have wide appeal to geologists, present new concepts, and/or derive new geological insights through the use of new approaches and methods. Works that are highly specialized or technical or that have mainly local significance should be submitted elsewhere. Manuscripts that exceed 22 printed pages rarely can be accepted. Short, focused manuscripts can be processed as rapidly as 7 months and can be published as Geological Notes (usually fewer than 10 printed pages), but these have the same conceptual generality and significance as longer manuscripts. Also welcomed are Discussions of recent articles published in the Journal and authors' Replies. As of January 1, 2014 authors are asked to contribute page charges of $100.00 per page at the time page proofs are checked. Authors who cannot pay full page charges may apply for a partial or total waiver. Higher page charges are assessed for papers exceeding 22 printed pages. The online edition is available in HTML and PDF formats and may contain supplementary materials, some of which are also available through the Journal's Data Depository.

Please address editorial correspondence to:


Journal of Geology

University of Chicago

Henry Hinds Laboratory

5734 S. Ellis Avenue

Chicago, IL 60637

E-mail: jgeology@geosci.uchicago.edu



If a manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors are required to sign a publication agreement that assigns copyright to the University of Chicago.


Gold open access

JG authors have the option to make their accepted paper open access if required by funding mandates. The fee for open access is $2,400, and the article will be published under a CC-BY-NC license. Contact jgeology@geosci.uchicago.edu for more information.

UK authors should note that this option cannot be used to comply with UKRI regulations for gold OA, as the University of Chicago Press requires permission for commercial reuse. UCP does comply with the UKRI regulations for green OA.

Green open access

The University of Chicago Press supports green open access for all articles, as defined by the UKRI open access policy, under the Press’s Guidelines for Journal Authors' Rights.

Formatting Electronic Files

Please adhere to the requirements below when submitting a new or revised manuscript via Editorial Manager. The system relies on automated processing to create a PDF file from your submission. If you do not follow these instructions, your submission cannot be processed and will not be received by the journal office.

Acceptable Formats

•    Microsoft Word (.doc)(any recent version)

•    Rich Text Format (.rtf)

File Contents

Word documents should be submitted as a single file. Authors should submit figures as separate files, in PDF (.pdf), TIFF (.tif), or EPS (.eps) (not GIF [.gif] or JPEG [.jpg]) format.

In addition to the main manuscript file, submit your cover letter as a separate file in the same format as your main file. If you used any revision or editorial tracking tools in your word-processing program, be sure the final version of your manuscript does not contain tracked changes.

Revised and Final Versions of Manuscripts

If you are submitting a revised manuscript, please include your responses to the reviewers' comments as part of the cover letter file. When submitting a revised manuscript with figures, include all figures, even if they have not changed since the previous version. The final version of your manuscript must be submitted in Word (doc.) or Rich Text (.rtf) format, because your keystrokes will be used in publication; a PDF does not contain usable character data and is thus not adequate. For both revised and final versions of manuscripts, please observe the same formatting instructions outlined above.

General Specifications

Authors must submit manuscripts online via the Journal of Geology Editorial Manager system. The submission letter must state clearly that the manuscript is not being considered for publication elsewhere and that all authors have seen and approved the manuscript. To aid the Editor in selecting suitable reviewers, authors should also include the names and the postal and e-mail addresses of three competent reviewers. The Editor reserves the right to select reviewers, but authors may mention if certain potential reviewers are competitors or may view the work unfavorably. Manuscripts held in revision for more than 9 months will be considered new contributions.

Manuscripts must be in completed form and must be carefully checked for errors. The entire manuscript, including references, abstracts, and legends for illustrations, should be double spaced in at least 12-point type, with 1-inch margins. Only numerical tables can be submitted single spaced. Each page must be numbered, beginning with "1" on the title page and continuing throughout the entire manuscript, including tables and figure legends. For matters of general style and arrangement of headings, please consult recent issues of the Journal. All tables and figures must be mentioned in the text, in numerical order. Text footnotes are not permitted. Abstracts should not exceed 275 words for major articles and 100 words for Geological Notes; all abstracts should be one paragraph. Acknowledgments should include only significant contributions by professional colleagues and financial support of research. Appendixes are available in the online edition and from the Journal's Data Depository (but not in the print edition).






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