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2022/1/4 10:05:47 来源:官网信息 阅读:509 发布者:

Biotechnology Progress

Author Guidelines

NIH Public Access Mandate

For those interested in the Wiley-Blackwell policy on the NIH Public Access Mandate, please visit our policy statement

Manuscript Preparation: Sample Article

LaTeX Template


Biotechnology Progress , an official, bimonthly publication of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers and its technological community, the Society for Biological Engineering, features peer-reviewed research articles, reviews, and descriptions of emerging techniques for the development and design of new processes, products, and devices for the biotechnology, biopharmaceutical and bioprocess industries.

Topical areas of interest include application of biological and engineering principles in fields such as applied cellular physiology and metabolic engineering, biocatalysis and bioreactor design, bioseparations and downstream processing, cell culture and tissue engineering, biosensors and process control, bioinformatics and systems biology, biomaterials and artificial organs, stem cell biology and genetics, and plant biology and food science. Manuscripts concerning the design of related processes, products, or devices are also encouraged. Four types of manuscripts are published in Biotechnology Progress: Research articles, Topical or Review Papers, Letters to the Editor, and Notes. Papers will be accepted for review only if they are not under consideration by another journal.

All authors should read the AIChE Ethical Guidelines and AIChE Code of Ethics.

Transparent Peer Review: This journal is participating in a pilot on Peer Review Transparency. By submitting to this journal, authors agree that the reviewer reports, their responses, and the editor’s decision letter will be linked from the published article to where they appear on Publons in the case that the article is accepted. Authors have the opportunity to opt out during submission, and reviewers may remain anonymous unless they would like to sign their report. Participation in the Transparent Peer Review pilot has no bearing on editorial decisions (acceptance/publication) of the submitted manuscript.

Types of Manuscripts

Research Articles are full-length expositions of extensive and significant experimental or theoretical studies.

Topical or Review Papers are short reviews or full reviews focused on areas of interest to readers of the journal. They may also be state-of-the-art reports or commentaries. These papers are peer reviewed and are accepted on the basis of technical accuracy, importance, and readability.

Notes are generally eight (or fewer) double-spaced typewritten pages including figures and tables.

Submission of Manuscripts

The journal to which you are submitting your manuscript employs a plagiarism detection system. By submitting your manuscript to this journal you accept that your manuscript may be screened for plagiarism against previously published work

Submit your manuscript online at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/biotechprog/.

Please submit your manuscript as a Word or rtf file (for text and tables) and tiff or eps (for figures). Other file types are not suitable for production. Text, tables, and figures will need to be uploaded individually.

Single file submissions for review: The editorial office of Biotechnology Progress now permits manuscripts to be submitted as a single Word file with figures and tables embedded in the text. Only initial submissions will be permitted in this format; revisions must adhere to the manuscript submission guidelines described in the paragraph above.

LATeX Users: All files must be formatted in LaTeX version 2.02 or earlier. Figures must be formatted as either .tif or .eps files and saved separately. Directory structures should not be used when referencing external files. This will cause a corrupted upload into ScholarOne Manuscripts and will result in the cancellation of manuscript submission. Class and style files may be either internal or external. ScholarOne Manuscripts provides all standard LaTeX class files for author use; however, you may create your own. Please be sure to check the log file provided at submission to see if you are missing the class file from your document.

If your manuscript contains biomass pretreatment research, please complete this document and include with your manuscript submission as either an additional figure in your manuscript or as supplementary material. If choosing to include as supplementary material, save the document in Microsoft Word version 2007 or older. When uploading this file to ScholarOne Manuscripts, please designate as a "Supplementary Material for Review" file.

For technical assistance, please contact ts.mcsupport@thomson.com.

If you have any questions about the online submission process, you may also contact the Biotechnology Progress Editorial Office:

Arthur Baulch, Biotechnology Progress Editorial Office Email: biotechnology-progress@purdue.edu






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