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JOURNAL OF GEMMOLOGY《宝石学杂志》投稿须知(官网信息)

2022/1/4 8:59:29 来源:官网信息 阅读:411 发布者:


Articles should be submitted as a Word document by email to brendan@gem-a.com. The text should be formatted in the manner of recent issues of The Journal and in conformity with the information described below. Papers may be of various length, but long manuscripts of more than 10,000 words (unless capable of division into parts or of exceptional importance) are unlikely to be acceptable, whereas a short paper of 1,000 words may achieve early publication.

If English is not your first language, manuscripts should be checked by an expert translator before they are submitted to The Journal for consideration.

All articles and Gemmological Briefs are typically sent to at least three reviewers and are also subject to copy editing. Authors may indicate reviewers who they feel would be appropriate, and they can also suggest reviewers who they prefer to exclude from the review process due to possible conflicts of scientific interest. Reviewers need not be limited to The Journal’s Associate Editors. The decisions of the editors are final. Authors are given the opportunity to review the page proofs of their article and are held responsible for its content. Authors who publish in The Journal of Gemmology receive a total of 25 offprints of their article free of charge.

The following guidelines apply to all Articles and Gemmological Briefs:

Title Block:    The title should be brief and give a clear indication of the content of the paper. It should be followed by the full names of the authors and by their postal and email addresses.

Abstract:   A short abstract of 100-200 words is required.

Headings:   All headings should be formatted in all-caps, with first-level headings in italic font and any further subheadings in bold font. Most articles should contain the following section headings: Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, References and Figure Captions. A general outline for articles is available upon request.

Figures:    High-resolution digital files (TIF or JPG format), at 300 dpi and sized to at least 10 x 15cm, should be submitted by email or via a file transfer website. After a paper has been accepted for publication, line art such as spectra, diagrams, maps etc. should, if possible, be supplied as vector files (EPS format). Alternate formats include AI and SVG. In addtion, photos should be supplied as original unannotated high-resolution files. All illustrations (maps, diagrams and photos) are numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.) and must be called-out consecutively in the text. Figure captions should be informative and written in complete sentences. For photomicrographs, give the field of view or magnification. All photos should have the photographer listed.

Tables: Must be in Word or Excel format, and include a brief title. They are called-out in the text and numbered consecutively with Roman numerals (Table IV, etc.).



Author information: Give the name and location/affiliation for each author. Complete addresses are preferred, but may be limited to city/state/province/country. An email address should also be provided for the corresponding author.

Acknowledgements:   Mention the persons (but not co-authors), businesses or organisations that helped with the research, supply samples, prepare the manuscript, etc. Sourcing of funding (grants etc.) should also be listed.

Publishing Agreement:  

Please include a signed Publishing Agreement when submitting your manuscript to The Journal of Gemmology






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