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PUBLIC HEALTH GENOMICS《公共卫生基因组学》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/12/28 13:51:15 来源:官网信息 阅读:380 发布者:


About the Journal

Aims and Scope

Public Health Genomics is the leading international journal focusing on the timely translation of genome-based knowledge and technologies into public health, health policies, and health care as a whole. This peer-reviewed journal is a bimonthly forum featuring original papers, reviews, short communications, and policy statements. It is supplemented by topic-specific issues providing a comprehensive, holistic, and “all-inclusive” picture of the chosen subject. Multidisciplinary in scope, it combines theoretical and empirical work from a range of disciplines, notably public health, molecular and medical sciences, the humanities, and social sciences. In so doing, it also takes into account rapid scientific advances from fields such as systems biology, microbiomics, epigenomics, or information and communication technologies as well as the high potential of “big data” for public health. What was until very recently no more than a vision for a new era of public health, in which advances in the “-omic” sciences would be integrated into strategies aiming at benefiting population health, has now become a response to the very pressing need for the development of effective personalized health care which is complementary to health protection and health promotion. The aim of Public Health Genomics is to facilitate a broad dialogue between academia, the private sector, and government bodies.

Journal Sections

Policy Statements

Policy Statements are brief reports or discussions with relevance to policy making in the field of public health genomics. They include, but are not limited to, best practice examples, policy recommendations, and policy briefs, as well as guidelines on the assessment, provision and use of genome-based knowledge and technologies.

Article Types

Research Article

Research Articles report on primary research. They must describe significant and original observations. Consideration for publication is based on the article’s originality, novelty, and scientific soundness, and the appropriateness of its analysis.

Research Articles are reports of original work. Authors are asked to follow the EQUATOR Network for Research Articles.

Prior approval from an Institutional Review Board (IRB) or an Ethics Review Committee is required for all investigations involving human subjects.

A downloadable template is available below.


Research Article (DOCX, 28.97 KB)

Research articles should contain 4'000 - 6'000 words and a 250-word abstract.

Review Article

Review Articles are considered reviews of research or summary articles. They are state-of-the-art papers covering a current topic by experts in the field. They should give evidence on and provide answers to a well-defined aspect or question in a particular area. Review Articles must include a critical discussion of the reported data and give a clear conclusion with potential impacts on the standard of care.

A downloadable template is available below.


Review Article (DOCX, 23.66 KB)

Review articles should contain up to 6'000 words and a 250-word abstract. For unsolicited reviews, please send a short outline (300-400 words) to the Editorial Office before submitting.

Brief Report

Brief Reports are short and/or rapid announcements of research results. They must contain data derived from cutting-edge research and be of potential interest to a large proportion of the readership. They are independent, concise reports representing a significant contribution to the field. Such communications should represent complete, original studies and should be arranged in the same way as full-length manuscripts with subheadings.

A downloadable template is available below.


Brief Report (DOCX, 26.81 KB)

Brief reports should contain 1'600 - 2'000 words.


Commentaries draw attention to a jointly published article, discussing the context or implications of the article and highlighting points of wider relevance to the field. Commentaries are presented from the author’s perspective and do not include original data. Commentaries are invited by the Editors and relate to an article in the same issue.

A downloadable template is available below.






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