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2021/12/28 9:18:06 来源:官网信息 阅读:448 发布者:

notes for authors

1. Aims and scope

Acta Crystallographica Section F is a rapid structural biology communications journal. It aims to publish structural biology results of scientific significance and methods/software advances from all current and new structural biology techniques, including X-ray, neutron and electron crystallography, and also NMR spectroscopy, electron microscopy and SAXS. Reporting of methods and results using computational approaches (such as molecular dynamics, quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics and DFT), when used in the context of structural data are also encouraged.

Communications on any aspect of structural biology, including experimental methods and techniques, structures determined using high-throughput methods or from iterative studies such as those used in the pharmaceutical industry, are welcomed by the journal. Reported structures should be of macromolecules that have significant biological interest, or be significant improvements of previous structures in terms of resolution or precision.

Communications describing preliminary results on macromolecules or complexes (production and crystallization, preliminary spectra, biochemical characterisation, high-resolution images or similar) are also welcomed, but only on those with notable biological interest, likely to have novel folds, or if the method used to produce the preliminary results has novel aspects that may also be applicable to other macromolecules.

The journal offers the option of open access and all communications benefit from unlimited free use of colour illustrations and no page charges. Authors are encouraged to submit multimedia content for publication with their articles. Acta Cryst. F has a dedicated online tool called publBio that is designed to make the preparation and submission of manuscripts easier for authors.

2. Categories of contributions

Contributions should conform to the general editorial style of the journal. Articles should not exceed four journal pages (about 3000 words) and structural communications should describe a single structure. Typical articles may be viewed by going to https://journals.iucr.org/f/issues/sample/.

2.1. Research Communications

These are short focused articles and can describe any aspect of structural biology. publBio templates are available for this type of article (see §3.1[link]).

For articles that describe the determination of biological structures, details of data requirements can be found at https://journals.iucr.org/f/services/evaluationcriteria/.

Articles describing the crystallization of a biological macromolecule should describe more than just a routine crystallization and should include novel aspects of the crystallization procedure together with new science. They should cover expression, purification and crystallization of a macromolecule, and the validation of crystal quality, including a presentation of the diffraction data statistics. Evidence of the identity of the crystallized macromolecule is also required. Special submission instructions apply to this type of article (see §3.1[link])

2.2. Methods Communications

These are brief descriptions of special methods, equipment modifications, techniques for accomplishing certain tasks related to any area of structural biology, including but not limited to sample production, crystallization, imaging, diffraction data collection, data processing and structure visualization. Multimedia files are especially welcomed for these contributions.

2.3. Topical Reviews

These are short reviews that aim to capture the current trend of a field or subfield. They may treat a broad topic concisely or a more narrow topic in greater detail.

2.4. Letters to the Editor

These may deal with any aspect of crystallography, its role, its propagation or the proper function of its Societies etc. They may also deal with a technical or scientific observation that would usefully be brought to a wider audience. Letters should be submitted to one of the Section Editors.






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