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Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/12/28 8:57:58 来源:官网信息 阅读:399 发布者:

notes for authors

1. Scientific scope

Acta Crystallographica Section B publishes scientific articles related to the structural science of compounds and materials in the widest sense. Knowledge of the arrangements of atoms, including their temporal variations and dependencies on parameters such as temperature and pressure, is often the key to understanding physical and chemical phenomena and is crucial for the design of new materials and supramolecular devices. Acta Crystallographica Section B is the forum for the publication of such contributions. The journal also welcomes contributions focusing on all aspects of crystal growth related to structural science, crystal engineering and materials. Scientific developments based on experimental studies as well as those based on theoretical approaches, including crystal-structure prediction, structure–property relations and the use of databases of crystal structures, are published.

Developments related to X-ray, electron and neutron diffraction studies of periodic and aperiodic crystals, fully and partially ordered solids as well as amorphous solids, clusters and single molecules are reported. Studies based on complementary techniques, such as electron microscopy and other imaging or spectroscopic techniques, are also welcome. The journal covers inorganic, organic, organometallic and metal–organic compounds, minerals, metals, alloys, extended framework structures, and hybrid and biomimetic materials. A full list of topics can be found on the journal home page at https://journals.iucr.org/b/journalhomepage.html.

2. Categories of contributions

Contributions should conform to the general editorial style of the journal. Typical articles can be viewed by going to https://journals.iucr.org/b/issues/sample/. Articles should be written with a wide scientific audience in mind.

2.1. Research Papers

Full-length Research Papers should not normally exceed 15 journal pages (about 15 000 words).

2.2. Lead Articles

Lead Articles are authoritative, comprehensive and forward-looking reviews of major areas of research interest. Suggestions for suitable topics and of potential author(s) are welcomed by the Section Editors for discussion with the Board.

The Section Editors will discuss the treatment of the topic, the length of the Article and the delivery date of the manuscript with invited author(s).

2.3. Feature Articles

Feature Articles are focused surveys covering recent advances in an area of current research. They should not aim to be comprehensive, but a brief introduction should provide historical perspective and a brief conclusion should indicate likely future directions. Inclusion of relevant new results is appropriate.

Feature Articles will generally be about ten journal pages (10 000 words). Shorter articles on rapidly evolving areas are also actively encouraged.

2.4. Topical Reviews

Topical Reviews aim to capture the current trend of a field and are expected to be relatively short. Typically they should contain about 6000 words and a maximum of 50 references, with half of those having been published in the last three years. Inclusion of new results as well as historical perspective is appropriate.

2.5. Research Perspectives

Research Perspectives are articles invited by the Section Editors after discussion with the Board. The main or sole author will be an established leader in a particular field and such articles are expected to review the development of that field, with a strong focus on the author's own contributions to it.

The length of a Research Perspective should not normally exceed 15 journal pages (about 15 000 words), but the Section Editors will discuss the length, the treatment of the topic and the delivery date of the manuscript with the invited author. The journal will normally publish one article in this category per year.

2.6. Letters to the Editor

These may deal with non-technical aspects of crystallography, its role, its propagation, the proper function of its Societies etc., or may make a technical observation or scientific comment that would usefully be brought to a wider audience. Letters should be submitted to the Section Editors.

2.7. Scientific Comment

Comments of general scientific interest to the readership are welcomed. These should not normally exceed two journal pages and should be submitted as in §6[link].

2.8. Opinions

Opinion articles which discuss a particular topic from the authors' viewpoint are also welcome: their general scope should be discussed with the Section Editors before submission.

2.9. Scientific Commentaries

Scientific Commentaries discuss articles of particular importance for the readership of the journal. Suggestions for suitable topics and of potential author(s) are welcomed by the Main Editors.

2.10. Special issues

Acta Crystallographica Section B also publishes focused special issues on topics which highlight the scope of the journal. For more information contact the Section Editors.

3. Studies of crystal growth

Acta Crystallographica Section B is a natural home for publications describing studies of crystal growth of small molecules or extended organic, inorganic or hybrid compounds. In general, such studies should correspond to the scope of the journal, namely structural science, crystal engineering and materials. Studies of biological crystallisation should be submitted to Acta Crystallographica Section D or F. Theoretical studies may be more suitable for Acta Crystallographica Section A or Journal of Applied Crystallography, although there are likely to be borderline cases. Potential authors are encouraged to consult the relevant editorial and contact a Section Editor to discuss the selection of the most appropriate journal for their submission.






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