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2021/12/28 8:46:28 来源:官网信息 阅读:404 发布者:


Instructions for Authors

Manuscripts for review should be submitted over the World Wide Web at http://psymed.editorialmanager.com. They should be addressed to the attention of Willem J. Kop, PhD, Editor-in-Chief, Psychosomatic Medicine. Postal correspondence may be sent to the Psychosomatic Medicine Editorial Office at 1120 E. Kennedy Blvd. #1410, Tampa, FL 33602, USA. The editorial office telephone number is (813) 525-0098. The e-mail address is: PsychosomaticMedicine@gmail.com

The Journal welcomes original research articles, meta analyses and systematic literature reviews, articles on methodology and statistics, and letters to the editor. The Journal publishes special series on selected topics in psychosomatic medicine and the Methods and Statistics series. Authors submitting to these series are encouraged to send a detailed query to the Editorial Office to gauge interest in the particular manuscript or topic. Original data manuscripts may be considered for Rapid Communication if the text including references and tables is no longer than 3,200 words and the manuscript does not require major revision. If a major revision is required, the manuscript will be processed as a regular submission. Note that this category is for succinct manuscripts of unusual interest, not for pilot data or work in progress.

Manuscripts are reviewed with the understanding that they are original, have not been published other than in an abstract form, and are not under simultaneous review elsewhere. All authors must approve of the submission, and before publication, the corresponding author should secure permission to name anyone listed under acknowledgments. Most manuscripts are sent to outside peer reviewers, but a significant percentage are evaluated only in-house and may be rejected if they are not suitable for the journal or up to the journal's quality standards. Psychosomatic Medicine requests authors to adhere to the journal's statistical guidelines. The journal endorses several statements developed to improve the quality of medical research reports. Authors are encouraged to consult the CONSORT, MOOSE, and PRISMA statements, available on the World Wide Web at: http://www.consort-statement.org or http://www.equator-network.org.

Clinical trials registration: Psychosomatic Medicine requires authors to comply with the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors' policies regarding registration of clinical trials in a public database. The ICMJE defines a clinical trial as any research project that prospectively assigns human subjects to intervention or concurrent comparison or control groups to study the cause-and-effect relationship between a medical intervention and a health outcome. Medical interventions include drugs, surgical procedures, devices, behavioral treatments, process-of-care changes, and the like. Authors should include the trial registration number with a web address for the registry at the end of the abstract. For more information about the ICMJE policies, including answers to a list of frequently asked questions, please see: http://www.icmje.org/publishing_10register.html.

Manuscript formatting: Electronic manuscripts should be formatted so text is double-spaced (including references and tables) on 8 1/2"x 11" paper size. When submitting a manuscript, describe in a brief cover letter the paper's objectives and significance. The editor welcomes, but is not bound by, suggestions for possible peer reviewers.

On the title page, include the title, full names of author(s), with highest academic degrees and academic or professional affiliations, and the complete address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address of the author to whom proofs and correspondence should be sent. Indicate the total number of words contained in the manuscript, and the number of tables and figures; the word count should include the body of the paper, the references and the tables. If the title exceeds 45 characters, supply an abbreviated running title of fewer than 46 spaces. Please also include a section on the title page labeled "Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding." (Further instructions are below.) Number pages consecutively beginning with the abstract page. Manuscripts should be no longer than 6,500 words.

Abstract: All papers should include a brief initial abstract of not more than 250 words followed by up to 6 key words for indexing. Abstracts should be submitted in outline format, using the bolded headings of Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusions, and, if applicable, Trial Registration. Precise results for main findings should be presented. After the keywords, list all acronyms used in text, e.g., DBP = diastolic blood pressure; BMI = body mass index.

P value style: If p < .10, then it should be expressed to 3 digits after the decimal point. If the value is .10 through .99, then it should be expressed to 2 digits. Values of .000 and 1.0 should be reported as < .001 and > .99, respectively.

Tables and Illustrations: Tables should be double-spaced, including all headings, and should have a concise descriptive title. Each table should be numbered sequentially in Arabic numerals and begin on a new page. When preparing tables, if appropriate to the data, include the number of participants or observations, the statistical tests or estimation techniques used, exact p values, and some measure of variability (standard deviations, standard errors or confidence intervals) for any estimates (e.g., means, differences, proportions) presented. For figures, please do not use three-dimensional graphs for two-dimensional data.

For manuscripts accepted for publication, authors are strongly encouraged to provide scalable vector files in formats such as EPS, PowerPoint, or PDF. Line artwork created in Microsoft Word and Excel is acceptable provided the text and objects within the artwork can be formatted and edited without loss of image clarity. Preferred fonts include Arial and Helvetica. A separate sheet of legends for illustrations should be included. Authors wishing to use color figures will incur a fee to defray the associated printing costs; in the online edition, color figures may be included at no cost.






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