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ACTA CARSOLOGICA《岩溶学报》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/12/28 8:35:55 来源:官网信息 阅读:318 发布者:

Acta Carsologica

Author Guidelines


The official language of the journal is English. Use either American English or British English, but stay consistent.  Authors using a language other than their own are requested to have their manuscripts checked for linguistic correctness before submission.


Submission of the manuscript (author)

Review process (Editor – Section Editor –Reviewers – Authors)

Submission of the revised manuscript & revision notes

Copyediting (Section Editor – Author)

Layout preparation (Layout editor)

Final proofreading (Editor – Author)

Final layout (Layout editor)

Web publishing & Printing

Submission, communication and editorial procedure is maintained through the OJS site.


To submit, you must log in to the Acta Carsologica OJS site. If you are not a user, first register to the site:


Choose Submit manuscript on the main page or choose Submissions/Newe submission on your User dashboard.

A submission must include:

Original manuscript in a PDF format with all figures, tables and captions embedded in the text at relevant positions (SEE DETAILS BELLOW).

Cover letter with manuscript's highlights, list of potential reviewers and other notes to the editor.


The manuscript should include the following units:

- Title page

- Abstract+ Keywords

- Main Text with figures, tables and captions at relevant positions.

- References

Each unit should start on a new page.

Title page

The title page should include the title of the paper, the name(s) of the author(s) without academic titles, their affiliations, fax and e-mail addresses. The title should be short, yet illustrative. If it includes a local regional name this must be accompanied by a name of a wider region for better understanding.

Abstract and keywords

The abstract should have up to 300 words. Authors should provide 4 to 6 keywords. Guidance may be obtained from the most recent American Geological Institute GeoRef Thesaurus. Keywords should be placed beneath the abstract.

Text + Figures

The length of the text is limited to 5000 words. Contact the editor if you consider publishing a longer paper prior to submission of the manuscript. References in the text consist of the surname(s) of the author(s), followed by the year of publication in parentheses. All references cited in the text should be given in the reference list and vice versa.

Citing figures, tables and equations: Abbreviate "Figure #" as "Fig. #"  and Table # as Tab. # when in the middle of a sentence or in parenthesis. When starting the sentence, use full word. Example: "Figure 1 presents data  listed in Tab. 1."

Figure and table captions

Figure and Table captions should be added to each figure and table. Use Fig. #: Caption or Tab. #: Caption. # is the figure/table number. Number figures and tables continuously.

Please begin your figure caption with a brief title sentence for the whole figure and continue with a short description of what is shown in each panel.

Line numbering

All line numbers should be placed on the left margin of the page, and each and every line should be numbered. Please number all pages continuously and do not restart the line numbering on each page.


The headings of all sections, including introduction, results, discussions or summary must be numbered. Three levels of sectioning are allowed, e.g. 3, 3.1, and 3.1.1.


See Citations and references Section.


If a revision is required, prepare and submit a revised manuscript addressing all the comments of the reviewers and editors if given.

Along with a Revised manuscript prepare a Revision notes, listing all the comments and your actions to them.

Submit a revised version in the same form as the original manuscript (PDF or MS Word with figures included) and Revision notes.Upload the revised version in the review section of the submission.You can either combine Revised version and Revision notes into 1 file and submitt them together or submitt Revision notes using Add a Supplemetary file in submission's Summary section.






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