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NORDIC JOURNAL OF BOTANY《北欧植物学期刊》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/12/27 17:09:04 来源:官网信息 阅读:642 发布者:



This page explains how to prepare your manuscript for submission to the Nordic Journal of Botany, a Nordic Society Oikos publication. Before submitting, please make sure that your article fits within the journal’s aims and scope.


The Nordic Journal of Botany is published by the Nordic Society Oikos (NSO). The NSO editorial and publishing policies regarding conflict of interest, authorship, roles of editors, copyright and licensing and open access conditions are compiled in the ethics and policies page. Please carefully read this information before submitting.

To make science more just, we ask our authors to declare whether the conduct of their study considers equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) when they submit their papers. An EDI statement for the NSO journals can be found here.

There are no charges for publishing in the NSO journals. However, all open access publications have article publication charges (APC).

Papers submitted to NSO journals are evaluated using double-blind peer review. This has implications for manuscript formatting. Further information about double blind review can be found here.


Research papers report original research in all fields of botany, mycology and plant ecology and should aim at a readership from a wide range of botanical and plant ecological disciplines.

Short standard papers report original research, in a short format (up to 4 pages), in all fields of botany, mycology and plant ecology and should aim at a readership from a wide range of botanical and plant ecological disciplines.

Review papers are commissioned by either direct invitation from the Review Editor, Jens-Christian Svenning (in consultation with the EiC and board), or via unsolicited proposals. Review papers should provide an overview of an area in botany, mycology or plant ecology. For examples, see invited review papers in NJB vol. 30-31.

Methods papers should provide a description of novel applications or methods in botany, mycology or plant ecology.

Idea papers can have different formats. They can be short notes to bring attention to new ideas, or interpretations or evaluations of fields in botany and mycology in its widest sense. Ideas papers could also offer new ways of interpreting existing data.

Forum papers are conceptual papers and an arena for discussing current botanical, mycological and plant ecological issues by revising established concepts and for developing new theory to promote novel research. Purely speculative pieces are discouraged. Where uncertainties, problems, or debates in current theory are identified, authors are strongly encouraged to, wherever possible, highlight productive and positive lines of research that may resolve the issue. For Forum manuscripts, send a short proposal including statements about the novelty and need for the piece to njb[at]oikosoffice.lu.se. Proposals will be evaluated by our Editors-in-Chief (Torbjörn Tyler (Taxonomy and Systematics) or Sara Cousins (Plant Ecology)) and the Deputy Editor-in-Chief Stefan Andersson.

Meeting initiatives papers may be Flora initiatives, meeting initiatives or other initiated larger projects in botany or mycology which can be described in this article category. It should be clear what the aim and supposed outcome of the initiative is.

Taxonomic papers are descriptions of new species and new or updated extended Flora checklists. As new species are added, species checklists need to be established, or existing checklists be revised. Specific instructions for taxonomic papers can be found here.

Data papers. The Nordic Journal of Botany offers the opportunity to publish data papers of botanical or plant ecological studies. Data need to be comprehensibly assembled and explained.


To make the submission process easier, we differentiate between initial and revised submissions.

All manuscripts must be submitted through the ScholarOne submission system. For initial submissions, we do not require journal-specific formatting and manuscripts can be submitted in any file format. LaTeX users do not have to translate their manuscripts into MSWord, but may upload them as PDF files. Please read the information below regarding formatting of initial submissions and the different parts of the manuscript.






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