Annals of Carnegie Museum is a quarterly journal that publishes peer-reviewed short and medium-length original scientific contributions in organismal biology, earth sciences (including paleontology), and anthropology. Subject matter must be relevant to Carnegie
Museum of Natural History (CMNH) scientific sections or Powdermill Nature Reserve (PNR), preferably with connection to CMNH collections and/or personnel. CMNH staff and research associates receive publication priority, but others are encouraged to submit papers, especially those manuscripts explicitly based on CMNH collections. Direct inquiries regarding the appropriateness of a specific contribution to the Senior Editor:
John R. Wible
Section of Mammals
Carnegie Museum of Natural History
5800 Baum Blvd.
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
The overall publication size is 8½ x 11 inches. The standard text and image area of each page is 171 by 220 mm (486 by 624 points or 6¾ x 8 2/3 inches). Figure widths are 234 points (single column) or 486 points (full page), with height less than 624 points to allow for captions (e.g., a four-line captions requires 45 points, so that maximum figure height would be 579 points).
Authors should give particular attention to scientific content, format, and general style for the Annals. Manuscripts that do not conform to the style of the Annals will be returned to the author(s).
Every manuscript will be subjected to anonymous external peer review. Authors should submit the names, addresses, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail addresses of at least three qualified potential (non-CMNH) reviewers for each manuscript. After the peer review process is completed, the CMNH Corresponding Editor, in consultation with the
Senior Editor, approves the manuscript for production and returns it to the author for revision, or rejects the manuscript. The revised document will be placed in production after the final submission is approved. Authors will be asked to subsidize, if funds are available, any or all costs of publications (approximately $100/page printed).
Submission Procedure
Manuscripts (including illustrations) must be submitted as electronic files to the
Senior Editor (e-mail address above). Consult the guidelines that follow.
Copyright Transfer
All senior authors must sign a copyright transfer form prior to publication that assigns all literary rights to CMNH. Forms will be sent with proofs.
Reprints and Other Chargeable Costs
With the availability of high quality digital files for separates, no hard-copy reprints are provided for free to appropriate CMNH Scientific Sections as was done for many years (Amphibians and Reptiles, Anthropology, Birds, Botany, Invertebrate Paleontology, Invertebrate Zoology, Mammals, Mollusks, and Vertebrate Paleontology). Sections and authors must purchase their own separates, but will be provided with a PDF file of their publication for free. Authors and curators may order these reprints at the proof stage.
Authors are responsible for all color-reproduction charges. Address queries to the Senior Editor. PDF Files
A PDF file of the published article will be provided to the senior author. The senior author may deposit that PDF file on his/her Web Site.
General Aspects of the Manuscript
Articles should include the following items in this order: title page, abstract, text (with desired headings, see below), acknowledgments, literature cited, tables, appendices, figure captions, and illustrations. All manuscripts must be set in 12 point font, doublespaced, and in standard 8½ x 11 format. Words intended to be italicized, underlined, or in boldface in the final work should be submitted in that form in the manuscript. Do not right-justify text or use hyphenation to break words at ends of lines. Do not use footnotes. Manuscript should be set with a minimal amount of formatting needed to distinguish parts of the content (i.e., paragraph indents, centered headings, use of bold and italic type). Refrain from using elaborate formatting features such as bullets or numbering systems, underlined text, or style sheets. All pages should be numbered including tables, literature cited, and figure captions. Refer to the most recent issues of the Annals for examples of illustration and caption sizes and placement, standard text, tables, and citations styles.