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Image Analysis & Stereology《图像分析与体视学》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/12/23 15:22:10 来源:官网信息 阅读:524 发布者:

Author Guidelines

Journal Mission Statement. Image Analysis and Stereology is the official journal of the International Society for Stereology. It promotes the exchange of scientific, technical, organizational and other information on the quantitative analysis of data having a geometrical structure, including stereology, differential geometry, image analysis, image processing, mathematical morphology, stochastic geometry, statistics, pattern recognition, and related topics. The fields of application are not restricted and range from biomedicine, material sciences and physics to geology and geography.

Publications. The journal publishes full-length original research papers, review articles, technical notes and short research communications. Contributions for book reviews, communications and notes are solicited by the Editor in Chief. Submission of a paper to Image Analysis and Stereology is understood to imply that it has not been previously published (except in abstract form) and that it has not been submitted for publication elsewhere at the same time. Every effort will be made to notify authors about acceptance, necessary revision or rejection within 12 weeks from the date of receipt of a manuscript. Every manuscript is reviewed by two independent referees and checked for plagiarism.

Apart from potential supplementary material the electronic version of papers is identical to the printed version. In the case of any discrepancies the electronic version is treated as reference.

Sample articles:

Original research paper (sample 1) - pure mathematical papers

Original research paper (sample 2) - other papers

Review article (sample)

Technical note (sample)

Manuscript Submission. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically in PDF or Word format (first submission) and in Word or LaTex format (final submission) at Online Submission.

What To Submit:

PDF or Word file of the Manuscript prepared by the author (obligatory at first submission)

Cover Letter (obligatory)

Supplementary Material (optional)

Manuscript and Figures (obligatory at final submission of the accepted manuscript)

Copyright Transfer Agreement (obligatory at final submission of the accepted manuscript)

Mandatory Manuscript Structure. Image Analysis and Stereology is striving to publish high-quality articles that should be comprehensible to any professional from the fields within its scope. To this end, the Editors will enforce the following mandatory major section titles for applied original research articles:


Material and Methods



Again, this structure is mandatory for any papers presenting results of any numerical or applied nature. Authors may add subsections as needed. Please note that purely mathematical papers and review articles are the only exceptions to this rule. Please refer to the sample articles above for reference.

E-mail correspondence. Should you require any information regarding article submission, please feel free to contact the Editorial Office at ias@guest.arnes.si

Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation. For rapid and accurate publication it is essential that manuscripts follow exactly the guidelines described below. Manuscript should be written in MS Word (ver. 10/Word 2002 or higher) or LaTeX.

LaTeX. LaTeX style guide PDF file presents the instructions for preparing manuscripts for the Stereology and Image Analysis journal in LaTeX, and serves itself as an example of a LaTeX file conforming to the described form. The complete LaTeX package is available here:

LaTeX zip package

LaTeX style guide PDF file

Language is English. Please be consistent. Use the same form of English (UK or American) throughout the text.

Length. Full-length research papers or full-length review articles including tables and figures with legends and references should not exceed 30 pages (30 lines per page, font size 11 pt, single column in MS Word) or 15 typeset pages if prepared in LaTeX. Short research communications, reviews, communications or notes should not exceed 15 pages (7 typeset pages if prepared in LaTex) including tables and figures with legends.

Title. Short and to the point, not longer than 120 characters (including spaces); it should be written entirely in capital letters. Title should indicate the methodological aspects of the paper, which are of interest also for several fields of application. Include the running title with the surname of the first author with no more than 100 characters including spaces (e.g., MACKAY CE ET AL: Comparison of MRI and physical sections).

Authors. Whole name(s) and family name of each author; no academic degrees or titles. Indicate who will be responsible for correspondence, if not the first author. Complete address of each author including an e-mail address.

Abstract. Not more than 250 words, summarizing the work presented in the manuscript, in 3rd person. Abstract should be understandable to a nonspecialist.






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