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2021/12/23 14:44:54 来源:官网信息 阅读:567 发布者:


Submission guidelines

1.0 Aims & Scope

The Journal of Food Science and Technology (JFST) is an international peer reviewed scientific journal published monthly and is the official publication of the Association of Food Scientists and Technologists of India (AFSTI). The journal considers high-quality, original research representing complete studies and scientific advances dealing with the innovative application of fundamental and applied science to enhance the understanding of product attributes, processes, technologies and bioactive constituents of foods, including antioxidants, phytochemicals, antinutrients of food and their impact on health.

The Journal's basis is food science and technology with increasing emphasis on findings that enhance product quality and safety of foods., extend shelf life of fresh and processed food products and improve process efficiency.

Out of scope of the journal

Manuscripts (MS) that report studies, which are (i) not of international interest or do not have a substantial impact on either food science or food technology, (ii) submissions which comprise merely data collections and (iii) based on the use of routine analytical methods , shall be rejected without review as out of scope.

Further, authors should please note that any manuscripts dealing with bacteriological cultures or strains must include the culture deposition numbers as given by an authentic public culture collection (e.g., ATCC, MTCC, NCIM etc), failing which such MS will not be considered for the review process and rejected as out of scope.2.0 Pre-submission tips to ensure your manuscript is handled promptly

Authors SHOULD NOT contact the Editor-in-Chief (EiC) or Editor(s) for seeking opinion on suitability of your manuscript (MS) for submission. This decision is best left to you (and your co-authors). EiC, Editors or the Editorial Office (EO) cannot pre-screen

MS outside the electronic system as JFST uses the Editorial Manager® (EM) electronic submission system.For smooth handling of MS by the Editorial Office (EO), authors may ensure that the:

• MS fits the Aims & Scope of the journal.

• Cover letter is prepared, introducing your article and explaining the novelty of the

research, identifying important outcomes of the work.

• List of at least four potential reviewers with contact details (i.e., Full name, designation affiliations and official address, official e-mail and alternate email, if available). None of the reviewers should be from the author’s own institution; and, at least 3 out of the 4 reviewers from countries than the one to which the Authors belong.

• The text is written in good English.

• The MS must have, on a separate page, stand-alone highlights of the work (in such a way that one need not have to read the article to understand what authors mean).

There has to be a minimum 3 highlights (and a maximum of 5), with each highlights not exceeding 100 characters including spaces.

2 | P a g e

• MS is in accordance with ARTICLE TYPES and strictly adheres to the limits prescribed for the number of words, references and of figures/tables is within the stipulated limits:

Research article (6000 words, 30 references, 6 tables & figures combined)

Review article (7000 words, 60 references, 8 tables & figures combined)

Short communication (3000 words, 25 references, 3 tables & figures combined)

Any additional tables and figures as supplementary material

• Text in the MS is clearly divided into sections as mentioned in the inst






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