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Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology《混凝土先进技术杂志》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/12/23 11:46:53 来源:官网信息 阅读:578 发布者:

Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology

Submission to JACT

Submission fee  

- There are no charges for submission and publication of the manuscripts. 

Type of paper    

ACT publishes chiefly scientific papers, technical reports, review papers, discussions, and JCI Committee reports. Occasionally, invited articles, case studies, and selected articles from JCI conferences may be considered for publication.

Scientific papers should report original scientific research work on concrete technology, covering pertinent topics on materials, structures, and environments. It includes high-quality scientific articles that contribute to the progress of concrete technology. In scientific papers, adequate consideration and discussion from the point of scientific view are required to show the validity of the articles.

Technical reports should convey (deliver) the latest advances in modern design and construction of concrete structures, development of new materials and novel testing methods, as well as innovative techniques on concrete technology. Technical reports are required to show their novelty or significance in the technical or research field based on appropriate consideration.

Review papers should report the current state and unresolved issues for a particular scientific research field on concrete technology based on in-depth surveys and analysis of the previous research work. It is expected that the analysis with deep insight indicates the directions of future research.

Discussions should include significant comments or queries concerning the content of a scientific paper or technical report in JACT issues published within the last year. Discussions should be concisely documented and limited to 2,000 words.

Submission of manuscript      

(1) Preparation of the manuscript for submission     

The manuscript has to satisfy the following requirements.

A paper title of 80 characters or less.

An abstract of 200 words or less.

Manuscript length including figures and tables of approximately 10000 word-equivalent or less.

Text in a single column and in single-spaced.

A page number at the center-bottom + line numbers in each page or Consecutive line numbers through all pages.

Citations should follow the Author-Year method without reference numbers.

A reference list is at the end of the text and in alphabetical order of the first author.

Figures and tables should be placed in the vicinity of the relevant text parts with a few lines space in the manuscript, rather than at the end of the text part.  Photos should be numbered as Figures.

Please carefully check the JACT Authors' Guide before submission.

 A submission template is available to prepare your manuscript in Word file.

 For the preparation of references: JACT style file of Endnote ; How to import the CSL to Mendeley

* Please note the following.

If the above requirements are not met, the manuscript will be returned to the authors for revision.

If the word file of the initial manuscript is prepared with sufficient quality according to the Author's Guide, the authors won't be required to submit the final manuscript after "accept". The manuscript for publication will be prepared by our editorial office, and sent to the authors for author-proofreading.

(2) Visit the submission site and upload the manuscript  

Please visit our upload site at the Editorial Manager of JACT.

Register yourself, if you have not been registered.

Upload the prepared manuscript and input the required information according to the system.

Please provide information on the appropriate researchers from different countries who have internationally renowned research contributions in the field of the research topic as the possible candidates of reviewers.


Author's Guide for JACT Article


The Journal of the Advanced Concrete Technology, JACT, is committed to serve the diverse needs of authors. Modern equipment supporting the electronic media will allow substantial reduction in processing and publication time. Nevertheless, the Editorial Board can only deliver such smooth and fast processing services to those authors, who follow rigorously the instructions in this guide. The recommendations in this guide follow international standards, manuals and advices from literature on technical writing. By following the recommendations of this guide, author(s) will reduce the likelihood of a premature rejection of the article and speed up the publishing process.

The JACT offers to authors a modern design, electronic reprints, online information on the processing status of the articles, electronic archiving and the feedback of a highly-reputed professional organization, the Japan Concrete Institute (JCI). The JACT will be pleased to receive contributions from authors worldwide.


The JACT will primarily publish regular articles, i.e. original scientific papers, review papers, and technical reports on innovative or advanced techniques of concrete industry. Articles should be original and of clear significance, in data or treatment, and be supported by consistent factual record.

Contributions submitted as sets of companion papers must be submitted together. However, they only will be reviewed as separate articles, if the JACT concludes to be this most appropriate and logical presentation of the work. Otherwise, if the JACT determine that the work should be presented as a single article, the manuscripts will be returned to author(s), who may then revise the work and resubmit as a single article. Authors are encouraged to provide a written justification for submitting their work as a companion papers.

Invited papers and discussions may be eventually considered for publication. Discussions must comply with the ethical standards for publication of the JCI.

Note that all contributions must be free of evident commercialism or private interest, but must neither neglect references to trademarks[1] nor obscure proper description of products when required for the endorsement of the subject matter.


1.2.1 Submission of articles

Submission of an article implies that the work described has neither been previously published nor be under considered for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts based on materials available elsewhere may be considered for publication in JACT provided the manuscript has been extensively revised and given new significance. The published materials, however, must be supplied with such submission. If a previously published manuscript is considered of highly significance and its distribution has been very limited, the editor may waive the policy against dual publication.

Authors are recommended to submit the manuscript using our interactive forms and uploading system (this is the fastest and safest way for submission).

If the author cannot access to the Web site, please inquire to the following, or use the contact page.

Dr. S. Ohno, Editorial Secretary of JACT

E mail: secretary(at mark) j-act.org

Japan Concrete Institute







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