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2021/12/22 15:37:55 来源:官网信息 阅读:539 发布者:


Instructions for authors

1. (Aims and scope) Applied Biological Chemistry (ABCH: Appl Biol Chem), launched on December 1960, is a complete (author payment) Open Access journal copublished by the Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistry (ABCH) and Springer Nature publishers. The goal of ABCH is to promote scientific information interchange among researchers in the field of agricultural chemistry. The journal covers the scientific aspects of 1 ) biochemistry/ molecular biology, 2) natural products/ bioactive compounds/ biomedical sciences, 3) agricultural & environmental sciences, 4) food science related to multidisciplinary agriculture. ABCH considers the publication of results using isolated natural compounds, but not plant and food extracts.

2. (Resubmissions) Papers/Manuscripts may be rejected but the authors are encouraged to resubmit the manuscript after additional experimental data, plagiarism correction (a plagiarism rate of less than 30%), factual errors by a referee, and disagreement with technical or statistical concerns raised by a referee are obtained or resolved. Resubmissions must be submitted via the online submission system under "Begin a new submission." The paper must be marked as a resubmission and list the handling editor, manuscript number of the original submission and Appeal Form, in Supplementary Material. Appeals will not be considered at all unless they are submitted with this completed form. Please submit also this form, with your point-by-point response to the referees, to the Applied Biological Chemistry publishing team via journal@ksabc.or.kr. Please note that any new evidence that you wish to include must be submitted with your appeal.

We will not consider further appeals after a decision has been made, so any new data you wish to add must be included with the appeal form. This form is intended to help authors efficiently present their arguments for reconsideration of a decision. Please fill out only those sections that apply to your paper. Brevity is greatly encouraged as it will enable us to process your appeal more efficiently. All decisions on appeals are final, without exception.

3. (Form of paper) The papers submitted for publication must not contain any materials that violate any copyright or other personal or proprietary right of any person or entity. The papers are classified into three categories.

Articles cover full reports of research works that require precise description and clear interpretation of theoretical or experimental works.

Notes should report brief results whose immediate availability to the scientific community is deemed important. A note is restricted to four printed pages (approximately 2,000 words in MS word except figures or tables) and has to fulfill the structure of a full length article.

The total number of figures and tables should not exceed four.

Reviews are invited by the Editorial Board. Alternatively, potential authors of a review article should make contact with the Editor-in-Chief to suggest the topic, outline, and a summary statement. Two types are possible of a comprehensive review and a mini-review. A minireview is a brief summary of developments in fast moving areas related to applied biological chemistry. The basic format for reviews is title page, abstract, introduction, main text, and references. Summary tables and figures dealing with key points should be used liberally. Use headings and subheadings in the main text as needed.

4. (Submission of manuscripts) The manuscripts submitted for publication must be previously unpublished research works. Each paper should be submitted as a computer file written using MS Word with 12-point font, double-spacing, and line numbers. All figures are separately uploaded as gif or jpeg files. Tables should be uploaded as .doc or .xls files. Manuscript is to be submitted through the online Editorial Manager system https://www.editorialmanager.com/abch). All queries relating to the submission should be directed to journal@ksabc.or.kr. For a resubmission of the rejected manuscript, Appeal Form must be uploaded as a Supplementary Material and also submitted to the Applied Biological Chemistry publishing team via journal@ksabc.or.kr.






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