The Aeronautical Journal – Instructions for Authors
The Review Process
All stages of the peer review process for The Aeronautical Journal, from receipt to approval, are carried out via the online Editorial Manager system. This is a familiar software platform across academic publishing which is user-friendly and intuitive.
The review process typically lasts 3-6 months depending on how quickly reviews are obtained and authors can revise their papers.
When a paper is received, it is assigned to an appropriate Associate Editor who invites a minimum of two referees to review the manuscript. Once two reviews have been obtained, the referees’ comments are sent to the corresponding author and, if changes are recommended, they are invited to revise the paper as suggested, unless it is rejected in the first instance.
The authors should upload their revised paper with highlighted or tracked changes and include a separate list of changes or a rebuttal against each point which has been raised. This will enable the referees to see easily where changes have been made and speed up the review process.
The revised manuscript will be sent back to the original referees. If the referees suggest further improvements to the paper, these will be passed back to the authors and the paper revised again. If the Associate Editor feels, having considered the second reviews, that the authors have not responded adequately to the original reviews of the referees, then the paper will be rejected. Thus, it is essential that all comments are addressed properly by authors. A third referee may be approached if the Associate Editor feels this is appropriate. The Editor ultimately reserves the right to reject a paper on grounds of quality or lack of co-operation from authors.
A paper may also be rejected immediately without review if the subject of a paper is deemed outside the remit of The Aeronautical Journal, there is an obvious lack of novelty or the quality of English grammar and spelling is below an acceptable level.
Once a paper is accepted, the authors will be invited to upload the final files (the approved version of the text and individual files for any accompanying figures and tables) on to Editorial Manager.
New submissions
Manuscripts should be submitted by authors via Editorial Manager at They are accepted for consideration on the strict condition that they are based on original research and have not previously been published or submitted for publication to another published journal. Research papers submitted at conferences, and unpublished, would be considered for publication.
The receipt of papers will be acknowledged by email with a reference number which should be used in all correspondence.
Submission form
When submitting a manuscript, authors will be required to complete an online submission form. This includes:
Full title: The title should be kept short and concise.
Article type: This will be Regular or Survey. Most papers will be regular papers. The purpose of a survey paper (sometimes known as a review paper) is to succinctly review recent research in a particular area and summarise the current state of knowledge of the topic.
Keywords: A minimum of two keywords describing the main subject area(s) covered by the paper should also be given. This will appear in the published paper.
Corresponding author: This is the author responsible for handling correspondence during the review and production stages. Full name, institution and email address are required. Correspondence will be through email. If the corresponding author changes or their email address changes during the process, then they should update their contact details on Editorial Manager or inform the publications staff at
Order of authors: Names should be presented in the order they should appear on the published paper. Each author’s organisation to which they are associated should be included with accompanying address. Please note the authors’ organisations and email addresses will be published unless requested not to.
Abstract: An abstract of around 150 words is required which summarises the paper and contains no references.
Suggested reviewers: The author will be invited to suggest some appropriate referees and a suitable Associate Editor if they wish, though this is not mandatory. A list of Associate Editors can be found on The Aeronautical Journal website at Editorial board (
The Editor reserves the right not to use the suggested Associate Editors or referees and referees’ identities are not revealed during or after the review process.
Opposed reviewers: The author can name referees they would prefer not to be used, giving a reason, eg conflict of interest, previous dispute. This section is not mandatory.