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2017/10/20 10:17:16 来源:官网信息 阅读:2568 发布者:


Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology (CJOL) was established in 1982 under the auspices of Chinese Society for Oceanology and Limnology and managed by Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and is peer-reviewed and bimonthly co-published by Science Press, Beijing, China, and Springer. CJOL aims to disseminate original research results, to promote interdisciplinary academic exchange, and to stress practical applications of achievements. CJOL welcomes articles on most updated original research on all aspects of oceanology and limnology, including hydrology, meteorology, physics, chemistry, biology, geology, geomorphology, environmental science, aquaculture and instrumentation. Manuscripts submitted are considered only on the condition that the contents have never been published elsewhere.

This journal is covered in SCI-E by Thomson Scientific services, and in other international indexing services including CA, AJ, BA, OA, CSA, etc.


Submission is via  http://www.springer.com/343  or directly at  http://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/c-jol . E-mail submission is not accepted except for very specific circumstances.

The manuscript should be MS Word-compatible in the  CJOL Template  with separate image files in cdr, eps, psd, xls, jpg, or tiff format; resolution should be no less than 600 dpi, with text content in Times New Roman in 7.5 pt.

CJOL conducts peer-review in a double-blind manner. Therefore, all the author(s) information (name, company or institute, e-mail and mailing address, and funding details) should be deleted from the manuscript body and placed in a separate   Title Page  . The main body of manuscript consists of usually the abstract, keyword, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgement, and references. A running title of no more than 50 characters should be provided.

Copyright Transfer Statement   is mandatory for every submission.

Abstract  should outline the research background, objective, method, main results, and conclusion/implication/research prospect; <200 words in length. The keyword list shall include 3–6 words or phrases. Standard international units (SI) must be used.

Citations  should be against the reference list (shown below) in the format of: (Li, 1993), (Siegal and Castellan, 1997), and (Ermakov et al., 1999); multiple citations should be in chronological order (Li, 1993; Siegal and Castellan, 1997; Ermakov et al., 1999; Xu, 1999).

Tables and figures  must be cited in numerical order and clearly labeled with the figure or table number. Color printing is at the author’s expense.

References  should be listed alphabetically by the first author’s surname followed by initials; list all author’s names chronologically. Personal communications and unpublished data may be cited as footnotes. URL citation must be reachable and go with the access date. Every reference item must be completed in the CJOL format and cross-checked with the citation.

For an article in  journal

Ermakov S A, de Silva J C B, Robinson I S. 1999. Role of surface films in ERS SAR signatures of internal waves on the shelf. J. Geophys. Res., 103(C4): 8 009-8 031.

For a chapter of a book

Li J C. 1993. Turbulence in the atmosphere and ocean. In: Lin C C ed. Some New Trends in Fluid Mechanics and Theoretical Physics. Peking Univ. Press, China. p.427-433.

For a book

Siegel S, Castellan N J. 1997. Non Parametric Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. McGraw Hill, New York. 339p.

Xu Z T. 1999. Dynamics of Internal Waves in the Ocean. Science Press, Beijing, China. p.1-83. (in Chinese)


The manuscript is initially checked against the CJOL requirements in editorial and basic scientific perspectives, and then at least two peer-reviewers are assigned for scientific evaluation. Typically, the manuscript will be reviewed and decision made within about 2 months. The electronic version of the paper will be published online afterwards shortly.


For papers accepted with authors from non-English-speaking countries, the manuscript will be polished in linguistics by scientists of the same background from native English countries, by which some will be sent to professional editing services for language polishing. In this case, extra fees will apply.


Articles accepted will first published online in Springer’s Online FirstTM scheme with unique DOIs in electronic form weeks before distribution of the print journal-even before the issue and page numbers have been assigned. Once the paper is printed, a copy of the CJOL and 15 reprints will be mailed to the first or corresponding author without charge. Online full text in PDF is available on SpringerLink at  http://www.springerlink.com/content/0254-4059  .


When an article is accepted for publication, the author is notified for payment of publication for recovering the editorial and production costs and create funds for fee-waivers from lesser developed countries. Applicable fees may include fees of online system processing, image drawing, language polishing, color printing, fast-track publishing, and page-amount based publication. For detail information, please contact the office shown below.

Authors working in lesser developed countries may, at the discretion of the editorial office, be granted discounts or complete waivers. If you are in financial difficulty and need to apply for a waiver, please e-mail the office (mc4cjol@gmail.com), state clearly the reason for applying for a waiver, along with your name and institution with full address details, the manuscript ID number and the title of your paper.



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