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2021/11/12 11:26:05 来源:官网信息 阅读:380 发布者:

Foundations of Computational Mathematics

Submission guidelines

Instructions for Authors

Submission of Manuscripts

Manuscripts should be sent to the Managing Editor:

Professor Teresa Krick

University of Buenos Aires and Conicet

Department of Mathematics and IMAS

Ciudad Universitaria Pab. 1

C1428EGA CABA, Argentina

email: jofocm@gmail.com

Original papers only will be considered. Manuscripts are accepted for review with the understanding that the same work has not been published and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. If manuscript is submitted in hard copy only, please send four copies of the text and illustratons to the Managing Editor.

Electronic Submissions

Foundations of Computational Mathematics is committed to a rapid review and publication cycle. To that end, we strongly encourage electronic submission of manuscripts for both the review and production phases. For initial submissions, we request electronic files that can be easily printed and forwarded to editorial board members and referees: PDF is the preferred format, although Postscript and TeX files are also acceptable. To generate a high quality Postscript and then PDF file, authors are asked to the option -Ppdf when running dvips on their dvi file. Please include all files necessary for the printing of the paper. Ancillary electronic materials should be submitted to the Managing Editor along with the article and are subject to review and approval of the Editorial office. See below for appropriate formats for publication of ancillary electronic materials. If no electronic files, in any format, are available, four copies of the text and illustrations should be mailed to the Managing Editor.

Upon acceptance of manuscripts, authors will be promptly notified. Final copies of the paper should then be sent to the Managing Editor. In order to facilitate the publication process authors are strongly encouraged to prepare their articles in TeX. The final submission should contain the complete TeX source files, any personal macro files, and separate .tif or .eps files for the illustrations.

Copyright and Permissions

All authors will be required to sign a copyright transfer agreement in order for the article to be published. This form must accompany the final article sent to the Managing Editor. All of the authors of a manuscript must sign this agreement, available for download or from the Editorial office. Authors are responsible for obtaining permissions to reprint previously published figures, tables, and other material. Letters of permission should accompany the final submission.

Digital Object Identifier

Springer-Verlag assigns a unique digital object identifier (DOI) to every article it publishes. The DOI is assigned after the article has been submitted by the author for publication, and continues throughout the lifetime of the article, and can thus be used to obtain information on the article during the production process, to find the article on the Internet, and to cite the article in references if published online in advance of print. See below for an example of how to cite DOIs in references. It is important to include the DOI in references for articles published online where volume and page numbers are not available.


Page proofs will be sent to the corresponding author for review and correction. Proofs should be returned within 48 hours (specific instructions will accompany the proof) to ensure timely publication. Articles may not be rewritten at the proof stage; only corrections of errors may be made.

Guidelines for the Preparation of Manuscripts

Papers must be written in English. Every page should be consecutively numbered from the Title Page (1) on. A shortened version of the title that does not exceed 45 characters for use on page heading will be required.

Please find a link to a LaTeX template at the bottom of this section to prepare the manuscript.

Complete AUTHOR NAMES for each author, plus their mailing addresses and institutional affiliation and email addresses are required. The corresponding author must be clearly indicated and phone/FAX numbers provided.

An ABSTRACT of reasonable length (we suggest not more than 200 words) in one paragraph that highlights the objectives, results, and conclusions of the paper is required. Do not cite figures, tables, or references within the abstract.


The REFERENCES to the literature should be listed alphabetically at the end of the manuscript following these examples.

References to books

[1] G. Golub and C. Van Loan, Matrix Computations, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1989.

References to chapters in books

[2] S. Smale, Newtons's method estimates from data at one point, in The Merging of Disciplines: New Directions in Pure, Applied, and Computational Mathematics (R. Ewing. K. Gross, and C. Martin, eds.), Springer-Verlag, New York, 1986, pp. 185-196.

References to journals

[3] A. Turing, On compatible numbers, with an application to the Entscheidungs problem, Proc. London Math Soc. 242 (1936), 203-265.

References to journal articles with DOIs but no page numbers

[4] M. N. Kolountzakis, On the Structure of Multiple Translational Tilings by Polygonal Regions, Discrete Comput. Geom. DOI:10.1007/s004540010014

American Mathematical Society abbreviation style is also acceptable. Follow the instructions for citing within text.

Within the text of the articles, references should be identified by number within brackets; with the number of the reference in boldface type, with each reference in a set of brackets (unless sequential); e.g., [1], [2], [5] [1-5] [3, pp. 7-9]

TABLES should be submitted in separate files, with TABLE LEGENDS incorporated into the table files. Tables should have a clear and rational structure. All tables should be numbered. Provide enough information in legends so that each table is understandable without reference to the text. Every table should be cited in text.

ILLUSTRATIONS should be of high quality, either professionally drawn or generated by graphics software. Submit figures as .eps or .tif files, in addition to hard copies. Grpahics files should ONLY include the figures and their numbers/labels; there should be no extraneous information included, e.g., captions, author names.

FIGURE LEGENDS should be incoporated into the text files. Do not submit scans of hard copy figures. Hard copies of figures must be submitted along with hard copy of the manuscript. The hard copy of each figure must be labeled on its back, indicating figure number, author name, and an indication of the top of the figure where necessary. Figures (hard copy) should be submitted at their final size. Illustrations will be printed in black and white only in the journal. See instructions for color illustrations and other ancilary materials. The corresponding author of each article will receive 50 REPRINTS of the article, upon its publication in the print edition of the journal. The author may choose to receive a PDF file of the final article instead of free reprints. This option will be presented with page proofs.

LaTeX package

Submission of Ancillary Materials

Video, illustrations, data sets, etc. may be submitted for online publication with your article. These materials are subject to review and approval of the Editorial staff, and should be included with article submission. Preferred formats are




.gif, .jpg, or .pdf

If another format is used, a free viewer for that format must be available on the Internet for download. Files should be kept as small as possible. File size restrictions are 2MB per file and 10MB per article.






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