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Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management《鱼类鱼野生动物管理杂志》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/11/8 16:01:19 来源:官网信息 阅读:459 发布者:

Guide for Authors

Manuscript Categories

Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (JFWM) accepts submission of original, high quality, English-language scientific papers on the practical application and integration of science to conservation and management of native North American fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats. Papers focused outside North American may still be considered if they highlight species that are closely related to, or conservation issues that are germane to, those in North America. The following categories are accepted:

Articles are full research articles of particular topics that contain critical assessments and often innovative interpretation and distillation of principles and generalities; they may include manuscripts focused on methodology and protocol.

Notes cover topics similar to Articles but are of more limited scope and inference, typically contain more limited analyses; they are often more descriptive and contain less spatial or temporal replication. Genetic Primer Notes will be considered in this category under certain conditions, outlined here.

Surveys report on results from a variety of different types of biological surveys and inventory and monitoring studies may include survey methodology manuscripts.

Issues and Perspectives contain reviews and essays examining issues of concern on matters of scientific interest to conservation professionals, as well as critiques and comments on papers published in JFWM, along with invited responses from the original authors that rebut them. Manuscripts in this category, even when they are opinion pieces, should be scientifically based, logical, persuasive and clearly presented.

Editorials, Invited Papers and Errata are also published. Contact the Editor-In-Chief with suggested topics or special section requests.

Online Submission

Please submit new and revised manuscripts and associated correspondence for both Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management and North American Fauna at the online manuscript submission and peer review site here.

On your first visit to the journal site, you will need to register for an account. The same account is used for both the Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management and North American Fauna.

To submit a manuscript you will need the following information:

All author Names, Phone Numbers, Postal and Email Addresses.

Data Access information (see next section below).

Manuscript file with continuous line numbering in Word (doc), Ascii Text (txt) or Rich Text (rtf) formats.

Figures in JPEG (jpg), Tiff (tif), Adobe PDF (pdf), Excel (xls - one sheet only), Word (doc) or PowerPoint (ppt) formats and should be clearly labeled with an appropriate number. Captions should be provided for each in a separate Figure Captions section.

Tables in Excel (xls - one sheet only) or Word (doc) formats and should be clearly labeled with an appropriate number. Captions should be provided for each with the Table or in a separate Table Captions section.

Supplemental Material files in any of the above formats or Video files in MPEG (mpg), AVI (avi), Quick Time (mov), Real Video (rv), AU (au), MP3 (mp3), WAV (wav), or Real Audio (ram) formats. Captions should be provided for each file in a Supplemental Material section between the Discussion and Acknowledgements in the manuscript file.

Please do not use Appendices - use Supplemental Material files instead.

Detailed captions are required for Tables, Figures and Supplemental Material files following these guidelines:

Each caption should be clearly numbered and have a brief statement of one or two sentences that briefly describes the overall study. Captions should "stand alone" without requiring the reader to refer to other parts of the manuscript and provide the basic "what", "where" and "when" information for the study. Full common and scientific names should be given at first use in each caption. Please define all terms, symbols, abbreviations, etc. in each caption.

Maps should contain a compass direction indicator (e.g., north arrow) and a scale bar or labeled latitude and longitude lines when they do not detract from the message of the figure. Provide inset maps to provide geographic context at a readily recognizable scale. Label maps down to at least the state or province level using the full name unless recognized abbreviations are necessary for cluttered figures. Include full disclosure whenever digital images have been electronically manipulated or enhanced.

Contact information (first and last names, email addresses) for at least three suggested peer reviewers for your manuscript.

Response to Reviewers document for revised manuscripts only. Please provide a point-by-point response addressing the concerns raised by reviewers and editors. A simple Word document with each review comment followed by your response with details for how you addressed or rebutted them is preferred (avoid highlighting, various font sizes and colors, etc.). This provides a simple way for reviewers and editors to efficiently assess your revision. Please always include numbers from the original AND revised manuscripts.

Cover Letters are not required but can be uploaded if there is important information to provide the editors and reviewers beyond what is captured in the submission process.

A picture can be worth a thousand words. Figures consisting of high quality photos of the species of study are encouraged, especially interesting, cryptic, unusual, or lesser-known species (e.g., Figure 1 in Halstead et al. 2011). We also encourage photos of lesser known terrain types (e.g., Figure 1 in Lynch et al. 2011), difficult to describe apparatuses (e.g., Figure 2 in Krementz et al. 2011) or any other interesting and informative subject that better informs and engages the reader. Photos are published at no costs to authors. In some cases, we may request your permission to use your photograph for the cover image in your Issue.

Please complete all agency review before submission. We will allow disclaimers on initial submissions only [e.g., "This draft manuscript is distributed solely for purposes of scientific peer review. Its content is deliberative and predecisional, so it must not be disclosed or released by reviewers. Because the manuscript has not yet been approved for publication by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), it does not represent any official USGS finding or policy."]. If manuscripts progress to the revision stage, without exception, such disclaimers need to be removed from revised submissions or they will not be processed. Please understand we reserve the right to reject or rescind acceptance of any manuscript when substantive changes (sometimes just a few words) are made that are not based on the journal peer review process.

File formats evolved quickly; if in doubt or if you do not see the file type you would like to submit, please contact the Editor-In-Chief.






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