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The American Midland Naturalist《美国中部博物学家》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/11/4 11:45:07 来源:官网信息 阅读:374 发布者:

Instructions to Authors

The American Midland Naturalist uses an on-line submission and review process.  Editorialmanager.com allows Authors, Associate Editors, Reviewers, and the journal staff to process manuscripts on-line from any location and at any time. To register and begin uploading your manuscript, please visit our on-line journal page. (http://www.editorialmanager.com/ammidnat/default.aspx) If you have any questions or difficulties registering, please contact the editorial office at ammidnat@nd.edu

The American Midland Naturalist welcomes articles reporting original research in any field of biological science and review articles of a critical nature on topics of current interest in biology. Publication is in English only.

Follow the recommendations of the Council of Science Editors (7th ed.) prepared by the Committee on Form and Style of the Council of Biology Editors, Cambridge University Press

Prior to submitting a new manuscript authors should review the author checklist and confirm in their cover letter that the listed requirements have been completed

Download the author checklist here

Type manuscripts with ample margins and double-space all parts of the manuscript, including tables, references, footnotes, and legends. The initial page should contain a short informative heading abstract (in lieu of a summary) normally not to exceed three percent of the length of the manuscript. Acknowledgments may be included at the end of the text section

Use the metric system for measures and weights. The use of numerals, abbreviations, symbols, mathematical expression, and other items with special typesetting requirements should follow the recommendations of the Style Manual. Avoid footnotes whenever possible; when necessary, they are to be designated by successive numerals

Cite references in the text by author and date, e.g., Smith (1960) or (Smith, 1960), depending on the context. More than one paper by the same author in the same year should be designated 1960a, 1960b, etc. In the Literature Cited section they are to be listed alphabetically by the authors' names. References to the periodical literature should contain the following in order and with the punctuation shown: Author's last name, initial(s). Year. Title. Name of journal (abbreviations must be in accordance with the list in the Style Manual), volume number: Inclusive pagination. Book citations should include: Author's last name, initial(s). Year. Complete title. Edition (if applicable). Name of publisher, location of publisher. Number of pages. Please note the first author is listed by last name followed by initials.  Additional authors are listed by their initials followed by the last name.  When there are more than one author the listing should be First Author's last name, initials, Second Author's initials, lastname, and so forth.  For special types of publication or authorship, refer to the Style Manual for appropriate forms of citation. Authors are responsible for accuracy and completeness of citations. Unpublished work may not be cited unless the paper has been accepted for publication

Type tables and legends for figures separately from the text and place them at the end of the manuscript. Type each table on a separate page. Table headings and legends for figures should be short but amply descriptive. Figures, as submitted, should not exceed 8½ x 11 inches. They must be reducible to a maximum of 5 x 7 inches for publication and have a resolution of 300 dpi. Whenever possible two or more small figures should be combined for reproduction as a unit, preferably side by side.  When figures contain separate parts labeled, e.g., A, B, C, the label letters need to be in uppercase, boldface, 14 font and without periods or parentheses. When letters are used within a figure, such as a graph with letter labels, lowercase letters should be used in most instances. Tabular material must be restricted to that essential to understanding the results and conclusions presented in the manuscript. Extensive tabular material can be made available to interested readers by the author. The manuscript, figures, and tables should be in a single file in Microsoft Word format.

A charge of $65.00 per page will be made to defray a portion of the costs of publication.  It is anticipated authors will make every effort to pay this charge. If the author(s) cannot secure research or institutional funds to pay the page charge they may apply for a grant from the University of Notre Dame to subvent the page charge. A limited number of grants are available per issue.  They will be granted based on order of request.  The first figure is free and a charge of $25.00 for each additional grey-scale figure will be invoiced to the author(s). Color figures are $490.00, and the author(s) must confirm the ability to pay this charge. Figures may appear in color electroinically and printed in greyscalre for $75.00.  Author alterations are $5.00 each. There are no provisions for subvention of the charges for figures and alterations.

Reprints, an e-book, or a pdf may be purchased if ordered at the time corrected galley proof is returned. Authors may also purchase a single copy of the journal at this time.  Downloadable pdfs are available on BioOne a few weeks after publication.

Please number each line and use page numbers, this will help speed up the review process.



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