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2021/11/1 11:00:23 来源:官网信息 阅读:490 发布者:

High Altitude Medicine & Biology

For Authors

Manuscript Submission Guidelines

Journal Information

Manuscript Submission Site:


Editorial Office Contact: klander@ucsd.edu

Support Contact: prosupport@liebertpub.com

Journal Model: Hybrid (Open Access Option)

Blinding: Single Blind

File formatting requirement stage: Upon submission

Instant Online Option (immediate publication of accepted version): No

Submission Fee: None

Average time to initial decision: 21 days

About the Journal

High Altitude Medicine & Biology is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, and short communications. Contributions are welcome in the fields of high altitude diseases and other high altitude life sciences, including physiology, pathology, comparative biology, anthropology, evolutionary biology, and human and animal ecology. The journal has a strong interdisciplinary coverage.

Manuscript Types and Guidelines


Scientific Articles

3,000-word limit

Structured abstract of no more than 200 words

Maximum total of eight (8) figures and/or tables


Review Articles

5,000-word limit

Structured abstract of no more than 200 words

Maximum total of ten (10) figures and/or tables


Brief Reports

A Brief Report should communicate new scientific or methodological information in the field of high altitude medicine and biology. Results and discussion sections can be combined.

2,000-word limit

Structured abstract of no more than 200 words

Maximum total of four (4) figures and/or tables


Case Reports

1,200-word limit

Unstructured abstract of no more than 200 words

Maximum total of two (2) figures and/or tables

Maximum of 10 references


Letters to the Editor

500-word limit

No Abstract

May include one figure OR table

Reference citations are identical in style to those of full original articles, but should not exceed five (5).

Word limits do NOT pertain to the abstract, disclosure statements, author contribution statements, funding information, acknowledgments, tables, figure legends, or references.


References must be prepared in Word, double-spaced, and listed in alphabetical order. Include the reference section as part of the main text file, not as a separate file. Each reference should include a complete list of authors and the complete title of the cited article. Use journal abbreviations as provided by PubMed/Medline.

All references should be cited by author(s) and dates within the text [i.e., The resultant metabolic acidosis induces compensatory increased minute ventilation that attenuates the diminished arterial oxygen availability at high altitude (Swenson, 2014)]. If more than two authors are involved, use et al. after the first author's name [i.e., (Simonneau et al., 2019)]. If more than one article by the same author(s) and year is cited in the text, use a lowercase letter designation to indicate the individual article [i.e., (Luks and Swenson, 2020a)]. Use the same designation in the reference list.

If references to personal communications or unpublished data are used, they are not to be in the list of references. They should be referred to in the text in parentheses: (AB Jones, personal communication, month and year). Include among the references any articles that have been accepted but have not yet published; identify the name of publication and add "In Press." If the reference has been published online, provide the DOI number in place of the page range.

Sample style for references:

Journal article:

Thiersch M, Swenson ER. High altitude and cancer mortality. High Alt Med Biol 2018;19:116-123.


Swenson ER, Bärtsch P. High Altitude: Human Adaption to Hypoxia. Springer-Verlag New York, New York, 2014.

Chapter in a book:

Bärtsch P, Milledge J. Blood and haemostasis. In: High Altitude: Human Adaptation to Hypoxia. ER Swenson, P Bärtsch, eds. Springer-Verlag New York, New York, 2014, pp. 203–216.






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