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2021/10/21 16:07:33 来源:官网信息 阅读:374 发布者:

Author Guidelines

Annals of Work Exposures and Health:

Addressing the cause and control of work-related injury and illness

You can read the aims and scope on this page

Please note that the journal now encourages authors to complete their copyright licence to publish form online.

Open access options for authors - please see below for further details.

Please note that the Annals complies with the major funding body requirements for open access publication (e.g. the RCUK, Wellcome Trust and the NIH). Further details on this can be found here.

Expedited Review Offered to Graduate Students

In recognition of the time pressures some students will experience as they near program completion, Annals of Work Exposures and Health offers students expedited review of papers that are submitted to the journal.

The editors will make every attempt to return a first decision with review comments within four weeks of submission. If you qualify, please identify your student status in the submitted cover letter, and request expedited review of your manuscript.

1. Online submission of manuscripts

1.1 All manuscripts must be submitted online. Once you have prepared your manuscript according to the instructions below please visit the online submission web site. Instructions on submitting your manuscript online.

Any hardcopy correspondence should be sent to the Chief Editor, Associate Professor Rachael Jones, Division of Occupational and Environmental Health, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Utah, 375 Chipeta Way Suite A, Salt Lake City, UT 84105, USA or by email to rachael.jones@utah.edu. Alternatively, correspondence can be sent to the editorial office at The Annals of Work Exposures and Health, BOHS, 5/6 Melbourne Court, Millennium Way, Pride Park, Derby DE24 8LZ, UK, or by email to annals@bohs.org

2. What we publish

2.1 Annals of Work Exposures and Health publishes original research and development material that helps reduce risk of ill-health resulting from work, and welcomes submissions in these areas. For more details, including some categories which we do not normally consider, see our About page.

2.2. We define the categories of submission as follows:


Editorials are short communications addressing issues of interest to the readership, especially those regarding issues of publication of the Annals. Editorials are generally authored by the Chief Editor or members of the Editorial Board, but may be submitted by a guest editor, or others if invited by the editor to do so. Editorials are generally under 1500 words. Peer review is at the Chief Editor’s discretion, but will normally include at least one review by an editorial board member.


Commentaries are discussions of topics of importance to occupational hygienists, including matters of policy, professional practice, or the science of occupational hygiene and occupational health. Commentaries may provide a perspective on controversial issues, but should be well founded on evidence as cited in the material presented. Commentaries are normally under 2000 words, and are peer reviewed through our normal process.

Letter to the Editor

A letter to the editor may be submitted by any reader on any topic of interest to the readership, including comments on papers having appeared previously in the Annals. Letters are normally less than 1000 words, and are peer reviewed at the discretion of the Chief Editor, but will normally include at least one review by an editorial board member.

Review Article

Review articles review the scientific evidence addressing a topic of interest to occupational hygiene scientists or practitioners. Articles should clearly state the scope of the review, provide a methodology for gathering the evidence reviewed, and summarize the results of that evidence comprehensively. The summary of evidence may be provided in text, or through quantitative analysis, as in a meta-analysis. Reviews are normally less than 5000 words and have up to six tables or figures, and are peer reviewed through our normal process. Review articles are freely available as soon as they are published online.

Original Research Paper

Original research papers are reports of scientific investigations of matters affecting occupational risks, exposures, and methods of their assessment. Original research reports may be descriptive, observational and/or experimental investigations, and can usually be presented as hypothesis-driven research. Original research reports should be able to clearly state their aim, define the methods with which evidence is gathered and organized, describe the analytic methods used, and present the results of these analyses in a transparent and interpretable format. The conclusions of the paper must be supported by the data and their analysis. Original research papers must be under 5,000 words, and have up to six tables or figures. Original research papers are peer reviewed through our normal process.

Short Communication

Short communications are descriptive studies, with limited data, that present new information of importance to the readership, but with insufficient data for a full original research report. Examples include: a description of an occupational disease case with a thorough investigation of the exposures likely to have given rise to the disease; a demonstration of a new measurement principle or device with potential for solving an important exposure measurement problem; evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of a novel exposure control strategy. In each case, the data available are insufficient to support a full original research paper or prove the validity of the observation, but provide potentially important information to occupational hygienists. Short communications will generally be less than 1500 words and have up to two tables or figures. Such reports will be peer reviewed through our normal process.

If a correction to a published article is required, the author is asked to contact the Editor directly.

2.3 The Annals aims to conform with the Code of Conduct and the Guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and in making a submission authors agree to having their submission dealt with in accordance with these Codes and Guidelines.

2.4 Submitted material must be original, and not under consideration elsewhere. If the findings have been published elsewhere in part, or if the submission is part of a closely-related series, this must be clearly stated in the letter accompanying the manuscript, and the submitted manuscript must be accompanied by a copy of the other publications (or by a copy of the other manuscripts if they are still under consideration). These should be uploaded in the submission as supplementary files. Any deceitful attempt to republish material by the author or others that has already appeared or submitted elsewhere will be treated as serious malpractice, and action will be taken in accordance with COPE procedures. Submitted manuscripts may be screened with iThenticate software.






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