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2021/8/27 9:33:15 来源:官网信息 阅读:728 发布者:

Author Guidelines

Wound Repair and Regeneration: The International Journal of Tissue Repair and Regeneration is the official publication of the Wound Healing Society, the European Tissue Repair Society, the Japanese Society for Wound Healing, and the Australian Wound Management Association. This Journal publishes original scientific and/or clinical papers on the broadly defined topics of wound healing and tissue regeneration. Articles that significantly advance the knowledge of processes involved with wound healing and regeneration in all tissues and organisms, or that provide new insights into clinical therapies will be given highest priority. Manuscripts that describe product evaluations will be considered but will receive lower priority. The Journal also welcomes articles that provide the reader with a thorough understanding of a specific methodology or technique pertinent to wound healing and regeneration studies. WRR is a member of COPE and we ensure COPE guidelines are followed.

Questions about submissions can be directed to: wrreditorial@gmail.com


1. Short Submissions

-Brief Communication may report original data, new technology describing a novel or re-worked methodology relevant to the study of wounds and wound healing or discuss published articles (abstract of 150 words or less, body of the paper should not exceed 1,500 words, 2 figures or tables, and 15 references). Brief Communications that contain original data will be fully peer-reviewed. In published form they should not exceed 3 printed journal pages. Although being brief, these communications are expected to be of high scientific merit and address a mechanism of action or report on an exciting new methodology that is poised to advance the field.

-Letter to the Editor is usually written in response to a recent published article in the journal (Letters should not have an abstract; body of the letter should not exceed 1,000 words, 2 figures or tables, and 10 references). The Editor will normally solicit a response from the authors of the cited article. All Letters to the Editor are subject to editing and possible abridgment.

2. Original Research Articles

These articles focus on original, unpublished data generated by the submitting authors that is relevant to wound healing, tissue repair and regeneration, with the exceptions of hard tissues such as bone or other topics that are deemed by the editors to be outside the scope of interest of a general wound healing readership. The abstract should not exceed 250 words, the body of the text should not exceed 20 double spaced manuscript pages, excluding references. Tables and figures should be limited to those needed to provide the most concise display of experimental design, compiled results and conceptual interpretations; in total not to exceed 8, and references should not exceed 60.

Original Research Articles can be in 1 of 3 subcategories:

-Clinical Science Articles cover human clinical trials, meta-analyses and other work relevant to investigation of evidence-based, advanced wound treatment and care. Clinical trials should be registered in clinicaltrials.gov or a comparable public database, and the appropriate citation included in the article and cover letter. The design and interpretation of clinical trials should be certified as being in conformation with the CONSORT guidelines. WRR does not publish case studies or case series.

-Basic Science Articles focus on new paradigms for advancing the basic understanding of wounds and healing, development of novel interventions and analyses, and other research involving in vitro, in vivo or in silico (mathematical) models. Analytical studies of human material beyond the realm of clinical care may also be considered as Basic Science rather than Clinical Research.

-Regeneration Science deals with the unique restoration of tissues and organs beyond the normal capabilities of post-natal healing. It involves the regrowth of lost or destroyed organ components to their original pre-wounded structure and function.

3. Review Articles

-Perspective Articles are concise, contemporary reviews of timely and relevant topics in the field of wound healing, tissue repair or regeneration, focusing on citations within the past 5 to 8 years.  The body should not exceed 30 double-spaced manuscript pages (12000 words), excluding references, should have not more than 6 total figures and tables, and should have a sufficient, but not excessive number of references ideally not to exceed 150. At least one of the article figures must provide a lucid, graphic depiction of critical concepts contained within the article (graphical abstract), potentially suitable as cover art. Color charges will be waived for this illustration.






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