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2021/8/4 11:38:53 来源:官网信息 阅读:580 发布者:

Guide for Authors

Articles appearing in Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease are commissioned by the Editor and issue Guest Editors. If you have been invited to contribute to ACKD, please click on the links below to access Guidelines for Guest Editors and Guidelines for Contributing Authors.

Guidelines for Contributing Authors

Charuhas V. Thakar, MD, FASN, FNKF Editor-in-Chief

Professor of Medicine Director, Division of Nephrology Kidney C.A.R.E. Program (Clinical Advancement, Research & Education)

231 Albert B Sabin Way Cincinnati, OH 45267 Email: charuhas.thakar@uc.edu

Phone: 513-558-5471

Samantha Kramer, Managing Editor

Email: samantha.kramer@uc.edu

Guidelines for Contributing Authors

Mission Statement

The purpose of Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease (ACKD) is to provide in-depth, scholarly review articles about the care and management of persons with early kidney disease and kidney failure, as well as those at risk for kidney disease. Emphasis is on articles related to the early identification of kidney disease; prevention or delay in progression of kidney disease; the multidisciplinary case management of patients with chronic kidney disease or kidney failure; organ effects of kidney disease; epidemiology and outcomes research in kidney disease; benefits and complications of the primary treatment methods, dialysis and transplantation; technical aspects of the delivery of uremia therapy; care of the critically ill patient with kidney failure in the intensive care setting; new therapies for kidney failure; and health care research in chronic kidney disease. The full spectrum of basic science through clinical care is covered in these reviews. Clinical care issues stress the multidisciplinary team approach to the care of kidney patients. Topics covered will be of interest to practicing nephrologists (pediatric and adult), nephrology fellows (pediatric and adult), nurses, technicians, dieticians, and social workers caring for patients with kidney disease. Each issue of ACKD includes a focused review section of several articles on a topic of current interest.

Preparing Manuscripts for Submission

Manuscripts must be submitted via ACKD’s online submission and review site. You will receive an email from the Managing Editor with a link to submit your paper; please use this link, or contact the Managing Editor if you need help. The submission site provides instructions for manuscript submission as well as a tutorial for authors. Submission site: https://www.editorialmanager.com/ackd/

Manuscripts must be in Microsoft Word. All components of the electronic manuscript must appear within a single electronic file: references, figure legends, and tables must appear at the end of the manuscript. Reference citations in the text should follow numerical order and should be indicated with a superscript Arabic numeral, e.g.,1, not a number in parentheses.

All parts of the manuscript (including references and legends) must be typed double-spaced—that is, with a full line of space after every typed line. Please leave generous margins (at least one inch) on both sides and at the top and bottom of every page.

Your manuscript must include the following materials and information:

1. A cover page that includes the title of the article; a short title in addition to article title; name(s) of author(s); full mailing address, telephone and fax numbers of the primary author; institutional affiliations for all authors; email address for the corresponding author; and financial disclosure statement.

2. An informative abstract of the article (200 words or less). An informative abstract condenses the information in the article, focusing on the key conclusions and potential applications.

3. A Clinical Summary. The Clinical Summary should consist of 2-4 bullets (one sentence per bullet) that present the key findings or concepts in the article and perhaps comment on their implications.

4. A list of five key words for indexing. Please use terms in Index Medicus as examples to choose words that will both aptly describe the article and collocate the article with others on the subject.

5. Consecutively numbered pages, beginning with "1" on the first page of text (not the title page).

6. Electronic files for artwork or camera-ready artwork for any figures and/or tables that are not included as electronic files (see next page for details). Camera-ready artwork refers to glossy black and white prints. The lowest quality original accepted is ink jet/laser print output. Photocopies may not be used.

7. Acknowledgement of grant support when appropriate (“Supported in part by. . .”).

8. Letters of permission from copyright holders for any previously published illustrations, including modified figures/tables. Original figures and tables are strongly encouraged. Any required payment for reprint permission is the responsibility of the authors.

9. The names, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of three potential peer reviewers.

Length of Manuscript

The page allotment for your article must be strictly enforced. The Word Limit for articles is approximately 3,500 words (text only - does not include abstract, references, tables, or figures). Exercise judgment in deleting text and/or converting verbose text to a table if necessary. To help you calculate page length, please consider (1) the text of the article, (2) references, and (3) figures and/or tables. Table and figure sizes can vary drastically; page estimations should be reflected accordingly.

The following approximations are offered to help you calculate page length:

Two 8½ x 11 pages, double-spaced, = 1 printed page

with 1.5-inch margins, in standard

10 or 12 point word processor type

(approximately 275 words per page)

30 references (all lines double-spaced) = 1 printed page

4 tables or figures with legends = 1 printed page

Example A manuscript contains 10 pages of text with 15 references and 6 tables:

10 pages of text = 5 printed pages

15 references = ½ printed page

6 figures or tables = 1½ printed pages

TOTAL = 7 printed pages


Reference citations in the text should follow numerical order and should be indicated with a superscript Arabic numeral, e.g.,1, not a number in parentheses. References should be listed at the end of the manuscript in the order in which they are referred to in the text, not in alphabetical order; they must follow the style of the samples below. Manuscripts in press may be referenced. Manuscripts submitted for publication, but not yet accepted, should not be referenced, but may be listed as "unpublished data" in the text. All references must be complete when the manuscript is submitted for peer review. Abbreviations for titles of medical periodicals should conform to those in the latest edition of Medline/PubMed and should not include periods. ACKD citation style follows the AMA Manual of Style, which should be selected if using reference handling software (eg, EndNote, Reference Manager).

If you do use EndNote, it is recommended that you remove Endnotes codes before submission. Click here for more details.

Examples of References:

Journal article, up to six authors (list all authors):

1. Nast CC. Infection-related glomerulonephritis: changing demographics and outcomes. Adv Chronic Kidney Dis. 2012;19(2):68-75.

Journal article, more than six authors (list first three authors, followed by et. al.):

2. Schultz T, Schiffl H, Scheither R, et al. Preserved antioxidative defense of lipoproteins in renal failure and during hemodialysis. Am J Kidney Dis. 1995;25(4):564-571.

Journal article in press:

3. McCaughan JA, O’Rourke DM, Courtney AE. The complement cascade in kidney disease: from sideline to center stage. [published online ahead of print March 13, 2013]. Am J Kidney Dis. doi:10.1053/j.ajkd.2012.12.033.

Book Chapter:

4. Miller RB. Selected ethical issues in caring for the renal patient. In: Levine DZ, ed: Caring for the Renal Patient. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders, 1997:203-242.

Item presented at a meeting but not yet published:

5. Richardson MM, Saris-Baglama, RN, Anatchkova MD, et al. Patient experience of chronic kidney disease (CKD): Results of a focus group study. Poster presented at: National Kidney Foundation 2007 Spring Clinical Meeting; April 10-14, 2007; Orlando, FL

Figures and Tables

All figures and tables must be cited in the text in numerical order using Arabic numbering.

Each table should be on a separate page of the manuscript file double spaced, and should appear immediately after the references. The table number and title should be included above the table on the same page.

Figure legends should also be numbered with arabic numbers (Fig 1, Fig 2), and should be grouped on a separate page at the end of the manuscript files (following references). Legends should be sufficiently detailed to allow understanding without reference to the text.

Figures should not be embedded within the manuscript file; instead they should be submitted as separate files. In general, authors should minimize conversions between file types. Resolution should not be reduced except in cases where file size would otherwise be impractically large; in most cases, pixel-based images should have a resolution of at least 1200 dpi for line art (eg, graphs, flow charts) or 500 dpi for photographs, micrographs, computed tomography scans, and related images. Color images should use CMYK color mode. The maximum width of illustrations after reduction is 6 inches. For full details on artwork instructions, please visit the Author Resource Center at http://www.elsevier.com/authors.

Authors are responsible for the costs of printing color figures. At no cost to authors, figures may be printed in black and white, but published in color online.

Tables should be numbered with arabic numerals (Table 1, Table 2) in order of their text citation. Each table should be typed (double spaced throughout) on a separate page and should have a title. The maximum table width is 144 characters, including letters and spaces. Use spaces, not vertical rules, to separate columns. Abbreviations should be explained in a footnote.


If any figure or table has been previously published, including figures that have been modified, a copy of the permission license to reprint from the copyright holder must accompany the manuscript. Most journals (including ACKD) use the Copyright Clearance Center's Rightslink licensing solution for requests to reuse content. Rightslink provides an easy way to obtain a quote and copyright permission. You can either locate the article on the respective journal's website and click Request Permissions (usually to the right of the article), or you can go to http://www.copyright.com/get-permissions/ and enter the publication title. Authors are responsible for any permissions fees requested by the copyright holder.

The source of the figure or table should generally be included in the reference section of the manuscript. The legend should conclude with "Reprinted with permission" followed by the reference number or specific citation provided by the copyright holder, e.g., "Reprinted with permission from Smith et al.23" or “Adapted with permission from Smith et al. An in-depth study of diabetes. N Engl J Med 2011;33:1–15.”

Terminology and Style

We request that authors contributing to ACKD adhere to the National Kidney Foundation policy regarding CKD terminology. Specifically, please note the following guidelines:

1. The use of “kidney” is preferable to “renal” (i.e., kidney function, not renal function; patient with CKD, not renal patient)

2. The use of “the estimated GFR” is preferable to “serum creatinine” whenever the available data permits the calculation

3. The use of “stages of kidney disease” is preferable to “nephropathy”

4. The use of “pre-ESRD” is not preferable

For more, please see the Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiatives guidelines at http://www.kdoqi.org.






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