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2021/7/31 17:28:41 来源:官网信息 阅读:1161 发布者:

CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians Author Guidelines


Most CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians articles are solicited reviews. With the exception of the American Cancer Society's Cancer Statistics articles, original research articles submitted for publication are generally not accepted for peer review. Case Reports and Letters to the Editor will not be considered for peer review or publication. All unsolicited manuscripts must be approved by the Editors before submission.

Pre-submission Requirements: Unsolicited Manuscripts

CA requires pre-submission correspondence (consisting of an outline and abstract describing the proposed article) for review by the Editors before any unsolicited manuscript can be submitted for peer review. All unsolicited manuscripts submitted without the Editor's approval of a pre-submission outline and abstract will be returned without review. Please e-mail an abstract, full author list, manuscript length, and information about the author to the Editorial Office for consideration (see Editorial Office contact information below).

Once the submission materials have been approved and prepared in accordance with the Author Guidelines, manuscripts should be submitted online at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ca.

Click here for more details on how to use ScholarOne Manuscripts.

For help with submissions, please contact: ca.edoff@cancer.org.


CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians is a peer-reviewed journal published for the American Cancer Society by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CA publishes comprehensive review articles of a multidisciplinary nature, which take into account the journal’s diverse readership of primary care physicians; medical, surgical, and radiation oncologists; nurses; and other health care and public health professionals. CA also publishes two categories of articles from American Cancer Society authors: articles describing American Cancer Society guidelines for cancer prevention and cancer survivorship care, and a recurring series of “Cancer Statistics” articles describing the current burden of cancer in the United States. Articles published in CA provide up-to-date information on all aspects of cancer prevention, early detection, treatment of all forms, palliation, advocacy, quality of life, and more. Unsolicited manuscripts must meet pre-submission requirements.


The American Cancer Society is the nationwide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer through research, education, advocacy, and service.


Most CA articles are solicited reviews. With the exception of the American Cancer Society's Cancer Statistics articles, original research articles submitted for publication are generally not accepted for peer review. Case Reports and Letters to the Editor will not be considered for peer review or publication. Please see “Pre-submission Requirements: Unsolicited Manuscripts” section above.

Review Articles: A timely, in-depth treatment of an issue. Review articles are generally solicited by the editors, but unsolicited materials will be considered. Manuscripts of this type should be 7000 to 12000 words (higher allowance is allowed at Editor’s discretion), including references and tables. Articles on very rare cancer types and highly specialized information on individual drugs or procedures are generally not appropriate for CA.

Perspectives: Research in Context is a section designed specifically for busy clinicians. It features practical, concise information that is accompanied by insight from noted experts in the fields of cancer prevention, detection, and treatment. This section is written in-house and external submissions are not accepted.

Patient Pages are written to provide general information on specific topics for patients and caregivers. Patient Pages are usually related to the content of the particular issue in which they appear. This section is written in-house and external submissions are not accepted.


Cover Letters

Provide a cover letter that describes the significance of the work, includes a statement verifying the originality of the work, and discloses any previous abstracts, presentations, reports, or publications that contain material that might be perceived to overlap with the current submission, as well as any additional information that may impact the review process. Cover letters should be addressed to the Editor, Dr. Ted Gansler.

Parts of the Manuscript

The manuscript should be submitted in separate files: main text file; figures; supporting information (if applicable).

Main Text File

The text file should be presented in the following order:

A short informative title containing the major key words. The title should not contain abbreviations (see Wiley's best practice SEO tips);

A running title of less than 40 characters (not required for Letters to the Editor);

The full names (complete with middle names or initials and academic degrees) of the authors;

The authors’ institutional affiliations where the work was conducted, with a footnote for the authors’ present address if different from where the work was conducted;

Corresponding author’s complete contact information to include address, phone number, and email address;

A funding statement that includes details of all funding sources for the work in question;

A conflict of interest statement that includes details of potential conflicts for all authors (or indicates that there are none);


Abstract (250 words or less) and keywords;

Total number of words in the text file (including title page(s), abstract, main text, references, and figure legends); Number of tables; Number of figures; Number of supplementary/supporting files for publication;

Main text;


Tables (each table complete with title and footnotes); tables may also be included separately as .DOC, .DOCX, .RTF, or .XLSX files;

Figure legends;

Figures and supporting information should be supplied as separate files.


Please refer to the journal’s Authorship policy in the Editorial Policies and Ethical Considerations section for details on author listing eligibility.


Contributions from anyone who does not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed, with permission from the contributor, in an Acknowledgments section. Financial and material support should also be mentioned.

Conflict of Interest Statement

Authors will be asked to provide a conflict of interest statement during the submission process. For details on what to include in this section, see the “Conflict of Interest” section in the Editorial Policies and Ethical Considerations section below. Submitting authors should ensure they liaise with all co-authors to confirm agreement with the final statement, which must be included on the title page of the manuscript in addition to being entered in ScholarOne Manuscripts. To ensure that the editors and reviewers assigned have access to this information, manuscripts will not enter the peer review process unless this statement is included in the Word document.


Please provide 3-7 keywords. Keywords should be taken from those recommended by the US National Library of Medicine's Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) browser list at www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh.

Main Text

The main document, including title page(s), manuscript, references, tables, and figure legends.

Submit text files only as .DOC, .DOCX, or .RTF file formats. Other file formats are not permitted and should be converted to .DOC or .DOCX.

Include page numbers on the document, beginning with the title page as number 1.

Please use standard 10- to 12-point font size. Manuscript should be double spaced.


Submit references per the following instructions:

List references double-spaced in a separate reference section immediately following the text.

Verify all references prior to submission.

Use the AMA Manual of Style, 11th ed.1 for reference format style and List of Serials Indexed for Online Users11 for standard journal abbreviations.

Number references sequentially in the order cited in the text; do not alphabetize. Remove automatic numbering and linked citations; number references manually.

Do not cite personal communications, unpublished observations, and submitted manuscripts. Reference to a paper accepted but not yet published can be listed as "in press."" "In press" references must be updated by the authors as soon as publication data are available.

Provide names of all authors in a reference when there are six or fewer; if there are seven or more authors, list only the first three, followed by "et al."

Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of their references and for correct text citation.


Tables should be self-contained and complement, not duplicate, information contained in the text. They should be supplied as editable files, not pasted as images. Legends should be concise but comprehensive – the table, legend, and footnotes must be understandable without reference to the text. All abbreviations must be defined in footnotes. Footnotes are indicated with superscript lowercase letters in alphabetical order (a-z). Statistical terms  such as SD or CI should be identified in the headings.

Submit single-spaced on separate pages in the word processing program used. Tables imported into the word-processing program from spreadsheet programs (eg, Microsoft Excel) should be left in table format and not converted to text. Gridlines should be retained.

Limit tables to those that adequately and concisely present findings without redundancy.

Refer to all tables in the text. Number tables consecutively, using Arabic numerals, in the order cited in the text. The table number is followed by a brief descriptive title.

Tables should be supplied in black and white so that they are legible if printed by a reader in black and white. Use of “presentation style” tables with dark background colors is discouraged.

Obtain written permission to reproduce previously published tabular material. Credits for the reproduced work are included as a footnote to the table and must include author(s), title, either publisher and city (and country, if other than US) or periodical name, volume, page, and year. Signed permission forms must be sent to the CA Editorial Office upon submission.

Figure Legends

Legends should be concise but comprehensive – the figure and its legend must be understandable without reference to the text. Include definitions of any symbols used and define/explain all abbreviations and units of measurement.


Submit only publication quality figures in TIFF, EPS, PPT, PPTX, or PDF file format. JPG, PNG, GIF, and DOC files are not permitted.

Figures must be clear and legible in the ScholarOne-generated PDF proof.

TIFF files should have a minimum resolution of 1200 dpi for line art, 300 dpi for halftones/color (RGB), or 600 dpi for combination halftones/line art. However, for best results, we recommend using TIFF only for photos and EPS for any image that includes graphs or text.

PPT and PPTX files should only be used for figures created in Microsoft PowerPoint.

Figures should be sized to one-column width (19 picas, 3.25 inches), or two-column width (40 picas, 6.75 inches), as appropriate.

Call out all figures in the text. Number all figures sequentially with Arabic numerals in the order cited in the text.

Provide double-spaced legends on a separate page to include the figure number and a brief description of the figure.

For typeface within figures, authors should generally use 6-pt to 12-pt Arial or Helvetica font. Font size should be chosen to be readable in context of the anticipated size of the published figure.

Figures with multiple parts should be labeled and referred to as (a), (b), (c), etc.

Obtain written permission to reproduce previously published figures. Credits for the reproduced work are included in the figure legend and must include author(s), title, either publisher and city (and country, if other than US) or periodical name, volume, page, and year. Signed permission forms must be sent to the CA Editorial Office upon submission.

Do not embed figures in word processing programs (eg, Microsoft Word).

CA reserves the right to resize and/or crop photographs to fit the journal’s format where appropriate.

Color figures are published in print and online free of charge. Please note, however, that it is preferable that line figures (e.g., graphs and charts) are supplied in black and white so that they are legible if printed by a reader in black and white. Gray shading in figures may not reproduce well for publication and should be avoided. Do not use overall background shading in figures. Do not use gray-shaded bars in graphs—use bars with solid, open, or hatched fill. Avoid fine lines and very small type and symbols in figures. Lines should be reasonably dark and type and symbols should be easily read if the figure is reduced for publication.

Image Integrity

Changes to images can create misleading results when research data are collected as images. It may, however, be legitimate and even necessary to edit images. We ask authors to declare where manipulations have been made.

Specific features within an image should not be enhanced, obscured, removed, moved, or introduced.

Original unprocessed images must be provided by authors should any indication of enhancement be identified.

Adjustments to brightness or contrast are only acceptable if they apply equally across the entire image and are applied equally to controls, and as long as they do not obscure, eliminate, or misrepresent any information present in the information originally captured.

Excessive manipulations, such as processing to emphasize one region in the image at the expense of others, are inappropriate, as is emphasizing experimental data relative to the control.

Nonlinear adjustments or deleting portions of a recording must be disclosed in a figure legend.

Constructing figures from different gels, fields, exposures, and experimental series is discouraged. When this is necessary, the component parts of composite images should be indicated by dividing lines clearly demarcated in the figure and described in the legend.

Reproduction of Copyright Material

If excerpts from copyrighted works owned by third parties are included, credit must be shown in the contribution. It is the author’s responsibility to also obtain written permission for reproduction from the copyright owners. For more information visit Wiley’s Copyright Terms & Conditions FAQ here.

Supporting Information

Supporting information is information that is not essential to the article but provides greater depth and background. It is hosted online and appears without editing or typesetting. It may include tables, figures, videos, datasets, etc.

Click here for Wiley’s FAQs on supporting information.

Note: if data, scripts, or other artefacts used to generate the analyses presented in the paper are available via a publicly available data repository, authors should include a reference to the location of the material within their paper.






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