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2021/7/31 16:42:20 来源:官网信息 阅读:522 发布者:

Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology

Author Guidelines


Authors should kindly note that submission implies (i) that the content has not been published previously, in any language, in whole or in part, except as a brief abstract in the proceedings of a scientific meeting or symposium; and (ii) that the manuscript is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology now offers Free Format submission for a simplified and streamlined submission process allowing researchers to submit their manuscript in their preferred formatting style at original submission. See details in Section 4. PREPARING THE SUBMISSION.

Once you have prepared your submission in accordance with the Guidelines, New submissions should be made via the Research Exchange submission portal https://submission.wiley.com/journal/ajco. Should your manuscript proceed to the revision stage, you will be directed to make your revisions via the same submission portal. You may check the status of your submission at anytime by logging on to submission.wiley.com and clicking the “My Submissions” button. For technical help with the submission system, please review our FAQs or contact submissionhelp@wiley.com.

The submission system will prompt you to use an ORCiD (a unique author identifier) to help distinguish your work from that of other researchers. Click here to find out more.

Cover letter. A cover letter should be included in the ‘Cover Letter Field’ of the Research Exchange submission portal. The text can be entered directly into the field or uploaded as a file. The covering letter must contain i) An acknowledgment that all authors have contributed significantly, ii) A statement that all authors are in agreement with the content of the manuscript, iii) An author's declaration of any financial support or relationships that may pose conflict of interest (for more detail refer to the section ‘Conflict of Interest Declaration’ below). Please note that the cover letter does not require a detailed or lengthy description of the content or structure of the manuscript itself.

Data Protection

By submitting a manuscript to or reviewing for this publication, your name, email address, and affiliation, and other contact details the publication might require, will be used for the regular operations of the publication, including, when necessary, sharing with the publisher (Wiley) and partners for production and publication. The publication and the publisher recognize the importance of protecting the personal information collected from users in the operation of these services and have practices in place to ensure that steps are taken to maintain the security, integrity, and privacy of the personal data collected and processed. You can learn more at https://authorservices.wiley.com/statements/data-protection-policy.html

We look forward to your submission.


Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology is a multidisciplinary journal of oncology that aims to be a forum for facilitating collaboration and exchanging information on what is happening in different countries of the Asia-Pacific region in relation to cancer treatment and care. The journal is ideally positioned to receive publications that deal with diversity in cancer behavior, management and outcome related to ethnic, cultural, economic and other differences between populations. In addition to original articles, the Journal publishes reviews, editorials, letters to the Editor and short communications. Case reports are generally not considered for publication, only exceptional papers in which Editors find extraordinary oncological value may be considered for review. The journal encourages clinical studies, particularly prospectively designed clinical trials.


Contributions may take the form of Original Articles, Review Articles or Letters to the Editor. Case Reports will only be considered if they are of exceptional scientific or educational interest.

i. Original Articles

Word limit: 3,500 words maximum excluding abstract and references

Abstract: 250 words maximum and must include subheadings (Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusion)

References: up to 50

Figures/Tables: up to 5

Description: Full-length reports of current research in either basic or clinical science

ii. Review Articles

Word limit: 5,000 words

Abstract: unstructured, preferably less than 200 words

References: up to 75

Figures/Tables: 3-7

Description: Reviews are comprehensive analyses of specific topics. If a review longer than 5,000 words is required to discuss the topic in depth, the author should submit two reviews, each discussing a different aspect of the topic.

iii. Letter to the Editor

Word limit: 500 words maximum

Abstract: not required

References: 5 maximum

Figures/Tables: 1 in total (maximum)

Description: Letters may be submitted to the Editor on any topic of discussion; substantial clinical observations as well as letters discussing papers published in recent issues. Letters to the Editor are not subjected to peer-review, but publication is at the discretion of the Editor or Publisher. Submissions may be edited for length, grammatical correctness and journal style. Authors will be asked to approve the editorial changes that alter the substance or tone of a letter or response. Letters that offer perspective on content already published in APJCO can use an arbitrary title, but a Response from Authors must cite the title of the first Letter: e.g. Response to [title of Letter]. This ensures that readers can track the line of discussion.

iv. Case Report

Word limit: 1,500 words

Abstract: unstructured, preferably less than 200 words

References: up to 10

Figures/Tables: 1 in total (maximum)

Description: Case Reports are generally not considered for publication, only exceptional papers in which the Editors find extraordinary oncological value may be considered for review.


Free Format submission

Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology now offers Free Format submission for a simplified and streamlined submission process.

Before you submit, you will need:

Your manuscript: manuscripts can be uploaded either as a single document (containing the main text, tables and figures), or with figures and tables provided as separate files. Should your manuscript reach revision stage, figures and tables must be provided as separate files. The main manuscript file should be submitted in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format.

Your main document file should include:

A short informative title containing the major key words. The title should not contain abbreviations;

The full names of the authors with institutional affiliations where the work was conducted, with a footnote for the author’s present address if different from where the work was conducted;


Abstract structured (intro/methods/results/conclusion) or unstructured

Five keywords;

Practitioner Points (optional) Authors will need to provide no more than 3 ‘key points’, written with the practitioner in mind, that summarize the key messages of their paper to be published with their article.

Main body: formatted as introduction, materials & methods, results, discussion, conclusion


Tables (each table complete with title and footnotes);

Figures: Figure legends must be added beneath each individual image during upload AND as a complete list in the text.

All required sections should be contained in your manuscript, including abstract, introduction, methods, results, and conclusions. Figures and tables should have legends. References may be submitted in any style or format, as long as it is consistent throughout the manuscript. If the manuscript, figures or tables are difficult for you to read, they will also be difficult for the editors and reviewers. If your manuscript is difficult to read, the editorial office may send it back to you for revision.

Graphical abstracts

Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology publishes graphical abstracts for each article, displayed online in graphical form with a brief abstract (in addition to the <250 word abstract above).

The online table of contents will display a schematic figure to convey the core message of your paper, alongside a short abstract highlighting the major findings of the paper. Authors must submit a new and stand-alone image, not already included in the paper. Your graphical abstract should be simple, colourful and contain minimal text to attract additional readers. Your short abstract should consist of 2-3 sentences (max 500 characters with spaces) summarising the key findings presented in the paper. Graphical abstract entries should be submitted to Research Exchange separatly and uploaded as ‘Graphical Abstract Image’ and 'Graphical Abstract Text' during the initial manuscript submission process. The image should be supplied as a tif or a pdf and fit within the dimensions of 50mm x 60mm, and be fully legible at this size.

The title page of the manuscript, including statements relating to our ethics and integrity policies:

data availability statement

funding statement

conflict of interest disclosure

ethics approval statement

patient consent statement

permission to reproduce material from other sources

Your co-author details, including affiliation and email address. (Why is this important? We need to keep all co-authors informed of the outcome of the peer review process.)

An ORCID ID, freely available at https://orcid.org. (Why is this important? Your article, if accepted and published, will be attached to your ORCID profile. Institutions and funders are increasingly requiring authors to have ORCID IDs.)

To submit, login at https://submission.wiley.com/journal/ajco and create a new submission. Follow the submission steps as required and submit the manuscript.

If you are invited to revise your manuscript after peer review, the journal will also request the revised manuscript to be formatted according to journal requirements as described below.

Manuscript Style

Manuscripts should follow the style of the Vancouver agreement detailed in the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors’ revised ‘Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication’, as presented at http://www.ICMJE.org/.

Reports of systematic literature reviews and meta-analyses should comply with The Preferred Reporting Items of Systematic reviews Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement, which is available at http://www.prisma-statement.org

Spelling: The journal uses US spelling and authors should therefore follow the latest edition of the Merriam–Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary.

Units: All measurements must be given in SI or SI-derived units.

Percentage and fractions: Where the denominator is 100, whole number should be used in tables and texts.

Abbreviations: Abbreviations should be used sparingly. Initially use the word in full, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Thereafter use the abbreviation only.

Trade names: Drugs should be referred to by their generic names. If proprietary drugs have been used in the study, refer to these by their generic name, mentioning the proprietary name, and the name of the manufacturer, in parentheses.

Parts of the manuscript

Manuscripts should be presented in the following order: (i) title page, (ii) abstract and keywords, (iii) text, (iv) acknowledgments, (v) references, (vi) appendices, (vii) tables (each table complete with title and footnotes), (viii) figure legends and (ix) figures. The title page and figures (if consisting of images) should be uploaded as separate files. Footnotes to the text are not allowed and any such material should be incorporated into the text as parenthetical matter.

Title page

The title page should contain:

(i) a short informative title that contains the major key words. The title should not contain abbreviations (see Wiley's best practice SEO tips);

(ii) the full names of the authors;

(iii) the author's institutional affiliations at which the work was carried out;

(iv) a short running title (less than 40 characters);

(iv) the full postal and email address, plus telephone number, of the author to whom correspondence about the manuscript should be sent;

(v) acknowledgements.

The present address of any author, if different from that where the work was carried out, should be supplied in a footnote.

Abstract and key words

All original articles must have a brief structured abstract that states in 250 words or fewer the purpose, basic procedures, main findings and principal conclusions of the study. Divide the abstract with the headings: Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusion. The abstract should not contain abbreviations or references.

Five key words, for the purposes of indexing, should be supplied below the abstract, in alphabetical order, and should be taken from those recommended by the US National Library of Medicine's Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) browser list at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/meshhome.html.

Video Abstracts: A video abstract can be a quick way to make the message of your research accessible to a much larger audience. Wiley and its partner Research Square offer a service of professionally produced video abstracts, available to authors of articles accepted in this journal. You can learn more about it, and purchase one for your article, at http://www.wileyauthors.com/videoabstracts . If you have any questions, please direct them to videoabstracts@wiley.com .


The source of financial grants and other funding must be acknowledged, including a frank declaration of the authors’ industrial links and affiliations. The contribution of colleagues or institutions should also be acknowledged. Personal thanks and thanks to anonymous reviewers are not appropriate.

Conflicts of Interest (CoI)

Authors will be asked to provide a conflict of interest statement during the submission process. Each article must include a statement regarding CoI, regardless of whether or not a CoI exists. See ‘Conflict of Interest’ section in Editorial Policies and Ethical Considerations for details on what to include in this section. Authors should ensure they liaise with all co-authors to confirm agreement with the final statement.


The Vancouver system of referencing should be used (examples are given below). In the text, references should be cited using superscript Arabic numerals in the order in which they appear. If cited in tables or figure legends, number according to the first identification of the table or figure in the text. In the reference list, cite the names of all authors when there are six or fewer; when seven or more, list the first three followed by et al. Do not use ibid. or op cit. Reference to unpublished data and personal communications should not appear in the list but should be cited in the text only (e.g. (Dr Robert Smith, pers. comm., 2005). All citations mentioned in the text, tables or figures must be listed in the reference list. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references.

Journal article

1 Vega KJ, Pina I, Krevsky B. Heart transplantation is associated with an increased risk for pancreatobiliary disease. Ann Intern Med 1996; 124: 981-3.

Online journal article not yet published in an issue. An online article that has not yet been published in an issue (therefore has no volume, issue or page numbers) can be cited by its Digital Object Identifier (DOI). The DOI will remain valid and allow an article to be tracked even after its allocation to an issue.

2 Inoue S, Ichikawa T, Kurozumi K et al. Novel animal glioma models that separately exhibit two different invasive and angiogenic phenotypes of human glioblastomas. World Neurosurg 2012. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2011.09.005


3 Fujita M, Krugman P, Venables AJ. The Spatial Economy: Cities, Regions, and International Trade. MIT Press, Cambridge MA 2001.

Chapter in a book

4 Phillips SJ, Whisnant JP. Hypertension and stroke. In: Laragh JH, Brenner BM (eds). Hypertension: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management, 2nd edn. Raven Press, New York 1995; 465–78.


Tables should be self-contained and complement, but not duplicate, information contained in the text. Number tables consecutively in the text in Arabic numerals. Type tables on a separate sheet with the legend above. Legends should be concise but comprehensive – the table, legend and footnotes must be understandable without reference to the text. Column headings should be brief, with units of measurement in parentheses; all abbreviations must be defined in footnotes. Footnote symbols: †, ‡, §, , should be used (in that order) and *, **, *** should be reserved for P-values. Statistical measures such as SD or SEM should be identified in the heading.






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