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2021/7/31 16:26:40 来源:官网信息 阅读:321 发布者:

Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry



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The journal publishes original research, peer-reviewed mini- and full-length review articles, and written in English. Single topic/ thematic issues may also be considered for publication.

Single Topic Issues

These peer-reviewed issues will be restricted to invited or uninvited review/mini-review articles. A Single Topic Issue Editor will offer a short perspective and co-ordinate the solicitation of manuscripts between 3-5 (for a mini-thematic issue) to 6-10 (for full-length thematic issue) from leading scientists. Authors interested in editing a single topic issue in an emerging topic of anti-cancer agents in medicinal chemistry may submit their proposal to the Editor-in-Chief at thematicissue@benthamscience.net for consideration.

Conference Proceedings

For proposals to publish conference proceedings in this journal, please contact us at email: proceedings@benthamscience.net


Review Articles

The length of a published comprehensive review article is from 35000 to 40000 words with 100 or more references excluding figures, structures, photographs, schemes, tables, etc.


Mini-reviews should be 6000-10000 words with 75 or more references excluding figures, structures, photographs, schemes, tables etc.

Systematic Reviews

Systematic Reviews include systematic updates on review protocols, methods, research and results from all relevant fields for any studies and updates on already published issues. The total number of words for a published systematic review is from 35000 to 40000 words with 100 or more references excluding figures, structures, photographs, schemes, tables etc. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses must be reported according to PRISMA guidelines; (www.prisma-statement.org).

Registration of Systematic Reviews

Bentham Science Publishers supports retrospective registration of systematic reviews, in a suitable registry (such as PROSPERO). The registered systematic review must include the registration number as the last line of the manuscript abstract.

Research Articles

Research articles should be of 4000-6000 words with 75 or more references excluding figures, structures, photographs, schemes, tables, etc.

Current Frontiers

The articles should be contributed by eminent experts on cutting-edge recent developments. They should be written in the format of mini-reviews (about 4 to 5 pages, approximately 800 to 850 words per composed page excluding tables, structures, graphics, figures and captions) with about 70 references to recent literature. All pages should be numbered sequentially.


Editorials are short papers on important topics related to the journal. The total number of words in an editorial should not exceed 1000, and it should contain only 10-15 references. An abstract is not required.


Commentaries present an analysis by scientists on different important issues related to the publications in the journal. Commentaries should contain less than 3000 words, including the abstract, main text, references, and figure legends. However, an abstract is not necessary.


A perspective provides a short overview of a research topic relevant to the field. The length of a published perspective ranges from 1500 to 1800 words, with 20 or more references, excluding figures, structures, photographs, schemes, tables, etc.

There is no restriction on the number of figures, tables or additional files e.g. video clips, animation and datasets, that can be included with each article online. Authors should include all relevant supporting data with each article (Refer to Supplementary Material section).





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