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Gaceta Médica de México(或:GACETA MEDICA DE MEXICO)《墨西哥医学杂志》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/7/7 9:32:42 来源:网信息 阅读:406 发布者:


Gaceta Médica de México (GMM) is the official scientific and academic publication of the Academia Nacional de Medicina de México A.C. (ANMM). Its spaces are open to academics, as well as to all members of the medical community with interest in using this forum to disseminate their work.

GMM is published bimonthly (six issues per year) in addition to several supplements during the year; all in electronic format with open access (free for authors and readers). All papers submitted for publication require strict adherence to the standards and formats described below and will be subject to double blind review by peers and editors to determine their acceptance.

The main purpose of GMM is to publish original works in the broad field of medicine, as well as provide updated and relevant information for the area of health.

To this end, the journal will consider contributions in the following sections:

Editorial (by invitation)

Original article


Review article

Brief communication

Letter to the Editor


Manuscripts must be uploaded in electronic form through the editorial system at http://publisher.gacetamedicademexico.permanyer.com where the author for correspondence should first register as and the author in the platform. Once this author has obtained a username and password, the documents should be uploaded following the instructions.

All articles must include, without exception, title of the work without abbreviations, name, and surname(s) of each author (without titles or positions), affiliation, name and address of the correspondence author, the complete manuscript text, tables, and figures. Texts must be submitted in Microsoft Word format. Manuscripts must be correctly written in Spanish or English. The text must be typed, double-spaced in Times New Roman 12 font and with each section starting on a new page: front page, English and Spanish summaries with their keywords, main text body, references, tables and figures footnotes. The pages will be numbered consecutively, beginning with the front page, and the number will be placed on the top of every page.

All articles should include a first page with all personal data, a full manuscript file completely anonymous and the declarations of conflict of interest, funding and ethical responsibilities.

The front page must show the title without abbreviations of the work in Spanish and English and a short title with less than 40 characters (counting letters and spaces). The authors’ names (without titles or academic degrees); their institution of registration (affiliations); email address and full name of the corresponding author; acknowledgments and the funding, if they exist.

The main manuscript file should be completely anonymous and include the summary in Spanish and English, the full text of the manuscript, references, tables and figures footnotes.

For more information about manuscript preparation, we suggest consulting the website of Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (www.icmje.org). For further details: International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/manuscript-preparation/preparing-for-submission.html).

Summary in Spanish

This summary will be presented in a maximum of 250 words, indicating the purpose of the research; basic procedures (sample selection, observational and analytical methods); main findings (specific data and, if possible, their statistical significance); as well as relevant conclusions and originality of the research. In the end, 3 to 6 keywords will be entered to facilitate inclusion in international indexes. We recommend using the terms from the Medical Subject Headings of the most recent Index Medicus.

Summary in English

This summary will be presented in a maximum of 250 words, using the same characteristics of the Spanish summary. It will begin with an English language version of the title. It will also contain 3 to 6 keywords. To ensure quality, we suggest having this paragraph reviewed by an experienced translator.


It must include background information, approach to the problem and purpose of the study, all clearly worded and well supported by the bibliography reviewed.

Material and methods

The characteristics of the sample and the methods used, with relevant references, will be clearly marked so that reading of this chapter allows similar studies to be conducted by other researchers. The statistical methods used must be marked with their corresponding reference. The authors must detail in this section the ethical procedures followed; necessary for experiments with animals, patients, confidential data management, informed consent, etc. Moreover, that they have obtained the corresponding authorization by the ethics committee of their institution.


The main findings of the study must be included and may be compared only with figures or graphics which are strictly necessary and are intended to extend the information contained in the text. Do not repeat information in the body of the text and the tables and/or figures.


The results must be contrasted with the information reported in the literature, and with the objectives and hypotheses expressed in the work. Original articles must not include a Conclusion section.


In this section, authors must summarize the main conclusions of their study and the future recommended studies in case conclusions are preliminary. Conclusions should agree with the objectives of the study, and they should be directly originated from the reported results.


This section will contain acknowledgments to individuals and institutions, as well as financing sources. This section belongs to the first front page in order for the main text file to remain anonymous.


These will be presented in accordance with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (International Committee of Biomedical Journal Editors). References will be marked with consecutive Arabic numerals, sorted in the order in which they first appear in the text. They will be referred to in the text, tables, and figure footnotes with the corresponding numbers. In quotations with multiple authors (more than six authors), only the first 3 authors of the work must be included, followed by et al., after the abbreviation of the name/s of the 6th author. In case of 6 or fewer authors, all 6 must be included in the quotation (https://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/uniform_requirements.html).

Articles published in periodic journals must appear in the following format: Welt CK, Chan JL, Bullen J, Murphy R, Smith P, DePaoli AM, et al. Recombinant human leptin in hypothalamic Women with amenorrhea. N Engl J Med. 2004;351 (10):987-97.

References to books must include the name of the publisher, as well as the city and country of publication, and the year of publication, in accordance with the following model: Aréchiga H, Somolinos J. Contribuciones Mexicanas a la medicina moderna. México, D.F.: Fondo de Cultura Económica; 1994.

References to chapters in books must appear as follows: Pasternak RC, Braunwald E. Acute myocardial infarction; or: Isselbacher KJ, Braunwald E, Wilson JD, Martin JB, Fauci AS, Kasper DL, eds. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine. 12.a ed. Nueva York: McGraw-Hill Inc.; 1994., pp. 1066-77.


They must be double-spaced and consecutively numbered in Arabic characters, in the order quoted in the text, with the titles in the top and the meaning of abbreviations as well as explanatory notes in the footer. They must be included at the end of the manuscript, after the references section.

Figures or graphs

Figure footnotes must be written double-spaced. The footer must contain the information needed to correctly interpret the figure without resorting to the text. The text must reference them in order. Qualities: The graphics, layouts and drawings must be generated in high-resolution graphics programs (JPG, TIFF, EPS, PowerPoint and Illustrator). All iconography must be original. Where this is not the case, the source reference must be quoted, and the author must obtain prior permission of the relevant publisher. In the figures, data already written in the text will not be repeated. Photographs of objects must include a rule to calibrate the reference measurements. In microphotographs, the microscopic magnification or reference micron bar must appear. The patient’s name, face, data or any other recognizable feature will not be shown in the figures. We suggest that authors add color illustrations which enrich the text.


Ethical disclosures

With regard to potential conflicts of interest, individual right to privacy and data confidentiality, as well and human and animal rights, the journal adheres to the latest version of the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals (formerly the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts) published by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, found at http://www.icmje.org. Copies will be required of informed consent forms in the case of studies in patients and clinical cases, and of the letter from the Independent Ethics Committee of the corresponding institution in the case of clinical and experimental studies.

Human procedures must comply with the ethical standards of the Helsinki Declaration of 1975 (World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki) Ethical Principles for Medical Research involving human subjects. JAMA 2000, 284:3043-5. Also, with the agreements given by the Ministry of Health, published on January 26, 1982 and the Rules for Ethics and Research from the institution where the study originated. Animal studies should follow similar guidelines (Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, National Research Council. Guide for the care and use of laboratory animals. Washington, DC. National Academy Press, 1996). Regarding the confidentiality of data, you should inform on how the anonymous status of the participants and the confidentiality of their information were protected.

You can download the format by accessing the following link:



The authors must mention all organizations that funded their research in the Funding section of your submission, including grant numbers where appropriate.

Conflicts of interest

Authors must describe any financial or personal relationship with any other person or organization, which can cause a conflict of interest regarding this article.



This section will be devoted to the analysis and consideration of the population’s health problems, the different preventive and therapeutic approaches, and the advances achieved in the field. The maximum length for editorials will be 1500 to 2000 words.

Original article

Original articles present results from clinical or basic original research. The full manuscript text should be structured in Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. The maximum length for original articles will be 3000 words.


Only the symposium presented at the sessions of the Academia Nacional de Medicina will be published. They will be sent to the Gaceta by the Coordinator, who will be responsible for the quality, presentation of the manuscripts and their sequence and structure, including a general summary in Spanish and English, in free format (200 words). The maximum length for original articles will be 5000 words.

Review article

They will treat a current topic which is medically relevant. The main author or the relevant individual must be an authority in the reviewed area or subject, and that person must attach a bibliography of his/her contributions supporting his/her experience on the subject. Maximum length will be 3500 words.

It will be on a topic of current relevance and medical relevance written by experts, which provides experiences of the Author and his work group, defines and clarifies a health problem; Make useful contributions, highlight the perspective in the field of knowledge and make relevant suggestions on the subject. The principal or corresponding author must be an authority in the area under review and must attach a bibliographic list of their contributions in the topic. Sections and subtitles will be in accordance with the author's criteria.

A summary in Spanish and one in English must be included (maximum 200 words for each one), in free format and the illustrations necessary to be strictly necessary, may contain 2 tables and 2 figures as maximum; The bibliography must be sufficient and adequate and in the manner described above. It is recommended that the number be between 40 and 60 citations for this type of articles with an age not exceeding 5 years for 75% of them.

Brief communication

The articles to be published in Brief Communications will be works of the broad field of medicine and health, original unpublished products of knowledge or observations of the author or series of short cases, as well as contributions of interest to the ANMM. The written document must not exceed 2000 words and must adhere to the instructions to the authors.

Letter to the Editor

It is a forum open to the expression of opinions regarding the content of the articles published in Gaceta Médica de México. Maximum 250 words including bibliographic references (maximum 3). In case of having a comment or reply by an author mentioned in the Letter to the Editor, the Editors will publish it simultaneously.


All papers must be submitted together with a letter signed by every author stating that those papers have not been published previously nor have they been sent simultaneously to another journal; that there is no conflict of interest; and that, in case of acceptance, copyright will be transferred ANMM.

The views expressed in the article are those of the authors.

No articles will be accepted for review if they are not prepared in accordance with the instructions for authors.



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