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WORLD JOURNAL OF CLINICAL CASES《世界临床病例报告杂志(英文版)》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/7/6 11:37:38 来源:官网信息 阅读:3205 发布者:


World Journal of Clinical Cases (WJCC, World J Clin Cases) is a high-quality, online, open-access, single-blind peer-reviewed journal published by the Baishideng Publishing Group. WJCC accepts both solicited and unsolicited manuscripts. Articles published in WJCC are high-quality, clinical, influential research articles by established academic authors as well as new researchers. The paramount objective of WJCC is to showcase and promote distinguished research in the field of clinical medicine, to help advance development of this field. The types of articles published in WJCC include Editorial, Opinion Review, Frontier, Review, Minireview, Clinical Research, Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, Evidence-based Medicine, Field of Vision, Clinical Guidelines, Letter to the Editor, and Case Report.

Guidelines for Authors



1.1 Journals List

1.2 Open-Access

1.3 Copyright

1.4 Article Processing Charge

1.5 Privacy Policy

1.6 Disclaimer Statement

1.7 Publisher

1.8 Help Desk

1.9 Website

1.10 Submit a Manuscript




4.1 Editorial

4.2 Frontier

4.3 Diagnostic Advances

4.4 Therapeutic Advances

4.5 Field of Vision

4.6 Minireview

4.7 Review

4.8 Topic Highlight

4.9 Opinion Review

4.10 Basic Study

4.11 Case Control Study

4.12 Clinical Trials Study

4.13 Observational Study

4.14 Prospective Study

4.15 Randomized Clinical Trial

4.16 Randomized Controlled Trial

4.17 Retrospective Cohort Study

4.18 Retrospective Study

4.19 Evidence-Based Medicine

4.20 Systematic Review

4.21 Meta-Analysis

4.22 Scientometrics

4.23 Case Report

4.24 Letter to the Editor



Baishideng Publishing Group (BPG) publishes 42 peer-reviewed, open-access journals covering a broad range of topics in clinical medicine, as well as several topics in biochemistry and molecular biology, relevant to human health today.

1.1 Journals List. BPG publishes the following 42 journals:

World Journal of Anesthesiology

World Journal of Biological Chemistry

World Journal of Cardiology

World Journal of Clinical Cases

World Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases

World Journal of Clinical Oncology

World Journal of Clinical Pediatrics

World Journal of Clinical Urology

World Journal of Critical Care Medicine

World Journal of Dermatology

World Journal of Diabetes

World Journal of Experimental Medicine

World Journal of Gastroenterology

World Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology

World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology

World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pharmacology and Therapeutics

World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery

World Journal of Hematology

World Journal of Hepatology

World Journal of Hypertension

World Journal of Immunology

World Journal of Medical Genetics

World Journal of Meta-Analysis

World Journal of Methodology

World Journal of Nephrology

World Journal of Neurology

World Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology

World Journal of Ophthalmology

World Journal of Orthopedics

World Journal of Otorhinolaryngology

World Journal of Pharmacology

World Journal of Psychiatry

World Journal of Radiology

World Journal of Respirology

World Journal of Rheumatology

World Journal of Stem Cells

World Journal of Stomatology

World Journal of Surgical Procedures

World Journal of Translational Medicine

World Journal of Transplantation

World Journal of Virology

1.2 Open-Access. All articles published by BPG are selected by an in-house editor and fully peer-reviewed by external reviewers. BPG applies the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon the published works non-commercially, and license the derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is properly cited and the use is non-commercial. See: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/

1.3 Copyright. Copyright belongs to the author(s) for all articles published by BPG. All rights are reserved.

1.4 Article Processing Charge. For detailed information, please visit: https://www.wjgnet.com/bpg/gerinfo/242

1.5 Privacy Policy. BPG is committed to the protection of your personal information. BPG’s privacy policy applies only to information collected by BPG through the www.wjgnet.com website. For details about the privacy policy, please visit: https://www.wjgnet.com/bpg/gerinfo/269

1.6 Disclaimer Statement. All articles published in journals owned by BPG represent the views and opinions of their authors, and not the views, opinions or policies of BPG, except where explicitly indicated otherwise.

1.7 Publisher. Baishideng Publishing Group Inc,  7041 Koll Center Parkway, Suite 160, Pleasanton, CA 94566, USA. bpgoffice@wjgnet.com

1.8 Help Desk. For details, please visit: https://www.f6publishing.com/helpdesk

1.9 Website. For details, please visit: https://www.wjgnet.com

1.10 Submit a Manuscript. For details, please visit the F6Publishing system at: https://www.f6publishing.com


Upon submission of any manuscript for consideration for publication in a journal published by the BPG, the scientific editor first performs a search of the Web of Science, Google and/or PubMed databases to determine the topical relevance and timeliness of the manuscript’s content as well as to make an initial assessment of potential academic misconduct related to the general features of the study and/or topical content. The results of this initial review are either approval to enter into the peer-review process or rejection. The first step in the peer-review process involves delivery of the manuscript to 1 to 3 external reviewers with expertise in the paper’s topic and/or field. The reviewers are allotted a period of 14 to 28 d in which to thoughtfully assess the manuscript and return comments to the editorial office, at which time the editorial director conducts a decision-making meeting to assess the reviewers’ comments. Manuscripts that have received positive comments and meet the general publication requirements of BPG and any specific requirements of the particular journal are forwarded directly to the editor-in-chief, who provides signatory approval recommending that the manuscript is “To Be Accepted”. If the manuscript fails to meet the high-quality standard assessed by the peer-reviewers or does not meet the BPG and/or journal-specific criteria, it is rejected. All manuscripts recommended for acceptance must pass a final review by the editor-in-chief before they are officially accepted for publication and entered into the production phase.


Step 1 Manuscript reception and registration

Step 2 Initial review by scientific editor

Step 3 Peer-review

Step 4 End of peer-review

Step 5 First round of meeting evaluation

Step 6 To be accepted

Step 7 Revision by the author(s)

Step 8 Second round of meeting evaluation

Step 9 To be accepted/revised/rejected

Step 10 Final review by the Editor-in-Chief (final quality control for academic content and language quality)

Step 11 Final acceptance and charging of publication fee

Step 12 Language editing

Step 13 Production

Step 14 Proofreading by Scientific Editor

Step 15 Proofreading by Deputy Editor

Step 16 Final review by Editor-in-Chief

Step 17 Release of online open-access papers in electronic form on the BPG website

Step 18 Release of online papers on PubMed Central

Step 19 Delivery of high-quality PDF reprints to the author(s)

Step 20 End of the publication process


The following manuscript type will be published in the BPG series journals:

4.1 Editorial. Editorial board members are invited to make comments on an important topic in their field, regarding its current research status and future directions that will promote development of this discipline. The detailed writing requirements of Editorial can be found at: https://www.wjgnet.com/bpg/GerInfo/214

4.2 Frontier. Highly influential scientists are invited to write a Frontier article select a highly cited, cutting-edge original paper of his/her own and summarize the major findings, the problems that have been resolved and remain to be resolved, and the future research directions, in order to help readers understand his/her important academic point of view and perspectives on the directions of research in their field. The detailed writing requirements for the Frontier article can be found at: https://www.wjgnet.com/bpg/GerInfo/216






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