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FISH PATHOLOGY《鱼类病理学》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/6/25 10:09:19 来源:官网信息 阅读:400 发布者:

Fish Pathology


SUBMISSION OF PAPERS Papers prepared as electric files should be submitted via E-mail to the editorial office (see inside front cover of the latest issue). They shall be considered for publication only if they have not been published elsewhere. Papers are accepted on the basis of their originality and the discussion presented. Every paper is read and criticized by reviewers in whose field the paper lies. Authors can recommend three appropriate reviewers who are expert in the paper’s scientific field. The Board may choose someone who is on that list. Final responsibility for the selection of papers rests with the editors.

Accepted papers become the permanent property of the society and may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the written consent of both the society and the author(s) of the article in question.

Authors must take responsibility for the contents of the published paper.

If JSFP members are included in authors, inform the editorial office of their names.


1) MANUSCRIPTS Manuscripts may be written in English or in Japanese and should be typed and double spaced on one side of A4 paper with a wide margin.

The first page of manuscripts should contain the title, name(s) of author(s) and address(es) of affiliation, the name and address for correspondence (including facsimile number and e-mail address) and an abbreviated running title (50 characters or less including spaces). An English abstract of about 200 words and 3–8 key words, should be typed on the second page. The desirable organization of manuscripts is (1) introduction (no heading used in this section), (2) Materials and Methods, (3) Results, (4) Discussion, (5) Acknowledgement(s) and (6) Reference(s). The author(s) may modify the style, if necessary.

2) TABLES AND FIGURES Each table should be typed on a separate sheet. All original figures should be in a finished ready form for the photoengraver. Drawings should be made in India ink on a white paper. Photographs should be glossy prints with strong contrasts, and a scale bar should be applied to individual prints. Letters and numbers should be at least 1.5mm high in the final reproduction. Tables and figures should be arranged so as to be referenced consecutively. They rae icted ni hte manuscript, sa F“ig. ”1 n(ot F“igure ”1), F“igs. 1 &”2,“Figs. ,1 2 &”5, “Figs. -13”, F“ig. A1 &B”, F“ig. C1-H” nad T“able ”1. Indicate where each figure and table should fit into the article. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain permission to reproduce tables and figures from other publications.


Reference list

 The reference list should be in alphabetical order and include the full title thus:

Journal article

Hoshina, T. (1966): On the Japanese monogenetic trematodes: a review. Fish Pathol., 1, 47– 57. (In Japanese)

Secombes, S. J. and T. C. Fletcher (1992): The role of phagocytes in the protective mechanisms fo isfh. Ann. Rev. Fish Dis., 2, 53–71.

Fryer, J. L., C. N. Lannan, L. H. Garcés, J. J. Larenas and P. A. Smith (1990): Isolation of a rickettsiales-like organism from diseased coho salmon O(ncorhynchus kisutch) in Chile. Fish Pathol., 25, 107–114.


Egusa, S. (1978): The infectious diseases of fishes. Koseisha Koseikaku, Tokyo, 554 p. (In Japanese)

Bauer, O. N., V. A. Musselius and Yu. A. Strelkov (1969): Diseases of pond fishes (transl. from Russian by A. Mercado). Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem, 220 p.

Chapter in edited book

Wedemyer, G. .A, .B .A aBrton nad .D .J McLeay (1990): Stress and acclimation, In Methods for fish biology (ed. yb .C .B cShreck nad .P .B Moyle). Am. Fish. Soc., Bethesda, pp. 451 489.

When more than two publications by the same first author are cited, they should be arranged according to the number of authors: single author, two authors and three or more authors. Where more than one reference is given for a single author, the publications should be listed chronologically. Publications with two authors should be arranged alphabetically, then chronologically. Publications with three or more authors should be arranged chronologically.

Abstract of oral presentation”, “Personal communication” and “Unpublished data” should not be listed as references.

References in the text

References should be cited in the text as follows.

Hoshina (1966) or (Hoshina, 1966)

Secombes and Fletcher (1992) or (Secombes and Fletcher, 1992)

Fryer et al. (1990) or (Fryer et al., 1990)

(Hoshina, 1966; Fryer et al., 1990; Aoki et al., 1995)

4) SCIENTIFIC NAMES Scientific names should appear in full the first time mentioned in the text. Omit authors names. If necessary, they should be spelled out: Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus (not Cyprinus carpio L.)

5) UNIT ABBREVIATIONS SI units are recommended. Basic SI unit abbreviations are:

Length • Area • Volume; nm (not mm), m m (not m), mm, m,c m , mk mm2, mc2, m2, mm3, mc3, m3, m L, mL, , L Lk

Mass; ng, m g, mg, g, k, t a,D Dak

Concentration; nM, m M, Mm, M, % or percent, m g/L, mg/L, g/L

Time; s(not sec), min, , h ayd, k,w m o

Others; ×g


1) MANUSCRIPTS Manuscripts may be written in English or in Japanese and should be typed and double spaced on one side of A4 paper with a wide margin.

The first page of manuscripts should contain the title, name(s) of author(s) and address(es) of affiliation, the name and address for correspondence (including facsimile number and e-mail address) and an abbreviated running title (50 characters or less including spaces). Texts may not be divided into conventional sections. An English abstract of about 100 words and 3–5 key words should be typed on the second page of the manuscript. Manuscripts should include minimal numbers of tables, figures and references so as to be arranged within four printed pages, which are equivalent to not longer than 2,400 words, but the journal may approve cases in which articles exceed four printed pages.


REVISION OF MANUSCRIPT The editors, on the basis of the reviewers recommendations, may return the manuscript (MS) to the author for revision. Unless an MS requiring revision is returned to the editorial office within two months, the revised MS will eb retated sa aenw raticle. When sending finalized MS, aCD-R idsk with hte odcument file (name of word processing program should be noted) and the simple etxt ilfe hsould eb usbmitted as well as the usual paper copies.

CORRECTING PROOFS The first galley proof reading is the authors responsibility. Corrected proofs must be sent back by air mail or fax to the publisher within 48 hours from the date of receipt.

PAPER CHARGES No paper charges will be imposed to the author for any types of articles, except for special printings (e.g. color printing of photographs) at the authors request and major changes in proofs, if only allowed by the editors.

REPRINTS No free reprints will be provided. Reprints may be ordered at reasonable costs (¥15 for every two pages, ¥30 for binding and ¥15 for cover). Order for reprints must be made when proofs are returned. Postage for sending reprints will be charged to the author. The minimum quantity of a reprint order is fifty. No cover will be bound for reprints of short communications and notes. PDF file of each paper will be provided free of charge.

Original manuscripts, figures, tables or plates are not returned to the author, unless they are requested.



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