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FISHERY BULLETIN《渔业通报》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/6/25 9:50:01 来源:官网信息 阅读:380 发布者:

Fishery Bulletin

Guidelines for authors

Contributions published in Fishery Bulletin describe original research in marine fishery science, fishery engineering and economics, and marine environmental and ecological sciences (including modeling). Preference will be given to manuscripts that examine processes and underlying patterns. Descriptive reports, surveys, and observational papers may occasionally be published but should appeal to an audience outside the locale in which the study was conducted.

Although all contributions are subject to peer review, responsibility for the contents of papers rests upon the authors and not on the editor or publisher. Submission of an article implies that the article is original and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.

All submissions are subject to a double-blind review to remove the identity of author and reviewer during the review process.

Plagiarism and double publication are considered serious breaches of publication ethics. To verify the originality of the research in papers and to identify possible previous publication, manuscripts may be screened with plagiarism-detection software.

Manuscripts must be written in English; authors whose native language is not English are strongly advised to have their manuscripts checked by English-speaking colleagues before submission.

Once a paper has been accepted for publication, online publication takes approximately 2 weeks.

There is no cost for publication in Fishery Bulletin.

Types of manuscripts accepted by the journal

Articles generally range from 20 to 30 double-spaced typed pages (12-point font) and describe an original contribution to fisheries science, engineering, or economics. Tables and figures are not included in this page count, but the number of figures should not exceed 1 figure for every 4 pages of text. Articles contain the following divisions: abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusions.

Notes are generally less than 10 double-spaced typed pages (12-point font), including the Literature cited section. Like articles, notes describe an original contribution to fisheries science. They follow a format similar to that for articles: abstract, introduction, methods, results, and discussion, but the results and discussion sections may be combined and a conclusions section should not be included. They should include no more than 2 figures or tables (2 of each would be too many). They are distinguished from full articles in that they report a noteworthy new observation or discovery—such as the first report of a new species, a unique finding, condition, or event that expands our knowledge of fisheries science, engineering, or economics—and do not require a lengthy discussion. Manuscripts on range extensions will not be considered.

Companion articles should be submitted together and are published together as a scientific contribution. Both articles should address a closely related topic and may be articles that result from a workshop or conference.

Review articles of exceptional quality may be considered occasionally for publication on a case-by-case basis. They address a timely topic that is relevant to aspects of fisheries science. They should include an abstract, but the format of the article, per se, will be up to the author. Please contact the Scientific Editor to discuss your ideas regarding a potential review article before embarking on such a project.

Preparation of manuscript

Title page should include authors’ full names, mailing addresses, and the senior author’s email address.

Abstract should be limited to 200 words (one-half typed page), state the main scope of the research, and emphasize the authors’ conclusions and relevant findings. Do not review the methods of the study or list the contents of the paper. Because abstracts are circulated by abstracting agencies, it is important that they represent the research clearly and concisely.

General text must be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font throughout. A brief introduction should convey the broad significance of the paper; the remainder of the paper should be divided into the following sections: Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, and Acknowledgments. Headings within each section must be short, reflect a logical sequence, and follow the rules of subdivision (i.e., there can be no subdivision without at least 2 subheadings). The entire text should be intelligible to interdisciplinary readers; therefore, all acronyms, abbreviations, and technical terms should be written out in full and defined the first time they are mentioned. Abbreviations should be used sparingly because they are not carried over to indexing databases and slow readability for those readers outside a discipline. They should never be used for the main subject (species, method) of a paper.

For general style, follow the U.S. Government Publishing Office Style Manual (2016, available at website) and Scientific Style and Format: the CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers (2014, 8th ed.) published by the Council of Science Editors. For scientific nomenclature, use the current edition of the American Fisheries Society’s Common and Scientific Names of Fishes from the United States, Canada, and Mexico and its companion volumes 2 Fishery Bulletin

(Crustaceans, Mollusks, Cnidaria and Ctenophora, and World Fishes Important to North Americans). For species not found in the above mentioned AFS publications and for more recent changes in nomenclature, use the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS, available at website), or, secondarily, the California Academy of Sciences Catalog of Fishes (available at website) for species names not included in ITIS. Common (vernacular) names of species should be lowercase. Citations must be given for the identification of specimens. For example, “Fish species were identified according to Collette and Klein-MacPhee (2002); sponges were identified according to Stone et al. (2011).”

Dates should be written as follows: 11 November 2018. Measurements should be expressed in metric units, for example, “58 metric tons (t);” if other units of measurement are used, please make this fact explicit to the reader. Use numerals, not words, to express whole and decimal numbers in the general text, tables, and figure captions (except at the beginning of a sentence). For example, “We considered 3 hypotheses. We collected 7 samples in this location.” Use American spelling. Refrain from using the shorthand slash (/), an ambiguous symbol, in the general text.

Cite all software, special equipment, and chemical solutions used in the study within parentheses in the general text, for example, “SAS, vers. 6.03 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC).”






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