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2021/6/3 8:58:00 来源:官网信息 阅读:402 发布者:


Author Guidelines

Latest information regarding submission

Editor's Instructions (How to prepare your manuscript) is updated.

Preprint policy is added to the Author Guidelines

Authors can submit to Neuropathology online at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/neu

All authors need to be registered as authors at the submission site, at Step 3 "Authors & institutions".

From 2014 Neuropathology has ceased publishing print copies and will be available to readers in electronic format 'online only'

Accepted authors may choose to publish using Wiley's Open Access option.

Invited articles such as symposium articles are published as Free Access. Authors are advised not to choose Online Open for invited articles since they can already be read online for free.

A Covering Letter and Disclosure Statement should be included in new submissions

Neuropathology has adopted CrossCheck plagiarism software.

Authors from Japan, Korea, and China often use Greek letters in symbol font, or use full-width symbols by typing “alpha”, “beta” in Japanese and then converting the input into full-width symbols “α”, “β”, and the like.  However, authors are requested not to use those fonts.  Make sure to use special characters of English font such as Times New Roman, or the like.


Neuropathology is the international journal of the Japanese Society of Neuropathology and publishes original papers dealing with all aspects of human and experimental neuropathology, and related fields of research. The journal aims to encourage the international exchange of results and encourages authors from all countries to submit papers in the following categories: Original Articles, Case Reports, Occasional Reviews, Editorials and Letters to the Editor.


The acceptance criteria for all papers are the quality and originality of the research and its significance to our readership. Manuscripts are accepted whether or not the author is a member of the Japanese Society of Neuropathology and on the understanding that the content has not been published or accepted for publication elsewhere. All materials submitted for publication, including solicited articles, are subject to editorial review and revision. Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two reviewers. Authors may suggest the names of potential referees; the Editor-in-Chief will try to honor these requests. The Editorial Board reserves the right to refuse any material for publication and final acceptance or rejection rests with the Board.

Manuscripts should be written so that they are intelligible to the professional reader who is not a specialist in the particular field. Where contributions are judged as acceptable for publication on the basis of scientific content, the Editor or the Publisher reserve the right to modify typescripts to eliminate ambiguity and repetition and improve communication between author and reader. If extensive alterations are required, the manuscript will be returned to the author for revision.

All articles submitted to the journal must comply with these instructions. Failure to do so will result in return of the manuscript and possible delay in publication.

ORCID : As part of our commitment to supporting authors at every step of the publishing process, Neuropathology requires the submitting author (only) to provide an ORCID iD when submitting a manuscript. This takes around 2 minutes to complete. Find more information.

Publication Ethics: This journal is a member of and subscribes to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics.


Accepted papers will be passed to Wiley’s production team for publication. The author identified as the formal corresponding author for the paper will receive an email prompting them to login into Wiley’s Author Services, where via the Wiley Author Licensing Service (WALS) they will be asked to complete an electronic license agreement on behalf of all authors on the paper.

Authors may to publish using the journal's standard copyright transfer agreement (CTA), or they may choose to publish 'Open Access' with a Creative Commone licence.

Standard Copyright Transfer Agreement: FAQs about the terms and conditions of the standard CTA in place for the journal, including terms regarding archiving of the accepted version of the paper, are available at: CTA Terms and Conditions FAQs

Wiley's Open Access Option

Open Access is available to authors of articles who wish to make their article freely available to all on Wiley Online Library under a Creative Commons licence. In addition, authors of Open Access articles are permitted to post the final, published PDF of their article on a website, institutional repository or other free public server, immediately on publication. With Open Access the author, the author's funding agency, or the author's institution pays a fee to ensure that the article is made open access, known as ‘gold road’ open access.

Open Access licenses. Authors choosing Open Access retain copyright in their article and have a choice of publishing under the following Creative Commons License terms: Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY); Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (CC BY NC); Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial-NoDerivs License (CC BY NC ND).

For more information about the Open Access license terms and conditions click here.

Funder Open Access and Self-Archiving Compliance: Please click here for more information on Wiley’s compliance with specific Funder Open Access and Self Archiving Policies (including NIH and Wellcome Trust), and click here for more detailed information specially about Self-Archiving definitions and policies.


Please find the Wiley preprint policy here.

This journal accepts articles previously published on preprint servers.

Neuropathology will consider for review articles previously available as preprints. You may also post the submitted version of a manuscript to a preprint server at any time. You are requested to update any pre-publication versions with a link to the final published article.


[IMPORTANT] Please read "How to prepare your manuscript" very carefully before preparing your manuscript. If you fail to comply with each item in the instruction, the editor may make significant corrections during the proofing stage.

On submission, the author should choose an appropriate category of the manuscript among the following: (1) Original article; (2) Case Report; (3) Occasional review; (4) Symposium; (5) Special lecture; (6) Letters to the Editor; (7) Memorial; and (8) Others.

Covering letter

Please address the following items in your covering letter:

Papers are accepted for publication in the journal on the understanding that the content has not been published or concurrently submitted for publication elsewhere. This must be stated in the covering letter.

In keeping with the latest guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (http://www.icmje.org/), each author’s contribution to the paper is to be quantified.

Authors should declare any financial support or relationships that may pose conflict of interest.

Ethical considerations

Authors must state that the protocol for the research project has been approved by a suitably constituted Ethics Committee of the institution within which the work was undertaken and that it conforms to the provisions of the Declaration of Helsinki (as revised in Brazil 2013), available at https://www.wma.net/policies-post/wma-declaration-of-helsinki-ethical-principles-for-medical-research-involving-human-subjects/.

All investigations on human subjects must include a statement that the subject gave informed consent and patient anonymity should be preserved.

Any experiments involving animals must be demonstrated to be ethically acceptable and where relevant conform to the guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals.

In the case of research involving recombinant DNA, experiments should be carried out according to the guidelines issued by the authorized agency in the country in which the research was carried out.

Search Engine Optimization for your paper

Authors are encouraged to consult Wiley’s SEO Tips for Authors page (http://www.wiley.com/legacy/wileyblackwell/pdf/SEOforAuthorsLINKSrev.pdf) in order to maximize online discoverability for your published research. Included are tips for making your title and abstract SEO-friendly, choosing appropriate keywords, and promoting your research through social media.

Pre-acceptance English-language editing

Authors are responsible for the linguistic accuracy of their manuscripts. Ensure your paper is clearly written in standard, scientific English language appropriate to your discipline.

Article Preparation Support

Wiley Editing Services offers expert help with English Language Editing, as well as translation, manuscript formatting, figure illustration, figure formatting, and graphical abstract design – so you can submit your manuscript with confidence.

Also, check out our resources for Preparing Your Article for general guidance about writing and preparing your manuscript.


Authors are required to provide submit their manuscript electronically. Two files should be supplied: the covering letter and the manuscript (in Word or rich text format (.rtf)). Additional figures, tables and images should be supplied as separate files. Authors must supply an email address as all correspondence will be by email.

Please refer to the Editor’s Instructions and the points below to prepare your manuscript.


Spelling. The journal uses US spelling and authors should therefore follow the latest edition of the Merriam–Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary.

Measurements. All measurements must be given in SI units as outlined in the latest edition of Units, Symbols and Abbreviations: A Guide for Medical and Scientific Editors and Authors (Royal Society of Medicine Press, London). Statistics and measurements should always be given in figures, for example 10 mm, except where the number begins the sentence. When the number does not refer to a unit of measurement, it is spelt out, except where the number is greater than nine.

Abbreviations should be used sparingly and only where they ease the reader’s task by reducing repetition of long, technical terms. Initially use the word in full (unless this is a common abbreviation; please check the list at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/societyimages/neu/abbreviations_acronyms.pdf), followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Thereafter use the abbreviation.

Drug and chemical names. At the first mention of a chemical substance, give the generic name only. Trade names should not be used. Drugs should be referred to by their generic names, rather than brand names

Footnotes to the text are not allowed and any such material should be incorporated into the text as parenthetical matter.

Parts of the manuscript

Original Articles should be presented in the following order: (i) Title page; (ii) Abstract and key words page;(iii) Text (INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, ACKOWLEDGMENTS, including Fundings, DISCLOSURE, including COI, and REFERENCES); (iv) Tables; (v) LEGENDS FOR FIGURES; and (vi) FIGURES.

#Note: If necessary, the author can arrange subchapter titles and the following subchapter paragraphs in METRIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS, and DISCUSSION.

Case reports should be presented in the following order: (i) Title page; (ii) Abstract and key words page; (iii) Text (INTRODUCTION, CLINICAL SUMMARY or CASE PRESENTATION, PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS, DISCUSSION, ACKOWLEDGMENTS, including Fundings, DISCLOSURE, including COI, REFERENCES); (iv) Tables, (v) LEGENDS FOR FIGURES, and (vi) FIGURES.

#Note: If necessary, the author can arrange subchapter titles and the following subchapter paragraphs, such as METHODS (Pathological examination, Western blot analysis, Gene analysis, and so on) and RESULTS (Pathological findings, Western blotting findings, Genetic findings, and so on).

Occasional review, Symposium, Special lecture, Letters to the Editor, Memorial, and Others should be presented appropriate styles in accordance with its category.

Title page

The title page should contain (i) the complete title of the paper, (ii) the full names of the authors and (iii) the addresses of the institutions at which the work was carried out together with (iv) the full contact details of the author to whom correspondence about the manuscript, proofs and requests for offprints should be sent. The title should be short, informative and contain the major key words. A short running title (less than 40 characters, including spaces) should also be provided.

Korean, Chinese and Japanese corresponding authors names can be written in their native languages. Corresponding author names should be written in his/her native language after English name, enclosed in brackets.

Abstract and key words

Articles must have an abstract that states in 300 words or fewer the purpose, basic procedures, main findings and principal conclusions of the study. The abstract should not contain references. Five key words (for the purposes of indexing) should be supplied below the abstract and should be taken from those recommended by the US National Library of Medicine’s Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) browser list (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/meshhome.html).


Introduction: This section should include sufficient background information to set the work in context. The aims of the manuscript should be clearly stated.

Materials and Methods: This should be concise but provide sufficient detail to allow the work to be repeated by others. The source of material should be given in detail, where possible. Ethical considerations should be detailed.

Results: Results should be presented in a logical sequence in the text, tables and figures; repetitive presentation of the same data in different forms should be avoided.

Discussion: This should consider the results in relation to any hypotheses advanced in the introduction and place the study in the context of other work.






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