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2021/5/26 15:34:21 来源:官网信息 阅读:972 发布者:

CJASN Instructions for Authors

CJASN is a monthly publication of the American Society of Nephrology (ASN). It was first published in 2006.

Scope of Publication: The goals of CJASN’s articles are to (1) rapidly and effectively communicate the most important advances in clinical and translational research in nephrology, including innovations in research methods and care delivery; (2) put these advances in context for future research directions and patient care; and (3) become an important voice on every issue that potentially affects the clinical practice of nephrology, particularly in the United States. Topic areas and descriptions are available in “Author Resources” at www.cjasn.org. All manuscripts must be submitted online through Manuscript Central at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/cjasn.

CJASN considers the following categories of articles:

Original Research Articles: This is the primary article type published in the journal and is limited to results of research studies undertaken in humans with kidney diseases, metabolism, hypertension, and other kidney-related issues such as physiology and pharmacology.

CJASN encourages trainees to submit manuscripts for consideration in the annual CJASN Trainee of the Year prize contest. This competition recognizes outstanding original work done by trainees in the early stages of their careers in nephrology. For eligibility criteria and additional details, please visit https://cjasn.asnjournals.org/page/trainees/CJASNTrainee.

Research Letters: These are concise reports of innovative methods applied to, or results of, clinical research in humans with kidney diseases and hypertension.

Expedited Reports: Authors who believe that their findings are of unusual interest or importance to nephrology may request that their manuscript be considered for accelerated review and publication.

Please contact Natalie Ngo, Managing Editor, at nngo@asn-online.org, to determine if the submission meets the criteria for Expedited Reports at CJASN.

Invited Articles: These are invited by the editors, and specific instructions are sent with the invitations. The invited article categories are listed below with brief descriptions. If an author is interested in submitting invited material, please email the manuscript title, category, abstract and/or outline of interest to nngo@asn-online.org for editorial consideration.

Kidney Case Conference (How I Treat): These articles are intended to help clinicians apply current knowledge at the bedside.

Perspectives: These are succinct articles on a wide range of issues with the potential to impact the clinical practice of nephrology.

Reviews: These articles summarize the current state of research on a given topic previously conducted in primary sources.

Editorials, Patient Voices, and Series: These articles are submitted by invitation only.






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